Hi everyone!
Cats Who Play Company proudly presents Syrian Warfare, a game based on real events that take place in the Middle East at the moment. Events hugely important and significant.
So, why Syria, and why now?
Games nowadays are not just fun. They represent another medium, another way to convey information to the audience, often more approachably than even most detailed analytical articles and news stories. We want to use this medium to show what has happened in the Middle East and what is happening now.
Our goal is not to push propaganda, but tell a real story through a good game.
We want to make a game showing significance of the brave battle of the
civilized world against the evil, and we think we are on the right track!
Why are we collecting money?
We are not new to the industry, and we realise that creating good games costs money. If you want your game to reach out to a wider audience, it has to be of exceptional quality. Our current budget allows us to release a basic version of the game. However, with your help we can make the product better in terms of graphics and details, raise its overall quality, extend missions and units, and add extra sounds and music.
We would like to mention that we have chosen a flexible funding, but each backer will get the game's Steam key and other rewards, according to their chosen "perk", no matter whether we achieve the stated goal to raise funds or not.
Note: It took less one week for Syrian Warfare to get "greenlight" on Steam Greenlight!
What kind of a game is it?
Syrian Warfare is a real time strategy with a high degree of realism. This game is not about a base construction or units production. The player will have to determine their forces characteristics before they go into action. And during the mission they would be able to select reinforcements in order to support the troopers.
The troops and machinery crews move from mission to mission and gain experience, which helps them increase their effectiveness.
Trophies captures by the player on the battlefield can be used throughout the whole campaign.
Importantly enough, there are no «life bars» for vehicles in the game. Damages are calculated by taking into account the protection module and the power of adverse factors. Inflicted damages affect the functioning of the module. ![]()
In the battle field, it is impossible to repair the armor, but one can
repair the modules by using a limited stock of spare parts.
By the way, ammunition and fuel are also limited.
A system of high-quality physical demolition of buildings and other objects is used in the game (it does not only look spectacular, but it has a serious influence on the tactics during the missions, especially in urban areas).
The game has a wide set of tactical possibilities: storming of buildings,usage of smokescreens, infantry lift by helicopters and APC/IFV, air strike calls, capturing of trophy weapons and equipment, usage of heat flares and active defence complexes.
And of course the story itself. We will try to show the conflict not from a point of view of a general, located somewhere at the ‘top’. No, it will be a story of a man, who lived in the country that descended into hell. A story of struggle, loss and regained hope.
This game does not claim to be a history lesson, but it shows the
course of the war in all its seriousness through the major milestones,
from the first days till the latest important victories over terror.
When will the game be released?
We plan to release the game in autumn via Steam (for Windows OS). We are already mapping out the missions, gradually completing the graphics and will soon start recording the sound.
Preliminary system requirements:
OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1 GHz) / AMD A10 5800k (3.8 GHz)
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GT 440 (1024 MB) / Radeon HD 4890 (1024 MB)
Hard Drive: 10 GB
OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1 GHz) / AMD A10 5800k (3.8 GHz)
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 760 (2048 MB) / Radeon R9 270X (2048 MB)
Hard Drive: 10 GB
How can you help?
We are counting on your support! If you are not willing to invest in our venture, please tell your friends about the project and use the Indiegogo share tools for make some noise about it.
That way we can realize our masterplan! Let's give it a go!