Don't let the flexible goal scare you away. I chose flexible because we are backing NO MATTER WHAT! We were committed to that from day one, we want these books in peoples hands. And they will be!
Knuckle Supper Studios is an indie comics publisher that wants to make comics fun again. Remember the 80's indie boom? That's what we want to bring back. Escapism with no morals or PC BS, etc jammed down your throat. Entertainment is the goal, and that's what's going to keep you coming back. Good stories, good art, good times.
In keeping with our love of 80's comics, we've decided to go with newsprint books. The books will look amazing and modern while having that throw-back, retro feel. Not only that, it allows us to set the books at a much lower cover price giving backers more bang for their buck!
Tales From Neroesville: Issues 1 - 3
TFN is a book with no singular star. The city itself serves as the backdrop for our entire universe with different stars and story types in each arc.
Neroesville has the highest population of Heroes of any city in the world. Awesome! It also has the most Villains. Not so awesome. Living here is unlike living anywhere else. Every day is an adventure. Here's hoping you live to tell about it!
Get in on the ground floor with the first 3 issues of Tales From Neroesville!
An object of unparalleled power has been located and the criminal kingpin Lord Sinisterio wants it for himself. If he manages to get the object and translate the ancient text, the world will tremble beneath his rule. Neroesville’s greatest heroes have been gathered to thwart Sinisterio and his army. Unfortunately for AirBall and LightningDoug, they didn’t make the cut, but that doesn’t mean they won’t end up right in the middle of the action!
While Neroesville’s greatest heroes are in hot pursuit of the object, our lovable losers, AirBall and LightningDoug, find themselves consistently and accidentally one step ahead of them. Meanwhile, Lord Sinisterio is preparing to recite the ancient text and gain omnipotence. Will AirBall and LightningDoug save the day? Better question: will they survive the day?
The street gangs have taken over the Allister Pointe Pier section of Neroesville. The police have their hands full with the super-powered criminal activity. So who, or what, will step in and take care of the thugs making life Hell on the Pier?
You help us create awesome comic books, and we'll put them in your hands. It's a win-win!
Tired of big publishers throwing politics at you rather than focusing on quality comics? Yeah, us too.
So we're taking a cue from the 80's Indie boom, creating comics full of zany action, wacky characters, and general @$$-kickery!
Comics should be an escape from real life. Ours are. Welcome to Neroesville!
This campaign is the first of many. It's the culmination of a life-long passion and almost 20 years of working toward that dream. This is what we've always wanted to do, ALL we've ever wanted to do. Until now, without you, it hasn't been possible. Support our dream and we'll give you the comics you want and deserve. The type of books the big publishers don't seem to want to publish anymore. But we can't do it without your help and support.
What We Need & What You Get
Here's one thing that differentiates us from other comic books on IGG; these books are DONE and ready for print! The $2500 goal is not to complete the art on the books on THIS campaign, it's to pay for printing this campaign's books, while also funding illustrating the next TFN campaign. This business model keeps us one step ahead of the game and assures our backers get the books that much faster.
The art, coloring, lettering, etc is DONE. Not only for the main stories, but for the Stretch Goal shorts as well. Aside from advertisements to be added post-campaign, these books are ready to go to print. Reliability. That's another thing Knuckle Supper Studios offers it's backers.
With the books already at 64 pages in the first 3 issues, stretch goals could put the books at at least a total of at least 91 pages. WOW, what a bargain!
Help us help you
We enjoy making these books, but we're not making them for ourselves. We're making them for you. And we can't do it without your support. Help us follow our passion and we'll deliver quality, entertaining comics. That's our promise to you. Comics are meant to be an escape from real life; not a lesson on morality, political correctness, identity politics, etc. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. We're here to help you forget about it for a little bit.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't afford to contribute? No worries. Please consider sharing this campaign on your social medias. Remember: Sharing is caring! Check out the IndieGoGo share tools to make it easier. Every little bit helps and is appreciated!
Thanks, The KSS Crew
Pages 1 and 2 of issue 1
Pages 3 and 4 of issue 1
Pages 1 and 2 of issue 2
Pages 3 and 4 of issue 2
Pages 1 and 2 of issue 3
Pages 3 and 4 of issue 3
Dennis Fujitake autographed pencil/ink pinup & autographed Dalgoda #1