(it will be orchestrated on the album!!!)
Can't wait to work with these lovely talented artists!!!
September 3rd update:
Had a meeting with the producer and met with Darcy, the head of the
string quartet group called Squid Inc. They were in the studio warming
up for a recording sessions. This is where I'll be recording my album
once I reach the $25,000!!! Every little bit helps! Thank you to all
that have already contributed!!! I'm so blessed =)
About the Album
My name is Tara O'Brien and I'm so happy to share with you this huge project! You will be addicted to this 4th, full-length album with 12 original pieces! This album is four years in the making!!! My first three albums were all solo piano but I'm pushing this one to the next level.
I am classically trained, and have an undeniable love for piano, but
have found myself looking for more. I have always had a love for
classical music and classical instruments and feel I have taken them and
turned them into a modern and unique sound. The last four years have
been spent pushing my limits and putting myself outside of my comfort
8 out of the 12 pieces are orchestrated, meaning I've written and arranged all the parts for over 15 other musicians (i.e. violin, viola, cello, contra-bass, double bass, harp, flute, piccolo, french horn, marimba, vibraphone, glockenspiel, celesta, synthesizer, steel drum, oboe, and bass clarinet). Needless to say, it's going to be amazing!
The working title of the new album is "Unchained," stemming from life events that have led me to want to free myself of barriers I've created while growing up. The image that comes to mind while playing the actual piece Unchained is a very dark one. I see myself in the middle of a dark desert, literally chained to the ground. And the whole piece is about trying to "un-chain" myself from everything that's always held me back. This album is really about dropping all my walls and sharing the deepest part of me.
I will be working with an amazing group called Squid Inc, a renown string quartet group in the Bay area, as well as many other musicians.
As soon as the funding goal is reached, I will be able to step foot in the infamous recording studio!! I'm hoping the album will be recorded this year and available by late 2014 or early 2015!
SOOO with a little bit of this... and a little bit of that...
+ ![]()
1. Holiday Love - piano, violin, french horn, synthesizer
2. Mesmerizing - piano, flute, violin 1/2, marimba, drums
3. On Cloud 9 - piano
4. The Storm - piano, flute, piccolo, violin 1/2, viola, cello, contra bass, double bass, glockenspiel, harp, vibraphone, french horn, steel drums!!
5. Torn Apart - piano
6. Something Sweet - piano, flute, french horn, vibraphone, double bass
7. Hurting - piano, violin, cello
8. Frustrated - piano, violin, viola, contra bass, flute, harp
9. A Maelstrom of Notes - piano, drums
10. A Dark Waltz - piano, clarinet, oboe, cello, violin, vibraphone, glockenspiel
11. Unsettled Heart - piano
12. Unchained - piano, violin, cello, contra bass, glockenspiel, celesta, harp
A Little Background
I have been playing since the age of 4, and began writing at the age of 16. I am classically trained, but have a desire to
modernize the classical sound. In 2010, I graduated with a B.M in Music Therapy from Chapman University. I have released three albums: Cascade, Petites Inspirations, and My Love For You, all available on iTunes and Pandora!
Where it will be recorded:Fantasy studios is a
world-renowned recording facility located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Fantasy continues to be one of the most requested recording studios on
the West Coast with an extensive selection of microphones, outboard
gear, instruments, and natural echo chambers. Their facility is
comprised of three legendary recording and mixing rooms. They also have two concert quality grand pianos (that's the
important part for me!)
This is where Indiegogo fits in the picture. If you believe in me as an artist, you can invest directly in this project to make it become reality! Because I am not with a label company, raising funds through Indiegogo allows me to create exactly the music I'm dreaming to share with all of you!
I am looking to raise
$25,000 during the next 60 days.
How the Funds Will be Used:
Breakdown: • Production
• Recording
• Mixing and mastering
• Sound engineer
AND! • Paying additional amazingly talented musicians (violin, cello, viola, contra- bass, double bass, percussion, harp, flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, horn, & drums!)
You may have noticed that the breakdown does not include the following: • Cost of perks - 3200
• CD Printing - 2000
• Graphic design - up to 2000
• 4 - 9% Indiegogo Fees (4 if we reach our goal, 9 if we don't)
• 3% Payment Processing Fees
If you help me reach the $25,000, I can't even tell you
how grateful and humbled I will be. I am so invested in this album, that if I get YOUR help to raise that huge amount, I will be putting at least $7000 of my own money to make the rest happen.
If in my dreams, I receive EXTRA MONEY, it will help me cover what I have just mentioned above =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During the next
two months (Indiegogo campaign) I am offering a variety of gifts (on the right side of the page). Please take a moment to look through the list. Thank you for donating what you can and for joining me in the creation of this album.
Simply click on the pledge level of your choice and you will be guided through the process. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!! If you are unable to donate, you can still help by spreading the word!