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Teaching Climate Change

Free climate change resources for schools

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Teaching Climate Change

Teaching Climate Change

Teaching Climate Change

Teaching Climate Change

Teaching Climate Change

Free climate change resources for schools

Free climate change resources for schools

Free climate change resources for schools

Free climate change resources for schools

Ed Trollope
Ed Trollope
Ed Trollope
Ed Trollope
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$393 USD $393 USD 12 backers
15% of $2,584 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

The TWDK team was put together by a British rocket scientist who helped Europe to land on a comet, and includes scientists and writers with backgrounds in different branches of science. Their mission? To explain the questions scientists are trying to answer right now, how they're doing it, and why we haven't been able to do so already.

Now the team wants to help high school teachers to engage their pupils with the STEM*  curriculum, by showing how the lessons they're being taught relate to real scientific research happening today. For free.

Our first set of lesson plans are on a topic that we think it is vital for young people to understand - climate change. The decade from 2000-2010 was the warmest on record, and this warming is contributing to sea level rises, loss of ice in the arctic and antarctic, and changes in weather patterns all over the globe. Climate change is something that will affect all of us over our lifetimes, so it is important that young people understand not only what we do know about the subject, but also what our limitations are in understanding it.

*Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

In February 2002, scientists watched 3,250 square kilometers of ice sheet disintegrate within the space of a month. We still don't understand exactly why or how it happened - you can read more about research into the collapse here

Image credit: MODIS, NASA's Earth Observatory (CC-BY 2.0) 

What We Need & What You Get

Unless you're a teacher, you probably won't want to download our lesson plans. But since we're giving them away for free, it wouldn't make much sense for us to ask you to pay for them as rewards! So instead, we have some unique offers for you.

No crowdfunding campaign is complete without a t-shirt.

Besides the obligatory campaign T-shirt featuring the poor bears in our campaign image, we've teamed up with some amazing people who wanted to support our campaign.

The TWDK team will be creating an hour-long audiobook about ongoing research into climate change, which will be available to download and as physical media (on CD). We've teamed up with UK CD printing company Direct CDs to ensure we can offer a quality product worthy of your shelf space, again featuring Frank's wonderful artwork.

Concept image of our CD perk, which will be sent in a clear clamshell case.

Frank Stark is the graphic artist responsible for creating those poor bears and spearing the Earth with a stick. He's awesome, and promises no bears were forced to learn differential equations for our project. He hasn’t apologised for freezing and stabbing our beautiful planet, though.

We’re also working with Agnes Becker from We Are Stardust to create a unique greetings card designed exclusively for this campaign. We are stardust is an online shop for the curious-minded, specialising in handmade cards inspired by scientific discovery and the mysteries of nature. All items are made from sustainable materials: The cards are Forestry Stewardship Council certified, so you can be sure you are not contributing to the destruction of the world’s forests, the envelopes are made from recycled paper and the cellos are biodegradable. Here's a preview of the artwork:

The card from We Are Stardust

Thomas Egense is a mathematician with an "evil fractal laboratory", in which he creates stunning artworks using mathematical (fractal) equations and prints them onto canvas or glass. He's given us permission to offer a number of his biology-themed Fractal Flames prints at a significant discount from their retail price. Each piece is visually stunning, and a powerful reminder of the link between mathematics and nature.

Be sure to tell us which image you want. Names from left to right (top row): seaweed, seahorse, jellyfish, (bottom row): turtle, trilobyte, octopus.

We're looking for 2,000 of your finest Sterling pounds, which we shall use to finance our evil volcano lair safe from the rising flood waters pay our team for the necessary research and writing expenses (everybody needs to eat, after all), plus the costs of the artwork.

The Impact

We believe that science should be taught the way it actually happens - as a set of questions and unknowns that people are working to understand. Science is a process, not a set of facts, and getting this across is vital when trying to inspire the next generation of scientists. The UK curriculum (key stage 4) even states that: 

"Pupils should be taught ... that there are some questions that science cannot currently answer, and some that science cannot address"

We want to give teachers a way of covering this element of the curriculum whilst still building on knowledge and understanding in other areas of their subject. To achieve this, we will create a set of interrelated but stand alone lesson plans, to help teachers to approach the topic of climate change in different subject areas. They will link into topics specified in the curriculum, and build on this knowledge. This gives teachers maximum flexibility to use a single lesson, or several as an interdisciplinary series spanning multiple subjects.

We believe that these lesson plans will allow students to think about both climate change and science in a new way. By covering the topic in several different subjects, they will realise that the different branches of science are interconnected, understand the importance of collaboration, and the practical applications of science. They will also begin to understand that scientists don’t always have all the answers to a problem, and that the point of science is to continue to ask questions and seek evidence. We hope that by humanising the process of science we will encourage young people to become more engaged in the subject, and inspire more of them to consider a career in science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM).

Risks & Challenges

At Things We Don’t Know, we don’t shy away from taking a risk. Climate change is a contentious topic in some circles, and one some teachers may find difficult to approach. We mitigate these risks as much as possible by taking a strictly neutral approach to the subject material, explaining the phenomena but placing no blame and pointing no fingers, and by working closely with teachers to ensure our materials are as useful as possible by matching the content of the syllabus that they need to teach.

It’s possible we won’t reach our goal, but the modular nature of our plan means we can cut down on the number of topics we cover without sacrificing quality of those we do. If we don't reach our goal, then we’ll have some tough decisions to make about which topics we can’t afford to cover, but it won’t stop us entirely.

It’s also possible we’ll smash our goal, and we have a list of extra topics for us to cover if this should happen. With the extra cash we’ll also be able to add more supplementary materials (like videos) to accompany the lesson plans.

Other Ways You Can Help

We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate money to make this project happen, but there are other ways you can support us;

  • If you are a pupil or parent who would love to see our lessons taught in your school, please do let your teachers know about them - remember they are completely free!
  • Share share share! Even if you can’t contribute, people you know may be able to. Sharing our page on social media will really help raise our profile and give us the best chance of making this project a reality.
  • If you have a blog, website, or YouTube page and would like to produce some supporting material to go with our lesson plans, please do get in touch - we would be more than happy to collaborate!
  • If you ever buy stuff online, and you're in the UK, you can help support us by selecting us at your cause over at easyfundraising! We even have a search engine that will earn us 1p for every search you make online (and no, we can't see your search history).
If you have other skills you think we could make use of, and would like to volunteer your time, we would love to hear from you.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
An eco-friendly greetings card from We Are Stardust. Please add £1 extra for overseas shipping.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Polar express

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
A pack of four postcards, featuring our lovable class of polar bears. Please add £1 extra for shipping outside the UK.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Exclusive Sounds

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Listen and learn about ongoing scientific research with an exclusive hour-long audiobook, available as a download or custom-printed CD. Please add £1 for UK, £3 for Europe or £4 for worldwide postage, if you wish to receive the physical media.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
A pack of 5 eco-friendly greetings cards, from We Are Stardust. Please add £1 for overseas postage.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 claimed

Post it!

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
A pack of 25 postcards featuring our lovable polar bear teacher and cubs. For shipping outside the UK, please add £1.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Extra Stardust

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
A pack of 8 eco-friendly greetings cards, from We Are Stardust. Outside the UK? Please add £1 for shipping costs.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Strut your stuff

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
Show the world you support Teaching Climate Change with our campaign T-shirt. We'll throw in a free postcard, too. Please add £4 for postage and packing costs, or £5 if shipping outside Europe.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
5 claimed

The Sneak Peak

Currency Conversion $52 USD
£40 GBP
Don't want to wait until September to use our lesson plans and activities? Get all of our Teaching Climate Change materials by email as soon as we finish each one, customised with your own school's logo.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 25 of claimed

Bargain bundle

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
Can't decide which perk you want? Get a t-shirt, ten postcards and five greetings cards with this bundle! We'll even throw in an audio download or CD. Shipping outside the UK? Please add an extra £4 to cover the costs to Europe, or £5 elsewhere.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 claimed

Sponsorship Deal

Currency Conversion $129 USD
£100 GBP
Feature your organisation as a supporter of Teaching Climate Change! Your logo will be included on the download page and all our Teaching Climate Change materials from now until the end of time. Absolutely no adult/woo/etc will be accepted. Please confirm with TWDK in advance whether your organisation is suitable before selecting this perk. Inappropriate companies/organisations selecting this perk without prior consultation will be considered to be making a donation.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Beauty in Chaos

Currency Conversion $194 USD
£150 GBP
Get an amazing 30x30cm glass print of one of Thomas' fractals, complete with £25 off the retail price! Don't forget to tell us which design you want! (Shipping included) RRP: 1,500DKK + 230DKK postage Discount is approximate, subject to currency fluctuations.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 60 of claimed

60cm Canvas Fractal

Currency Conversion $271 USD
£210 GBP
A beautiful Fractal print on canvas, 60x60cm, and a £50 saving compared to RRP! (Shipping included) RRP: 2,500DKK + 230DKK postage
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed

60cm Glass Fractal

Currency Conversion $323 USD
£250 GBP
Amaze your friends, colleagues, neighbours and pets with this amazing 60x60cm fractal print onto a glass surface, and save £50 at the same time. (Shipping included) RRP: 3,000DKK + 230DKK shipping
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed

90cm Fractal Print

Currency Conversion $452 USD
£350 GBP
Adorn your office or hallway with this 90x90cm Fractal Flames print - at a saving of over £100! (shipping included) RRP: 4,500DKK + 295DKK shipping
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 12 of claimed

Fractal Flames of Doom

Currency Conversion $646 USD
£500 GBP
Save over £100 on the ultimate Fractal Flames print, with this enormous 120x120cm canvas. Just make sure you have somewhere to mount it! (Shipping included) RRP: 6,000DKK + 350DKK shipping
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 6 of claimed

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