Support the Feature Film: Tears of Blood
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What is "Tears of Blood?"
- 'Tears of Blood' is an independently produced feature film currently in post-production.
- It is a medieval mystery about a knight and a priest investigating the murder of a monk and the masked cult responsible.
- During their journey, the knight and priest exchange conflicting ideas about faith, which are both put to the test when confronted by true darkness.
"Kloster Nette Monastery" - one of the many medieval locations featured in the film.
About the Project
- This film is the passion project of my life, lovingly produced for the past six years in Lower Saxony, Germany.
- I produced this film with my wife, Viviane, a brilliant and beautiful AI scientist, who between bouts of rationality and loving support, helped me accomplish this film, both as an actress and Cinematographer.
- With your support of this project, we will together show that the limits of what is possible can be stretched. This is a lesson I learned myself while making this film and hope to inspire others with its success.
The two protagonists, Sir Roam & Father Matthew on their quest.
What's needed:
- I would never dream of expecting the support of funders without having anything to show for it. This is why, with meticulous planning and great effort, we produced the film. Now, creating a film on a scale this massive is a challenge enough, but doing so on an indie budget during a pandemic only increases the difficulty.
- That said, the film *is* complete. But with this last stretch of post-production, special effects, soundtrack composition, and marketing, costs are mounting, which is why I now humbly ask for the support of patrons who believe in the passion, creativity and artistic integrity that make up the spirit of not just Indie Film, but Art itself.
Since the production of the film is complete, there is 0% risk of failure, so no worries, the heaviest lifting has already been done.
Any amount of funding will go directly to help us pay for:
- This final stretch of Post-production. This includes helping to pay for our soundtrack and special effects. As an indie filmmaker, you learn to wear many hats, but the hat of a musician and a visual effects artist were not ones I could fit on my head. And believe me, I tried. Very, very hard.
- Marketing. This would include commissioning a designer for an official movie poster. As well as help us reach a wider audience.
- Festivals & Distribution. In order to get the film seen by a wider audience, we plan to send the film to festivals and approach distributors, which will involve some fees.
What's in it for you?
- Creating a medieval period film, we've accumulated quite a few unique props that were used in the film. From hooded cloaks and robes to handmade (and hand-painted!) Venetian masks, available in several different styles.
- As mentioned, the film is complete. So regardless of us hitting our goal, we will still have an awesome piece of indie cinema on our hands and you will still get to see it and be a part of something truly special.
- By supporting this movie, you will support the creation of art that is truly original that is neither part of an existing franchise or a remake.
Father Matthew & Sir Roam deciding their next move.
"There is nothing impossible to him who will try..."
On the surface, 'Tears of Blood' is an intriguing mystery, with swordplay, crossbow shootouts, shadow monsters, castles, cults and caves. It is an exciting film, dare I say it, a badass one.
But it is more than that, as on a deeper level it communicates the fears and hopes of the faithful, those who commit themselves to the belief in something bigger than themselves, that they cannot see, and those who are all too eager to corrupt it.
While at the same time, it examines the equally challenging position of the skeptic, of those who have faced the challenges of life and survived to tell their tale, even though it came at a cost of their faith.
But while these two camps are separate in their beliefs, they can be united in their objective of morality, of the innocent that should be protected, and the right thing to be done, even when that means putting their own lives at risk.
The Timeline of "Tears of Blood"
For the past six years, I have eaten, slept, and breathed this film from pre-production to post:
In 2016, I research.
In 2017, I write.
By 2018, I begin to see its scenes in my sleep.
In 2019, I cast actors, scout locations. Many actors. Many locations. The talented "Sinan El-Sayed," star of the German tv show "Schloss Einstein" joins the cast as the lead.
"Castrum Vechta" Another of the many authentic locations in the film.
Sinan El-Sayed as "Father Matthew"
- I get told no. I get ignored. I don't take it personally. I get a castle. I lose a castle. I get another. I get told I'm crazy. I tell myself I'm not. I also tell it to the German customs officer that flags my repeating crossbow as a weapon. It is, but I only plan to use it in the movie. The officer is unconvinced, but his boss thinks it's "Sehr cool!" So I'm out the door with it.
Sir Roam's "Sehr Cool" Crossbow
- And, in January 2020, on a frozen, windy north German morning, production begins. Have a look at how our first shoot went:
My wife, more organized than I am, used her scientific skills to design a very helpful chart based on locations, props & characters to keep track of the film's production. It consists of an overwhelming array of over one hundred scenes!
Checking them off, one by one.
- First week of August 2020, I secure permission to shoot at a medieval town. It has everything I need. Houses, streets, even a stage on which much of the drama will unfold. To this day, I still can't believe it. We plan meticulously.
Planning Meticulously.
- It is our D-day. With more extras than I had actors in my last film, transportation to the site must be planned. Favors are asked, beers are bought. An actor flies in from the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. "Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars."
Nicola Pedrozzi as "Idosik"
- By November '20, there is not much left to film. But I am exhausted with chronic pain. Resting through the winter, I push through and shoot the last scenes. And I go underground. Deep underground.
“The gates of hell are open night and day;
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
In this, the task and mighty labor lies.”
-Virgil, The Aeneid
Fear is Good
And during all this time, I fight that sometimes quiet, sometimes loud voice in my head that tells me incessantly: "This is not possible. You will fail." I fight this fear as I move into production. I realize that even if I do fail, I will still produce something interesting. That said, I did not fail, and I surpass even my own expectations.
My first feature film was about my experiences with chronic pain. It is a debilitating condition that affects me daily. Due to this condition, I suffer meaninglessly, but with this project, I found a way to suffer meaningfully. And I pushed myself past the pain to produce it. It is on a scope and scale unlike anything I've attempted before.
Poster for Sin
"Fortune favors the bold"
So funding a film is a risky business. I have done my best to mitigate this risk by producing the film. While I cannot say we will make a fortune and explode onto the Hollywood scene, as far as I know, there is nothing like this movie in existence. And in these days of endless remakes and franchises, something original is rare and of value.
It may sound trite, but the motivational quote 'Shoot for the moon, if you miss you will land among the stars.' comes to mind.
I don't know where this project will take me, but I will be sure to share the view with you when I do.
Joshua Clay as "Sir Roam"
Other Ways You Can Help!
Coming from the strapped financial background I do, I know how obscene the idea of asking strangers for money is, and how dirty I feel doing so. So for those among you who are interested in helping out, but just aren't able to provide monetary funding, I understand completely and am still most appreciative, so please:
Spread the word!
The antagonists of the film are a secret cult, so they are not ones to publicize their own existence! Which is why we need you to do it for them! It is only in this way that they can be defeated!
- So please share this page with anyone who might be interested in supporting a truly original and unique piece of independent film!
Follow us!
Follow us on social media to get more behind-the-scenes content and be the first one to know about any updates!
Facebook: Tears of Blood
Instagram: tears_of_blood_movie
Twitter: TearsOfBloodMov
That is all for now, friends, until we meet again...
"Stay in the Light!"