Greetings and salutations friends, family and
dreamers! My name is Matthew Boda and I’m a Los Angeles based filmmaker. My
Production Company, Absurd Hero Productions and its amazing partners are
launching this Indie GoGo campaign in order to support our most recent film
project: “Teetering”…
Check out the new video!
Check out this new video!
Check out the Behind the Scenes Making of Teetering!
Check out another Behind the Scenes video about "The Story"!
Teetering is a personal story adopted from real
life. It’s an attempt to explore very real struggles I have surrounding relationships,
family, and past tragedies…
As an artist, I chose to use film as the canvas
in which I pour out my difficulties, exploit them and see what remains as a
means to find some form of catharsis. Filmmaking has saved my life countless
times. When I see a great film, and I identify with the material its story is
exploring, I have an emotional experience. That experience involves me learning
how a character deals with challenges onscreen and offers me new insights and
tools into how I can deal with my own tribulations in the real world; quite an
amazing and priceless tradeoff for a ticket price of under $15. I’m not trying
to make Transformers 6 or Action Blowout Part 657, I’m trying to get in touch
with my humanity, learn something about the human condition and report back to
others who can hopefully benefit from my exploration. So, whether you’re a
spectator or a participator, I hope you can agree with me that being a part of this
art form is worth every minute and every dollar spent!
The plan upon reaching our funding goal will be
to make a longer short film, with a known actor, and pair it together with the
feature length script, which has already been written and is currently in a
revision stage. We will then create a “pitch package” that we will use as
leverage to convince industry producers and financers to take a good long look
at the film we’ve created. We will run the film festival circuit with the short
film and gain access to the networking opportunities that are so vital to
achieving the next level of success. All of this is very possible, it happens
for new filmmakers every year and with your support, this project could be considered
for feature length production, which would be a dream amongst dreams come true
for me.
All in all, we need your help! Please
look carefully at the PERKS we offer our supporters and choose a level that is
right for you. Pay attention to what is included in each level. For example, in
the EAGERNESS package you get everything we list plus the WILLINGNESS package,
thus whatever perk you choose, you'll then want to check out the preceding levels
so you can start stacking your perks!
Please take 3 minutes to watch “Teetering the
Teaser” as it a preview into the style and subject matter for the larger
project we are developing pending us winning your funding support! Filmmaking
is an extremely collaborative process which requires many moving parts and the
talents of many people, which all cost money. But! Not to worry…the idea is to
spread out the cost of production amongst as many of our supporters as we can
so that the process of bringing the film to life will stay in the spirt of pure
cinema and remain a collaborative effort. Even a single dollar will help, this
way no one in particular will be stuck with a giant bill – especially me! Since
I’ve only recently crawled myself out of the debt of past projects…(wahhh!!!)
We have funding goal of $15,000.00 over the
course of 30 days. And believe me, as a professional who works on movie sets
every single day, that number is CHEAP! Hollywood spends 15K every 10 minutes
on most productions…but, this ain’t Hwood bebe. This is independent filmmaking
and we count pennies. So, I will use my contacts to make that money go as far
as it possibly can and I am convinced that, given the opportunity through your
generosity, I will make a wonderful, emotional and heartwarming experiential film.
For those of you who know me personally, you can attest to the claim that I
would make a deal with the devil to become a filmmaker, so, in return (in
addition to the kewl perks) you’ll get the butterflies knowing you helped save
my soul from Beelzebub.
We will be updating this campaigned often with
really cool behind the scenes videos of the process we used to create the
Teaser. Lots of original ideas came to life making this film – everything from
the method we used to portray a particular subtext to some amazing Visual
Effects. So, stay tuned on Facebook and please pass on the word to as many
people as possible. Teetering is the best thing I’ve ever made. I just keep getting
better as a filmmaker every year. I promise your $15 will not only go to good
use, it will also buy you good Karma and help elevate your status in the
Thanks for your consideration!