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TellSpec: What's in your food?

A hand-held scanner that offers real-time food testing, food-safety and food-authenticity

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TellSpec: What's in your food?

TellSpec: What's in your food?

TellSpec: What's in your food?

TellSpec: What's in your food?

TellSpec: What's in your food?

A hand-held scanner that offers real-time food testing, food-safety and food-authenticity

A hand-held scanner that offers real-time food testing, food-safety and food-authenticity

A hand-held scanner that offers real-time food testing, food-safety and food-authenticity

A hand-held scanner that offers real-time food testing, food-safety and food-authenticity

TellSpec Inc
TellSpec Inc
TellSpec Inc
TellSpec Inc
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$386,392 USD 1,765 backers
386% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The project team has begun turning their prototype into the final product. Their ability to ship the products may be affected by product development or financial challenges.
Check Check Warehouse Truck
Concept Prototype Production Shipping

TellSpec's CEO and CTO show a live demo of the TellSpec's food analysis algorithm.

A message from Isabel Hoffmann, TellSpec's CEO:

A message from Dr Stephen Watson, TellSpec's CTO:

TellSpec in the News:

Engadget | FastCompany | National PostCanadianBusiness | 

 Huffington Post | Betakit | Presse Citron |  Metro

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MashableDailyBurn  | UrbanMoms | HeathHabits

Recent news:


Many thanks to Remy Blair for her independent review of TellSpec for AoI.

Beam up the facts about what’s in 

your food

You want to know what’s in your food before you buy it, before you order it, and before you eat it - because your health depends on what you eat. 

Many foods contain chemicals and allergens that we want to avoid. But it can be difficult to know whether these chemicals and allergens are in your food or not. How can you tell if your food contains the nutrients you need? What about things like sodium, gluten or trans fats that you might be trying to avoid? Food labels can give us some information if they're available, but they are not always intelligible and some ingredients may not even be reported. 

We have invented a system called TellSpec combining a spectrometer and a unique algorithm to tell you the allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in your food.

What is TellSpec?

TellSpec is a three-part system which includes: (1) a spectrometer scanner (2) an algorithm that exists in the cloud; and (3) an easy-to-understand interface on your smart phone. Just aim the scanner at the food and press the button until it beeps. You can scan directly or through plastic or glass. TellSpec analyzes the findings using the algorithm and sends a report to your phone telling you the allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in the food. TellSpec is a fast, simple, and easy-to-use way to learn what's in your food.  We need your help to make it smaller and manufacture it as a handheld device.

What will TellSpec do?

TellSpec will identify allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in foods or beverages.

TellSpec will warn you when a food contains allergens such as gluten or egg.

TellSpec will track your daily calories and help you achieve your daily targets.

TellSpec will tell you about inaccurately reported ingredients like trans fats and give you the background story on mysterious ingredients like tartrazine. TellSpec goes beyond the label! 

TellSpec will track what you eat, and based on your reports of how you feel, it will help identify your food sensitivities.

TellSpec will help you monitor your intake of toxic chemicals such as mercury, so that you will stay within recommended limits.

TellSpec will track your intake of essential vitamins and minerals, and help you ensure that you are getting the right amount

How will it work?

Light is made up of particles called photons. When you beam the low-powered laser in the TellSpec scanner at the food, some of the photons are absorbed, raising the energy states of the molecules in the food. Lower energy photons are then reflected back. The spectrometer inside the TellSpec scanner sorts these photons by wavelength and counts them. The resulting numbers, called a spectrum, describe the chemical compounds in the food.

This spectrum is uploaded to our analysis engine where it is analyzed and correlated with other reference spectra. Information about the allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in the food is then downloaded to you and displayed on your smart phone.

TellSpec responds to your specific food requirements and preferences. TellSpec is a smart system that learns as you use it, so that you see the information that is of most interest to you.

An SDK for developers and researchers

We believe that the community can develop applications of TellSpec that go beyond our dreams. So we are also developing a software development kit (SDK) that will provide developers with tools for directly accessing the food analysis data from our servers so that they can create their own amazing applications. The SDK includes source code for iPhone and Android apps, an API for TellSpec's analysis engine, JSON specifications for data interchange, and access to information about each nutrient, chemical, allergen, and ingredient.

Global crowdsourcing

The TellSpec food analysis algorithm learns from each scan. So every time you scan, you not only learn about what's in your food, you also help others learn what's in their food. That's why distributing TellSpecs globally, and into the developing world, is so important to us. As the algorithm learns from reference scans from around the world, the analysis everywhere will get better and better.  

Our goal is to make this amazing system available to everyone, everywhere; and to encourage others to use our tools to make great things for the good of human health.

What we’re developing

In the video, the device shown is a 3-D model of the future industrial design of the TellSpec scanner. 

TellSpec has developed a scanner and a cloud analysis engine. These work together to gather a spectrum of your food, analyze that spectrum, and display information about the food on your smart phone. We need your help to make it smaller and manufacture it as a handheld device.

The handheld scanner is a Raman spectrometer. The low-powered laser inside the scanner emits coherent light through the front window. Stimulated light from the sample is then collected through a filter in the window that removes the Rayleigh scattered light. The light then passes through a diffraction grating that disperses the light onto a CCD detector. The CCD detector converts the light into an electrical signal that is then digitized and sent to the smart phone over Bluetooth.

The smart phone receives the digital spectrum of the food and transmits it to the TellSpec analysis engine which processes it, compares it to reference spectra, and runs a learning algorithm on it. The output is interpreted through a large database, and information about the food is selected and customized for the user. The smart phone then downloads the information and displays it to the user.      

Our designs for the scanner and the user interface are guided by the principle that interested people should be able to use the TellSpec system easily and immediately, without training and without reading a user manual; and they should be able to understand and use the displayed information without an extensive knowledge of food chemistry. 

Technical Specifications

We need your help

Until recently, a large and expensive industrial spectrometer would have been needed to gather spectra of adequate resolution and signal strength, but recent developments in miniaturization of optical devices and in nanophotonics have made it possible to manufacture tiny and inexpensive spectrometers. A new and powerful method of analyzing spectra with a learning algorithm has also enabled the use of much weaker signals without loss of accuracy.  

Over the past nine months, we've come a long way in the development of TellSpec. We've developed the analysis engine, coded it, and tested it; we've successfully tested three prototype scanners, including one using a nanochip; we've finished the industrial design for the scanner; we're well along with the user interface design; and we've been doing an independent validation of the underlying algorithm.  

With your help, we can: 

•Manufacture the TellSpec scanner and get all the regulatory approvals needed to ship it.

•Deploy the food analysis engine on servers that reliably provide quick analysis of the spectra. 

•Develop the SDK for Android and iOS platforms so others can build exciting apps.

By backing TellSpec, you will be a key part of making this revolutionary technology a reality. 

Reward Tiers

Production Schedule

The team behind it 

Isabel and Stephen are working with a team of industry veterans who are passionate about this innovative new way of analyzing what's in your food. Together, we have experience in creating consumer software, hardware, and services in fields ranging from environmental health and preventive medicine to entertainment and education. Now we're excited to build a healthier world by empowering people to make informed choices about what they eat.

Isabel Hoffmann is CEO and Founder of TellSpec Inc., a biotech company devoted to building a greener and healthier world by empowering people to make informed choices about what they eat. She has a proven track record in leading and scaling early-stage businesses.

In the past 19 years, she has founded eight companies in the fields of health care, genetics, technology, entertainment and education, achieving consolidated revenues of US$75M, business valuations of US$300M, as well as creating 2,300+ jobs in the North American, European and South American markets. She has been working in the field of preventive medicine for the past decade and co-founded two private medical clinics, Vibrance Medical Group in Beverly Hills, USA, and GenoSolutions in Cascais, Portugal.

Isabel has been honoured with Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Canada's Top 40 under 40 Award, Canada’s National iWAY Award presented by the Canadian Royal Bank and CANARIE Inc., the Women in Technology Award by Bell Mobility, the Canada-America Business Council Award, the University of Toronto’s Alumni of the Year Award, and the Maclean’s Honor Roll for Canadian Excellence. 

Stephen Watson is CTO and Founder of TellSpec Inc., which brings together laser spectroscopy and a unique mathematical algorithm in a revolutionary system that can analyze the chemical composition of any food.

He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Toronto. He has been a tenured full professor of mathematics at York University in Toronto since 1993, and has held visiting positions in 14 countries, authored over a hundred published journal articles, and addressed dozens of international symposia. 

Stephen is an inventor of 48 patents and patent applications in the USA, Europe, and Japan for innovations in encryption systems; media encryption, distribution, synchronization, recognition, and bookmarking; user interfaces for media sales and access; and the analysis of food spectra.

For eight years, Stephen was CTO at Kaleidescape Inc., a consumer electronics company in Sunnyvale, CA, where he developed its powerful IP portfolio and technology, software, and metadata licenses. He led Kaleidescape’s successful copyright litigation strategy and was responsible for its partnership, manufacturing, and sales agreements, and export, regulatory, and tax-compliance tactics and planning.

Please join us

Help us complete our work on TellSpec, and become one of the first to use it to learn about the allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in your food. 

Back TellSpec – and become part of a revolution, building a healthier world by empowering people to make informed choices. 

Please write on our Facebook wall or tweet to let us know what you like best about TellSpec, how you might use it, and features you'd like to see.

Risks and challenges

We are pioneers in this new and exciting technology. Our team has successfully tested prototypes of the TellSpec system and we are moving toward production. We are working to mitigate the risks in volume production and analysis and are positioned to work with partners to execute our delivery plan. We are providing the Indiegogo community with our estimate of when we expect to ship beta and production units of the TellSpec scanners.

Nevertheless, unforeseen challenges may present themselves as we test the optics, build and bring up alpha and beta scanners, deploy the analysis engine on servers, seek certification approvals, release the SDK, and go to manufacturing. We are committed to keeping you informed of our progress in the months following the campaign. In the event that unexpected issues arise in the delivery schedule, we will do our utmost to minimize the impact on our early supporters. We are dedicated to providing you with a great experience.

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Choose your Perk



$250 USD
Be among the first people in the world to test and analyze your food with TellSpec. You'll get a TellSpec scanner in your choice of white, red, green, or turquoise blue—and two years of unlimited analysis of your food scans. Plus you will be listed as a Gold Contributor, for helping to build a healthier world for all of us. We will send you updates on our progress and invitations to live events. This offer includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
369 out of 3000 of claimed


$25 USD
Thank you for your support in helping us to make TellSpec a reality. You will have the opportunity to become a TellSpec customer before the general public. We will list you as a Contributor on our website, if you wish, and we will send you regular updates on our progress and invitations to live events.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
139 claimed


$200 USD
Be one of the first in the world to experience TellSpec! You'll receive one white TellSpec scanner and two years of unlimited analysis of your food scans. Plus, if you wish, on our website, we will list you as a Gold Contributor for helping to build a healthier world for all of us. We will send you regular updates on our progress and invitations to live events. We can offer only a very limited number of pledges at this price. This offer includes a limited warranty.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
Only 1 left

Black Leopard

$300 USD
Be among the first people in the world to test and analyze your food with a Black Leopard TellSpec. You'll get a TellSpec scanner SLEEK JET BLACK—and two years of unlimited analysis of your food scans. Plus you will be listed as a Gold Contributor, for helping to build a healthier world for all of us. We will send you updates on our progress and invitations to live events. This offer includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
19 out of 100 of claimed


$380 USD
Be among the first to experience TellSpec! You'll get a white TellSpec scanner and two years of unlimited analysis of your scans, and we'll give another scanner to a partner in the Developing World to build up TellSpec reference data. You'll receive updates on their work. Plus you will be honored as a Platinum Contributor, whose generosity has helped to make this a healthier world. We'll send you progress updates and invitations to events. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
15 out of 100 of claimed


$450 USD
Your family can be among the first in the world to test and analyze food with TellSpec! You'll get one white TellSpec scanner, and choose another for a friend or family member in red, green or turquoise blue. You'll both receive two years of unlimited analysis of your food scans. Plus we will list you as a Gold Contributor, for helping to build a healthier world for all of us. We'll send you progress updates and invitations to live events. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
48 out of 500 of claimed


$820 USD
You and your family and friends will be among the first people in the world to test and analyze your food with TellSpec. You'll get four TellSpec scanners, one in each of white, red, green and turquoise blue, and two years of unlimited analysis for each scanner. Plus we will list you as a Gold Contributor, for helping to build a healthier world for all of us. We will send you updates on our progress and invitations to live events. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
10 out of 200 of claimed


$3,000 USD
Help a Developing World partner build TellSpec reference data. We'll give them 3 scanners and an SDK and you'll receive updates on the work. Choose a scanner for yourself in white, red, green, or turquoise blue—and two years of unlimited analysis. We'll send you progress updates and invitations to events. We'll acknowledge you as a Sponsor in selected research and honor you as a Platinum Contributor whose generosity has helped create a healthier world. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
1 out of 20 of claimed


$4,000 USD
Stimulate research with TellSpec! We'll give the institution you choose 10 scanners and SDK access. You'll get updates on their research and publications. You'll get a TellSpec scanner in your color choice and two years of unlimited analysis. We'll send you progress updates and invitations to events. We'll acknowledge you as a Sponsor in selected research, and honor you as a Platinum Contributor, whose generosity has helped to make this a healthier world. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed


$5,000 USD
You're invited to a day at TellSpec and dinner with the founders. We'll seek your advice to improve TellSpec. You'll get 4 TellSpec scanners, one of each color, one signed by both founders, each with two years of unlimited analysis. We'll send you regular progress updates and invitations to events. We'll recognize you as an Advisor and honor you as a Platinum Contributor, whose generosity has helped to make this a healthier world. Includes limited warranty and EULA.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
3 out of 10 of claimed
sold out


$150 USD
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
500 out of 500 of claimed
sold out


$420 USD
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
50 out of 50 of claimed
sold out


$490 USD
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
30 out of 30 of claimed
sold out


$690 USD
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
25 out of 25 of claimed

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