Short Summary
We are Tennessee Stiffs. We're a rowdy, fun loving and passionate five piece Americana outfit based in Austin TX. We're a family of weird and eccentric folks, and we make music that invites people to be part of the story. Relatable and fresh to your ears, some might say.
And we're releasing a huge new album.
This is a heartfelt story of truths, an 18 song melodious cluster based on real events we've experienced, specifically 2018, when we lost everything. Telling tales of the music industry, the things you see and learn, the painful hurdles you overcome, and the eye opening recognition of why you must keep going. The lyrics to the album, as a whole, unfurl like a story, one chapter at a time. You can enjoy this lyrical story printed in both the CD and the LP.
With your pre-order and contribution to this new album "Dearly Departed", we're able to come up for air and replenish our piggy bank. As some of you know, recording an album (especially a double album) is no low-price feat, and with "recent worldwide events", performing wasn't much of an option. We'll be honest, we've been scrounging pennies to record and finish this album. Why? Because we're so proud of it. And we know you'll enjoy it.
The Breakdown
We're kindly asking for your help of $5,000. This will help keep our head above water along with playing shows. We had to dig deep into personal savings for this masterpiece.
The cost of making an album:
Studio time/mastering: $5000
Double Vinyl/CD order : $4000
Misc merch/Tshirts : $1500
Album illustration : $250
PR : $6000
The Impact and Perks
The impact crowdfunding makes is significant. We did one for our first album, "Nightery" and went well over our goal. It helped us as a band to get on our feet, This time around, it will help keep us in motion. All the money from playing shows goes to our players, pays for gas, hotels and other misc band expenses. Truly ANYTHING helps, because this is our passion project, and this new album is our baby.
Your support with get you everything from digital downloads, double LP, CD, t-shirts, handwritten lyrics, 10 year anniversary koozies and even private concerts!
We will ALWAYS write and play music, it's in our DNA as a couple and a band. Music is what brought Ethan Lee and Cara Jane together, and it will always be here in some shape or form.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, and we understand that. If that's the case, please take a moment and make some noise about our campaign here on Indiegogo and social media. Share the link with your friends and family. Shout out to us on our social, email us to tell us what you think about the tunes. Come see a show!
And that's all there is to it. This album will undoubtedly get your feet stompin', your head bobbin', turn on the waterworks, and just bask in its wild storytelling.