GenDev is a tech company
focused on global human development. We are about to launch a free
virtual world and app store for VR education, e-commerce, entertainment, and
massive gaming called Terra Prime. Come meet your friends from around the world
to learn, work, travel, play, shop, and catch-up. Learn more at www.gendevcollaborative.com.
Prime is the
beginning of free global education, access to employment opportunities, and
worldwide prototype collaboration. It is GenDev’s CGI vitrual world where every
user will begin their day to purchase VR modules for personal entertainment,
shopping, education, employment opportunities, intercultural exploration, and
group business collaboration. Join us at www.EnterTerraPrime.com.
TerraVerse is the virtual reality app
store for developers and content providers to upload their AR/VR apps and experiences
to be downloaded by everyday users on any device. Whether that be a new
course to further your education, new content for virtual travel (i.e., virtual
London, Hong Kong, New York City, etc.), gaming, shopping, or business
Human Development Prize will gather teams from around the world
to create, compete, and engage in new business creation and rapid prototye development in Terra Prime. Our
Indiegogo campaign will fund our first Human Development Prize.
Prime exists
in the cloud and will be fully functional on any device—laptop, desktop,
Xbox, PlayStation, tablet, and phone (and yes it is Oculus and Vive compatible).
While it is VR ready, you do not need to
have a headset or super computer to join our global community!
2016: Initial
Terra Prime beta launch and additional content for end-user purchase.
2016: First
global press conference and demo in virtual reality.
2016: Terra
Prime 1.0 launch, including expanded content, TerraVerse app store,
and the release of GenDev’s VR-ready Game “Zombies vs. Celebrities: in
2017: Applications
and team registration opens for our first Human Development Prize.
human being deserves access to education and employment opportunities—EVERYONE.
Prime and the Human Development Prize provide invaluable access to those that
would otherwise have limited or no access to education, employment, business
creation, and exploration.
If you
help us during the launch of Terra Prime, you will be a founding supporter of advanced
free education and basic worldwide employment opportunities.
team's background is in advanced VR technology and gaming, international
development, and adaptive educational technology. Through
our team, partners, adviser's, and network of developers we have built the
most advanced virtual reality rendering engine which powers our Human Development Platform.
team has worked for Microsoft, Apple, HP, Boeing, Activision, EA
Games and numerous corporations and foundations. We
have experience in holding competitions and hackathons as well as rolling
out culturally sensitive on-the-ground solutions for international development.
connections with corporations, individuals, foundations, NGOs, embassies, and
government departments allow us to brand and scale our engine and VR app store
to not only be used for entertainment and gaming but more importantly, human
development (free VR education and employment opportunities).
Technically speaking…
- Our engine
can render 200 million polygons before crashing (largest in video game
- Host up to
10,000 players/users per environment or level meaning early adopters will
become industry leaders in next-gen VR game development.
- Attain a 90
frame per second VR refresh rate with 500,000 polygons per viewable area.
- We are
working alongside Projects for All, creators of the Hello Hub to
bring solar-powered internet-ready computer kiosks to off-the-grid
villages, at risk areas, and refugee camps.
funding from our Indiegogo campaign will help us launch two
1) The
Human Development Prize. Teams
from around the world will create and compete in the following
ventures aligned with the UN SDGs:
- Business Creation for Massive
Employment (ie, VR Docents, Assistants)
- VR Business Enterprise App
Development (VR Email, Marketing, etc)
- New VR Business Grants (Free VR
Headset from GenDev + TerraCredits)
2) Retrofitting two school’s/refugee
camps with Hello Hubs + VR Headsets for access to direct education and employment opportunities that otherwise would not exist.
to the largest real-time environment in video game history. With a $5 dollar
donation you get early and discounted access to “Zombies vs. Celebrities: in Vegas.”
the campaign ends, the game will be for sale for $20, so why not donate $5 to global
education and employment opportunities and get the game as your free
Since we want you to
remain connected to our cause please share the campaign (using the Indiegogo
share tools) and spread the word with your friends, family, and networks! Remember to register with us at www.EnterTerraPrime.com.
We've Already Overcome:
Rendering Technology: Finished and tested with clients the past 7 years
VR Hardware Integration: Done
Company Partnerships: Done
Education Research: Done
Support: Done
Engagement: Done
United Nations Engagement: Done
We're Ready For:
- Off-The-Grid Implementation:
Projects for All and Hello Hub Installations
- Hello Hub Safety: Local ownership
of construction, safety and repair
- Intercultural
Exchanges: Terra Prime's "Global Café" daily
- Global Educational Access:
"Development Jams" and super computer integration
- VR Employment Accessibility:
"Development Jams" and new business grants
- UN SDG Engagement: GenDev's
bi-annual "Human Development Prize"