"After being resurrected by a sinister entity, Art the Clown returns to Miles County where he must hunt down and destroy a teenage girl and her younger brother on Halloween night. As the body count rises, the siblings fight to stay alive while uncovering the true nature of Art's evil intent. "
Hello all! Damien Leone here: writer/director of Terrifier. Thank you for taking the time to check out this campaign and I hope you're as excited to become a part of Terrifier 2 as I am!
My cast and crew couldn't be more thrilled or grateful regarding the current success of Terrifier and the popularity of Art the Clown in the horror community. When I was shopping around the script for Terrifier part 1 back in 2014, people in the industry told me clowns couldn't sell a horror movie. This of course was before Stephen King's IT remake became the highest grossing horror film of all time. It's not uncommon for people to shy away from risks in this business. No one wants to start the trend, they only want to follow the crowd.
Thankfully, a wonderful friend and producer Phil Falcone came to the rescue at the last minute and took a chance on me. He funded my crazy killer clown script and we were off to the races, shooting Terrifier on an unfathomable shoestring budget. Flash forward a year or so later and we're shopping the finished film to distributors who tell us....clowns don't sell or this movie's too violent. Flash forward a year after that and Terrifier has become one of the most popular and successful independent horror films in the past few years. Why? Because the fans decide. Pure and simple.
The fans in the horror community are the backbone of this film. Just type #terrifier or #arttheclown into instagram and check out the vast array of amazing fan art, tattoos, memes, custom toys and cosplayers. On Facebook you can drop by the Art the Clown appreciation society and meet some of the nicest and most generous horror fans in the world who take precious time out of their day to post something Terrifier related on a regular basis.
Terrifier's popularity exists solely due to word of mouth in the horror community and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. This is one of the main reasons we're holding this indiegogo campaign. We want to give fans an opportunity to become a part of this unique experience while helping us bring Terrifier 2 to the next level. With your help, we can increase Terrifier 2's production value and maybe even attach a legendary horror icon for a key role.
So here's the deal guys...just like Terrifier 1, we are once again on our own. I like to say, the inmates are still running the asylum.
The pros to being completely independent are, we can make Terrifier as violent and bat-sh*t crazy as we want; we literally have no one to answer to. In all honesty, I think we would all agree that this is the most important aspect to making a genuinely satisfying sequel to Terrifier.
The cons essentially boil down guessed funds. Now although we've independently raised enough funds to shoot Terrifier adequately, we can still use A LOT more. This is where YOU GUYS come in:
Without beating around the bush, I wrote an EPIC scene in the screenplay for Terrifier 2 that we currently do not have enough money to shoot. Without spoiling all the juicy, gory details, the scene will involve mass casualties and the destruction of its location, BUT it is the context of the scene that truly makes it so original. We're aiming to create a scene so shocking and iconic that people will talk about it for years to come. Imagine if Art the Clown was in charge of the prom mayhem in Carrie...meets David Lynch...meets Maniac....just sayin'.
If we do in fact reach our goal, the money will go towards the construction of a large set, tons of special effects, stunts and makeup know...blood and guts! Now the coolest part is - you can be in this scene! Not only can you be in this scene but, YOU CAN BE KILLED BY ART THE CLOWN!! That's right. Become a part of movie history! Seriously, if this scene comes out the way I'm envisioning it, people will be watching your mug get splattered on youtube for a long, long time.
Now although that is one of the high end perks, don't feel too bad because we have tons of other great stuff ranging from social media shout outs, thank you in the credits, custom funkos, blu rays, posters, shirts, props and accessories all the way to visiting the set, becoming an extra, attending the wrap party or even becoming an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!
ALSO, if we exceed our goal, any additional funds that come in will go towards casting an iconic film star in one of the lead roles! Again, this is something that will bring the movie to another level of quality not to mention adding a touch of that old nostalgia that we love so much.
The Impact
We truly love interacting with fans and we honestly want you guys involved every step of the way. I truly believe fan funded films is the wave of the future espeically for a film like Terrifier. What's the point of being at the mercy of a studio that "doesn't get" what the horror community is so blatantly supporting? Hmm, I think Art the Clown is better left in the hands of the filmmaker and the fans. Don't you?
I mean, could you imagine seeing Terrifier in the theaters today, playing alongside your current Hollywood horrors? I could! And maybe we can get it there! But I'm honestly just as happy with you guys enjoying it on your computer or on your phone. As long as you can carry around Art the Clown in your pocket, I'm a happy guy. It truly warms my black heart to see how much joy he brings to so many horror fans of all ages and this is just the beginning. There's so much left to explore so let's keep this Terrifier train rolling and see how far us little guys can take Art the Clown into the future of horror! I say we change the game.
In closing, I hope you guys enjoy the video and I hope you're able to get your hands on some of those awesome perks! Thank you all again so very much for the love and support!
Take care,
Damien Leone and Team Terrifier
Other Ways You Can Help
p.s. We completely understand that for a lot of you, money is tight and you cannot contribute. At the very least, we would appreciate it if you could share this campaign with friends and family on social media!
"Honk! Honk!"