- Zero base
- Width: 115mm (4.5in)
- Height: 75mm (3.0in)
- Weight: 240g (0.5lbs)
- magneto top
- Width: 35mm (1.4in)
- Height: 38mm (1.5in)
- Weight: 25g (0.9oz)
Magnetic field visualization
Frequently asked questions:
What is the power output of Tesla:Zero?
The output of the Tesla:Zero is about 10V AC. Enough to power three 1W LED's while still being safe to handle. The exact voltage will depend on the speed of the magneto top.
Where is the power coming from?
A moving magnet causes electricity to flow through a nearby wire. The electricity is a product of Faraday's law of induction. Nikola Tesla realized over a 100 years ago that a spinning magnet would create alternating current in nearby coils of wire and vice versa-- this insight is what made power plants possible.
Will I get shocked by magneto top?
The short answer is no. 10V is not enough to shock human skin. If you were to cut the wire, it is possible to feel the electricity on your tongue.
How long does the top spin?/How long do the LED's on the Tesla:Zero spin station stay on?
The Tesla top can spin up to a minute and light the LED's for 30 seconds.
What is the purpose of the Tesla:Zero?
The Tesla:Zero is designed as a desktop toy. It is the most elegant and intuitive demonstration of electromagnetism available today.
What is the law of physics illustrated by the Tesla:Zero?/What is Faraday's law of induction?
The Tesla:Zero illustrates Faraday's law of induction. Faraday's law of induction is a comprehensive equation which describes how the voltage in a wire is related to the change in magnetic field. In simple terms, there are 3 main ways to increase the voltage:
1) Increase the strength of the magnet
2) Add more loops of wire in the coil
3) Increase the spinning speed of the magnet (or coil)
The best way to understand Faraday's law of induction is by visualizing the changing magnetic flux:
This is an animation of Faraday's law of induction. If you still don't get it, I don't really blame you. The equation is so hard that Faraday himself couldn't even use it.
The half bubbles illustrate the magnetic flux. The flux is calculated by adding up all the magnetic field vectors along the surface of the coil (illustrated as arrows). The magnetic field vectors grow and shrink as the magnet spins. This change in magnetic flux is the calculation for voltage.
DIY photo instructions
imgur link
The Apollo and Daphne perk: