Who We Are & What We're Doing
Hello, I'm Michael Adams. I created Planet X Publications as a vehicle for publishing unique and high-quality original fiction that dwells at the intersection points of science-fiction, fantasy, horror, the weird, and high-strangeness.
Think of Jack Kirby channeling ancient astronaut theory in The Eternals or his any of his Fourth World books, William Hope Hodgson playing with concepts of life, death, cosmic-scale time, the afterlife, the alien, and the otherworldly in The House on the Borderland, or the morbid inventiveness and interplay of gods, men, and magic in Clark Ashton Smith's Zothique cycle stories and you'll begin to have an idea of both the aesthetic and the content we are looking for.
For our flagship title, we submit Test Patterns for your consideration. It will be a collection of short speculative fictions written with classic television shows such as The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, and The Night Gallery in mind. Richly varied stories which might impart a moral, inspire thought, offer meaning, inspire hope, or instill dread. Tales told in unique ways, employing provocative twists and surprises, and exploring the universal themes of humanity and self-discovery through the lenses of horror, fantasy, and science fiction.
Author, webmaster, and musician Duane Pesice of Planet Moderan Press is serving as editor-in-chief of this volume, bringing in diverse talent from (literally) around the world to delight and disturb our readers with brand new tales of the weird and otherworldly.
While still being subject to change, this premier volume of Test Patterns is slated to include new works by Matthew M. Bartlett, Arinn Dembo, Ashley Dioses, Jordan Krall, J.B. Lee, Frederick J. Mayer, K.A. Opperman, Duane Pesice, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Christopher Ropes, John Claude Smith, Jeffrey Thomas, Scott Thomas, Sarah Walker, & Can Wiggins.