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Clayton Barton Cover
Joe Ball Cover
Testament Volume 2 is a *60+ page* full color sci-fi and sword & sorcery graphic novel. The 54-page main story is written by Chimera, line art by Juliano Da Silva, colors by Farah Nurmaliza & Marcos Martins, lettering by Ibai Canales, and script/story edits by Aldous. The 12-page black & white bonus story is written by Chimera, art by Jason Crager, and lettering by Ibai Canales. The 2-page Testament Vol 3 preview. Order via Indiegogo or here.
Karl von Magnusson, a swordsman descended from Ancient Gods, allies himself with a rebel group to prevent total war by the vicious King Albrecht. The group seeks to gain allies from the east. Along the way, Karl discovers new abilities and ancient artifacts to help him defeat the evil king.
Testament Vol 1 Reprint Cover by Donal Delay
Main Story
Vol 3 Preview by Preston Asevedo
Lore Book
The ashcan is an illustrated lore book with art by Jason Crager, Doodle Bags, Rafael Chrestani, colors by Marcos Martins. Cover by Jason Crager and Marcos Martins. The lore book will go into the history and background of the world detailing the royal family, various wars fought, origins of the Old Gods, character bios and much much more!
Stretch Goals
$7K: Trading card by Ibai Canales
$8K: Print by Joe Ball
$9K: Stickers unlocked
Risks & Challenges
With my previous five campaigns, I was able to get fully funded and fulfill the campaign relatively on time. Although we may run into obstacles, I will update all backers if this occurs. I believe transparency is very important.