Short Summary
We believe that computer games are not only about realism, but it's about having fun playing it. We believe that games are not just about spend time, but it's about growing as a person, learning new skills, learning about life and about humanity.
We at Digital Soul Games are passionate in what we do. We began as a couple friends doing games at our spare time, but we know we can do better if we do it full time. Thus we are releasing our first game: Thanatos.
We hope that with your help we can solidify our company and fund our next projects.
What We Need & What You Get
Your funding will help us to solidify our company and build our next game, as we are for now just a Start Up at UPTEC's.
Thanatos is in alpha version and we plan to release it in the Q1 2015.
We now offer to everyone that helps up the Demo version with a small peek of the entire story of Thanatos, as well as a full licensed copy of the release version when we finish it according with the amount of funding.
You also will be informed about our future projects.
We hope that we get to our funding goal, but Thanatos for sure will not be stopped from being finished if this goal is not achieved. So we guarantee that all sponsors will have their gifts.
Risks & Challenges
As any Start Up, we are for now funding ourselves with our sweat, blood and tears and your help will be a great value for us and for our next projects
We have several challenges and we have the skills to overcome them, but with your help they will be a lot easier for us. And remember we will be eternally grateful for your help.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot help us with money, please help us spreading our work. Tell about us in blogs, social networks. We are open for interviews and for sure accept opportunities for publishing our press releases.
We are also accepting any contribution as Fan Arts, suggestions and ideas.
Don't forget you have the Indiegogo's share tools.
Kind regards,
Digital Soul Games.