The story so far...
The Show...
Experience the incredible true story of Ireland’s 1798 Rebellion through song, imagery and storytelling in the capable hands of historical entertainer and musician Paddy Cullivan. Inspired by the American and French Revolutions of the late-18th Century, the ’10 Dark Secrets of 1798’ is a historical drama of 'Hamilton' and ‘Game of Thrones’ proportions, bringing a staggering array of characters to life. Wolfe Tone, Lord Edward Fitzgerald and Napper Tandy - George Washington, The ‘Mad King’ George III and Napoleon Bonaparte. Huge battles, victories and losses from the epic Wexford Rebellion to the unbelievable ’Year of the French’…and most importantly, the timeless call of the United Irishmen (and women!) to unite ‘Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter’…
The Book
My name is Paddy Cullivan - I'm a historical entertainer and writer. I was born in Galway and have a NCAD degree in visual communication and art history. I've also been a professional musician, composer and satirical comedian for 20 years and I've brought all these elements together to create popular multimedia shows that make history thrilling for live audiences.
I've toured my 1798 show in theatres and venues since 2018 to thousands of people. One question I'm asked after every show is 'where is the book?' because people love the stories and secrets I've revealed and want something tangible to take away. I enjoy the live aspect of what I do but the audience are right - having enlightened them to this incredible episode in Irish (and world) history, I need to publish it in book form.
By supporting my work you will see me create a brand that presents history in a new and accessible way (as well as getting the finished work for yourself!). I want you to be as excited and challenged by the 1798 rebellion as my audiences have been. I also want to make something of long-lasting artistic value, so I'll put as much into the design as I do into the writing. And finally, I believe this story of one-time unity between all the peoples on the island is so important, it can have an effect on modern Ireland and help point the way to a hopeful future together.
What I Need & What You Get
I'm looking for €20,000 to produce this book. I need funds to further research, write, illustrate, print and publish it. I'll be publishing 5000 hard copies, about half of which I estimate will go to funders, the rest to be sold at shows to help the book self-fund into the future. I also need the funds to create the website, expenses, extras and perks around the book - and use it as a foundation for a documentary and/or TV series.
Perks include the beautifully finished book, unique pieces like a hand-drawn map of the French advance through Connacht or a faithfully-reproduced United Irishman membership uniquely printed on parchment, with your name written and numbered by the author. Your name will appear in the book and some perks will even get you free tickets to live performances of the show and a special book launch show for funders. For premium funders, you get all of the above and a personal performance of the show for a group in your area at an agreed venue, in Ireland or internationally.
If I don't reach my entire goal I will have to reduce the amount of product / perks I produce - but I'm hoping to surpass it and give the book a real chance of reaching as wide an audience as possible, with your help.
The Impact
The story of 1798 confounds all our preconceptions about Irish identity. The enlightenment brought together people of all classes and religious backgrounds in an effort to create a new kind of society. This message still resonates as 21st century Ireland approaches possible unity in a post-Brexit world. If we learn about this past where Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter (Presbyterian) came together, it gives us an inspiring signpost for the future - and that's a very exciting project for myself and funders to be involved in. With your help we get the story out there and start a true understanding of our shared history.
I have performed the show over 100 times and it now sells out in arts centres, theatres and at festivals from Belfast to Cork and including the Dublin Festival of History, Kilkenomics and the Dalkey Book Festival. This gives the book a ready-made audience and a proven track-record of success so your investment will be in something that makes a real impact.
Recent artistic endeavours like 'John Adams', 'Hamilton' and 'Game of Thrones' have shown that people really love history and a strong, complex narrative as long as it is accessible and includes them. From 20 years in the entertainment business I know how to bring an audience with me and my passion is to do so to as wide an audience as possible.
Risks & Challenges
We are living in a time of unprecedented change - and for working creative people nothing will be the same again. My work as a gigging musician and touring these shows used to provide funds for projects - I would never have asked for help before. The converse of that was that I was working so much there was little time to complete work of this nature. That's all changed and with the Coronavirus lockdown I will have no public work for at least 6 months.
I know that many of you will be watching every cent too, so I understand how hard fundraising will be at this time. However, I want to produce something unique that will bring hope, enlightenment and education after this terrible time is over. And I believe if we help each other out we will get through this and have an incredible amount of great work created as a bonus.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, that doesn't mean you can't help: I'd love you to get the word out and using the Indiegogo share tools, let the history-lovers in your life know about this project. Many thanks!