Did you know?
The following bonus material is GUARANTEED to be added to the book once we reach our $5000 funding goal--no stretch goals required!
The Sketchables Digital Sketchbook: a PDF file will be emailed to ALL BACKERS containing character designs, promotional materials, behind-the-scenes production pics showing the evolution of a page from pencils to inks, the FULL Abductables comic book script, and director's commentary from the creators!
Community Art Gallery: Extra pages will be added to the book that feature fan art from YOU, the readers! Start sending in your stuff--this is your chance to see your artwork in print!
Thank You Page: An additional credits page will be added to the book, dedicated to listing the names or screennames of ALL our beloved backers! This is our way of saying THANK YOU for helping make The Abductables a reality!
Stretch Goals!
**UNLOCKED**: Backmatter Content! Additional pages will be added to the book containing illustrated character bios, worldbuilding, plot insights, and more!
$8,000: Print Pinup! A cardstock quality PRINT PINUP featuring Abductables artwork will be included for ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS!
$10,000: Stickers! Full color STICKERS featuring Abductables artwork will be included for ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS!
$12,000: Bookmarks! A BOOKMARK featuring Abductables artwork will be included for ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS!
$15,000: Trading card! A full color TRADING CARD featuring Abductables artwork will be included for ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS!
$20,000: Squarebound Printing! The Abductables will be upgraded from a standard floppy comic book to a full-blown TRADE PAPERBACK!
$30,000: FULL COLOR! A professional colorist will be hired to render all 52 pages in glorious FULL COLOR!
$50,000: **MYSTERY ITEM** A top secret item will be included for ALL PHYSICAL BACKERS! What could it be?! Trust me, you're gonna want to find out!
Short Summary
As a child of the '90s raised on UFO conspiracy books and one-too-many episodes of The X-Files, the question I ended up raising in my late-twenties was perhaps inevitable: what would happen if the victims of alien abduction actually fought back against their extraterrestrial captors?
Couple that with visions of a roid-rage Arnold Schwarzenegger-clone beating the crap out of a bunch of pot-bellied, bobble-headed Greys and, well, the rest is history.
The Abductables is that original idea finally brought to fruition--as both a tribute to my alien-obsessed youth and as a mission statement on how I want comics to be: funny, violent, dramatic, bombastic--with maybe a tear-jerking moment or two thrown in for good measure.
Of course, bringing my ridiculous notions of intergalactic mayhem to life would be impossible without a draftsman who shares my irreverent sensibilities.
Enter: Ibai Canales (insert probe joke here)--an amazing artist who not only appreciates my sick sense of humor, but also produces the kind of expressionistic cartooning this project needs to land the jokes and sell the fights. And as you can see with these preview pages--Mr. Canales does so in spades!
By funding this project, you'll help bring the outlandish vision of two independent comic creators to life in physical form--and provide yourself with quality entertainment in the process!
What We Need & What You Get
Here's the good news: all the artwork for the book is ALREADY complete! This means a faster turnaround time for our backers!
The $5000 funding goal is calculated to cover the cost of ordering a healthy print run of the 52 page Abductables comic book, as well as quality shipping supplies, domestic & (ridiculously expensive) international postage, bags & boards, and any other ancillary fees that will no doubt pop up in the fulfillment stage of this campaign.
(We also need to set some money aside for Canales's beer fund--surely a worthy cause!)
The perks of this campaign are designed to give you options--some prefer their comics digital, others like to tear into a physical copy and devour it cover-to-cover, and others still are all about collecting (and possibly reselling!) their pristine first edition copy.
Whatever your preference, we've got you covered!
The Impact
Both the medium and the industry of comic books are just a small satellite in comparison to the planetary behemoth that is pop culture at large. As such, independent creators such as myself and Canales have it especially rough when trying to bring our wacky ideas to life. Without corporate backing or the infrastructure of an established comic book company to do the heavy lifting, we need your help to print the book ourselves and send it directly to you, the reader!
While this is my first official crowdfunding campaign, Canales's track record speaks for itself, as his previous Indiegogo campaign Iron Sights (in collaboration with the great Richard C. Meyer, aka Ya Boi Zack) reached the vaunted Six Figures and managed to crack the Top 10 of that year's sales charts!
Because this is my first crowdfunding venture, I take my responsibility to provide you with a high quality book promptly and efficiently very seriously--after all, you only get one first impression!
Risks & Challenges
Let's be frank: the worst case scenario is that we don't get funded. Should that happen, you'll be refunded your contribution and the book will unfortunately not see print.
Ah, but what if we do reach our goal? Well, that's when the real challenge begins! I'm not naïve: I've studied previous campaigns and have seen the trials and tribulations, mistakes and miscalculations made by other creators, and I owe them a great debt by learning from their mistakes.
While this process will certainly be a learning experience for me, I'm confident in my ability to roll with the punches and deliver the goods come hell or high water!
And while I intend to maintain complete transparency and accountability throughout the funding and fulfilment process, know this: once we reach our initial funding goal, you are GUARANTEED to get your book--no matter what!
Other Ways You Can Help
Believe me, I know what it's like to be strapped for cash. If you simply can't afford to back the book--no worries! If money's tight and you still want to see this project succeed, do me a favor and help spread the word!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and any other newfangled social media the kids are into these days--let's make this campaign go VIRAL!
Tell your friends, your coworkers, your mom and dad, meemaw and peepaw--even your creepy uncle who just got out of prison! (Okay, maybe not him, but you get the idea.)
And please, use the Indiegogo share tools!
Follow Michael Derrick on social media:
Follow Ibai Canales on social media: