The Acting Class is a feature length documentary directed by Deirdre O'Neill and Mike Wayne. We make political films dealing with issues of injustice and inequality. This is our third feature documentary.This film explores the difficulties people from working class backgrounds face when trying to get into the acting profession. We talk to struggling actors who are excluded from the profession because they do not have the networks and economic resources to get in and stay in the profession. We also talk to already established actors from working class backgrounds such as Maxine Peake and Chris Eccleston who tell us how much things have changed and how they would not be able to follow their dreams if they were starting out now. We draw comparisons with the privileges of the middle class aspiring actor and the obstacles facing those from less privileged backgrounds.The film follows Tom Stocks who set up a campaign to raise awareness about these issues when he could not afford the fees to go to drama school. The film poses the question why should acting or any of the arts be the preserve of the rich and what are the consequences when they are ?
What We Need & What You Get
We want to raise £6000. We have already shot 90% of the film and have begged and borrowed equipment and support. We are on the final leg and need funds to cover the cost of travel in the UK for our final interviews, post production work, the production of the DVDs and the travel costs involved in screening the film across the country in as many places as possible. The film will be more widely seen the more we can travel with the film to screenings so that we can do Q&As afterwards. You can contribute a sum of your choice and receive various perks (T-shirts, credits, DVDs, etc). Donations can be credited to you or hidden if you prefer to remain anonymous.
The Impact
If we don't tell this story nothing will change. The same people will dominate our screens and stages and working class people will continue to be excluded which affects not only them but the kinds of stories which a society tells about itself. This is a very live issue at the moment and this film will help bring people together who are concerned about the issue and push for change.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you cannot contribute financially and we know that it is difficult for lots of people at the moment, we would really appreciate it if you could share this page and help us get it out to as many people as possible.