Short Summary
The Airplane Home is an untold story of Bruce Campbell, who transformed a Boeing 727 into his home. While media has touched on his unusual dwelling, we're diving deep into Bruce's full journey. This unique tale aims to inspire viewers worldwide, showing what it truly takes to embrace an unconventional lifestyle and leave a distinct mark on the world.
Feature Concept: This biographical film chronicles the life of Bruce Campbell. It begins with child and teenage actors portraying Bruce's youth on various Air Force bases, exploring how frequent relocations shaped his early identity and the challenges he faced.
As an adult, Bruce takes what seems like a giant leap for mankind; acquiring an airplane. Initially intended for event organizing, this aircraft unexpectedly becomes his home.
The narrative spans most of Bruce's life, from his Air Force base childhood to his current status as a 74-year-old man residing in a Boeing 727—an ongoing project. The full story will unfold on screen, with more surprises in store.
We're excited to bring this extraordinary tale to life, but it can only happen with your support. Your contribution will help us create a fascinating film that showcases Bruce's unique journey.
What We Need & What You Get
We're excited to announce the completion of our short film and the launch of our funding campaign. Your support is crucial as we aim to recoup our production costs and propel our project forward. In a unique collaboration, 25% of all funds raised will contribute to Bruce Campbell's innovative 'Airplane 2.0' project.
While our feature-length film is still in its early stages, your contribution to our short film is a vital stepping stone. Your generosity will not only help cover the expenses we've already incurred but also pave the way for our ambitious feature project. Once we've successfully funded the short, we'll begin developing our full-length production—a venture that will likely require its own Indiegogo fundraising initiative due to its larger scope.
As a token of our appreciation, all contributors will receive exclusive access to our captivating 6-minute short film. Join us in bringing independent cinema to life!
The Impact
The true impact of this story hinges on Bruce's presence during the feature film's production. Our goal is to create a film and narrative that are as authentic as possible. We aim to foster a community where individuals like Bruce can develop self-assurance by feeling valued for their uniqueness. This is crucial because inequality is often overlooked or accepted as the norm, when it shouldn't be.
Your donation would not only support us but also contribute to the broader community and the evolution of inclusive filmmaking, addressing issues of disability and inequality for future generations.
Please follow us on Instagram @theairplanehome. We want to build a community and help you all stay up to date. Join us in our journey and thank you!