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The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

A book that shines light on organizations and people that are devoted to a nation and its people. They are The Angels of Africa.

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The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

The Angels of Africa - Faces of Hope for the Many in Need

A book that shines light on organizations and people that are devoted to a nation and its people. They are The Angels of Africa.

A book that shines light on organizations and people that are devoted to a nation and its people. They are The Angels of Africa.

A book that shines light on organizations and people that are devoted to a nation and its people. They are The Angels of Africa.

A book that shines light on organizations and people that are devoted to a nation and its people. They are The Angels of Africa.

Marshall Foster
Marshall Foster
Marshall Foster
Marshall Foster
1 Campaign |
Austin, United States
$9,760 USD 35 backers
102% of $9,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Hello, my name is Marshall Foster. For the majority of my 33 years, I have been fortunate to call the Lone Star State home.  Most of my time is spent enjoying photography, art, traveling, music, Muay Thai, writing and stregthening my relationships.  I have an identical twin brother, whom I will use for body parts once mine give out, along with 5 other brothers and sisters that are close to me.  I have hung my hat in Austin, TX for the past 8 years.  Over the last decade, I've worked in the music industry as a Tour Manager for multiple touring bands.  Working in music really afforded me the opportunity to form many lasting relationship's.  In 2008, I discovered my love for photography in Venice, Italy while on a European run.  The love for photography has poured from my heart ever since.

A few years ago, while I was contemplating a career change, a subtle voice inside me said, "You need to go Africa."  I didn't pay much attention to the voice; only discounting it as a crazy random thought.  A few weeks went by as I continued my search and I heard the same voice say "If you don't go, then negativity will start to fill your life."  This time I pondered the idea a little more but ultimately decided not to listen because I knew I would be content continuing to work in the music industry as I had been for over a decade.   This decision to stay was safe, it was comfortable and I wasn't afraid of it. I remember saying in a voice mixed with laughter "Africa....Why would I go to Africa?  There are many other places in the world that would be better." And just like the voice said the next few years would prove to be my most stressful yet.  Stress took a great toll on me physically and mentally and would also prove to sap most of my creative energy as a photographer.  

Now, after finally realizing what has been going on within my life, I have decided to face my fears and travel to Africa to lend two helping hands, my camera and an open heart.   After recently making this decision I asked myself "What specifically can I do to help?"  I started thinking upon my skills and talents and how they could be of use in a land, where many need so much.  I came up with two main areas I could focus on 1. Construction and Electrical work and 2. Photography.  Two things that I know a great deal about.  I started to scour the web for groups that would allow me to volunteer my specific skills.  I found many, but most wanted me to pay them to volunteer.  I thought this was ludicrous.  I spoke to one group and they said that once I paid the thousands of dollars it took to volunteer for a few weeks I would be able to visit. I could then put the visit on my resume for work.  This group was essentially going to do nothing more than setup a photo opp.  I wondered just how much of the money people gave them actually went to the people of Africa?  I was sure not much.  I continued my search for other opportunities and would find that many groups were doing the same thing.  This really saddened me.  I thought to myself "How does anyone know which groups are doing "Real" good in Africa and what groups are just creating photo ops for resumes?"  I then thought, "That's what I'll do!  I'll find and showcase the groups that are saving lives and truly making the country a better place...the real faces of hope in Africa...The Angels of Africa." 

With this in mind, my plan is to seek out and find organizations in Uganda and surrounding areas that are genuinely making a difference in the lives of the many that inhabit them.  I will interview each and shoot their efforts.  I will then combine both the interview and photos into an in-depth photo book that will showcase each.  I plan to create my book using Blurb's extremely user friendly and professional book creating software.  I have used Blurb before on photo books for friends.  All proceeds from sales will go back to the organizations featured in the book minus overhead to maintain the book. My only goal here is to help the organizations and not make any profit.  I also hope to join each organization in their efforts, whatever they might be.  I'd like to know first hand what they do.  Doing this project will hopefully lift these organizations to the top of the pool of organizations that consists of thousands who are all vying for the same resources. I will also allow the organizations to use the photos I take to strengthen their marketing resources.  I plan to start my interviews and data collection at the end of May 2013 and hope to interview and shoot three groups a month till September of 2013.  I will then use October to piece the book together with a hard release in November of 2013.  My expenses for the project are projected as follows:

Housing for 7 Months: 7@200 per month = $1400                                      

Food For 7 Months: Approx $50 per week = $1400
Transportation Costs: $3000
Printing Costs: $2500
Support and Logistical Costs: $1200

This project is something that will be a first for me, so I currently do not have any video, photo books, or photos of Africa for you to review.  I do, however, have a few examples of my work which will give you an idea of the quality of images that will be in the book.  If you would like to see more of my work you can click on the links of the photos which will take you to my website and flickr pages.

The Mabry MillThe Mabry Mill
Willie Nelson - In the MomentWillie Nelson - In the Moment
Ring around the RosesRing around the Roses
The Eyes of FenixThe Eyes of Fenix

 Before I discuss the risks of my trip, it is important to me that you understand the importance of this project.  I'm looking at this project as a much welcomed challenge. Over the last few years, I have gradually felt that I was getting too comfortable when there are many out there that live without comfort period.  It got to the point that I almost felt obsessed with maintaining my comfort zone.  I started to prefer to stay home rather than engage the world around me.  I' am now done with that way of thinking.  It has done nothing but instil silly fears within myself. I plan to push myself to operate out of my comfort zone for awhile by pressing the reset button.  I need to engage the world and hopefully make it a better place than it was when I started.  I don't want to look back on my life and say "Well, I kept myself from dying for the most part."  I don't want to pickle myself in comfort surrounded by my possessions.  I once took a picture of a homeless man in San Fransisco that had all of his belongings loaded onto a cart that towered over him.  With a blank face, he just sat there next to his stuff, guarding it, probably all day and night. 


His EmpireHis Empire

Every time I look at that photo I wonder about the wondrous places he could go and the good that he could do if he got rid of his cart of stuff.  I then wondered the same for myself and others like me.  I think my cart has been loaded down with fear more than anything.  I have always felt that we should do more in Africa.  Instead of waiting around for someone else I feel I need to be the change I want to see.  In my eyes, I have no choice but to travel to Africa...I can't go back to my old way of living.


Risks and Obstacles
Going into this project I am aware of some of the risks and obstacles that lie ahead.  Africa is filled with infrastructure inconsistencies.  Their power/electrical systems, security, transportation, housing, health and other infrastructure are in need of much improvement.   This will hinder me some, and to what extent I'm not quite sure.  I'm currently doing as much research as possible into the different areas but won't fully know till I'm there and engaged with my surroundings.  

To ensure my media is secure I've made sure my computer and my camera, two items that are integral in my efforts are protected.  I will be getting a water/crush proof case for both along with a solar power 110 charging unit.  Inconsistent power can ruin electrical systems pretty quickly.  I also plan to upload media to an online server periodically so that I'm not traveling with large amounts of data that can be destroyed, lost or stolen.  To ensure my health the best I can I have gotten all the required shots and will be taking malaria pills daily.  I've secured housing with a friend for the first month which will allow me to get my bearings once I arrive.  Then, I hope to then formulate a set plan of action and network from there.  I feel that transportation is going to be one of my main challenges while in Africa.  I will do my best to overcome this...even if I have to rent a scooter or emmotoka!  Research and information gathering is going to be a huge ally when it comes to my security while traveling.  It will be my goal to know as many variables as possible before making any hard moves.

I know that this project is going to test me in every way possible, and I'm ready to face them head on.  I also know that if done right this project can do some real good by showcasing the efforts of people and organizations that are offering real hope, saving lives and making Africa a better place.  The Angels of Africa are real and deserve to be seen.  I know with you behind me I can complete this project.  By helping me fund this project you will be going out on a limb to do so.  But why not go out on a limb...isn't that where the best fruit is?  I thank you for your time, and hope you will invest your trust with me.  I won't let you down.


One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"



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$5 USD
Thanks so much for the support. Every dollar helps.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

Digital Copy of the Book

$20 USD
A digital PDF version of the book sent to your email.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

Sign Paperback Copy

$55 USD
Signed paperback copy of the finished book , and digital PDF copy sent to your email. These will be the first releases.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
9 claimed

Sign Hard Bound Copy

$75 USD
Signed hard bound copy of the finished book , and digital PDF copy sent to your email. These will be the first releases.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
5 claimed

Hard Copy and Video

$135 USD
Signed hard bound copy of the finished book , and digital PDF copy sent to your email. Plus, a video commentary of the book with stories behind the photos and why I chose each one.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
2 claimed

Previous plus 8X10

$185 USD
Everything at the $135 level, plus an 8X10 of your favorite photo signed. I hope to include a story behind the photo too.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 claimed


$250 USD
Everything at the $185 level, plus your name in acknowledgments section of the book.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
9 claimed

Framed and Matted

$1,000 USD
Everything at the $250 level, plus a framed and matted copy of the book cover, signed, along with your favorite photo. A personal thank you will also be written on the front of the frame thanking you for supporting "The Angels of Africa". This will be ready to hang.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Help A Charity

$3,000 USD
Everything at the $1000 level, plus I will shoot, interview, and promote your charity of choice in my book, and you will be listed as the sponsor. (**The charity must be working in Africa**) This will ensure that your charity will forever receive a portion of the proceeds from this book for it's life.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

Platnium Support

$5,000 USD
Everything at the $1000 level, plus a photo shoot of your choice in the US. This could be for a charity you believe in, you and your family, a band etc. The shoot will most likely have to wait till I return to the states unless it is for a charity in Africa.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 out of 2 of claimed

Project Backer

$10,000 USD
Project Backer - You would receive a signed hard bounded copy, a DVD commentary, a framed and matted copy of the cover plus an 8X10 of you favorite photo, a photo shoot, plus a special full preface thank you page with your photo at the beginning of the book.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 1 of claimed
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