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The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

Welcome to the Apocalypse Survival Guide project. This project helps any person that uses it in case of a disaster(from hurricanes to Zombies to Meteors oh my)

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The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

The Apocalypse Survival Guide Project

Welcome to the Apocalypse Survival Guide project. This project helps any person that uses it in case of a disaster(from hurricanes to Zombies to Meteors oh my)

Welcome to the Apocalypse Survival Guide project. This project helps any person that uses it in case of a disaster(from hurricanes to Zombies to Meteors oh my)

Welcome to the Apocalypse Survival Guide project. This project helps any person that uses it in case of a disaster(from hurricanes to Zombies to Meteors oh my)

Welcome to the Apocalypse Survival Guide project. This project helps any person that uses it in case of a disaster(from hurricanes to Zombies to Meteors oh my)

John Caballero
John Caballero
John Caballero
John Caballero
1 Campaign |
Dumont, United States
$501 USD 2 backers
1% of $40,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Hey Indiegogo!  My name is John Caballero, I work as a full time tutor, private consultant, and all of my time otherwise goes into my company and this project.  Welcome!  To the Apocalypse Survival Guide Project!

This project started almost two years ago during the night of Hurricane Sandy.  I laid in bed frustrated because I had no power, no food, and no way to reach any of my loved ones.  I was in a position where I couldn’t help myself, or other people.  The only thing I could really do was use my phone.  That realization is what gave me the idea for the project.  I immediately designed and started creating an app to help people plan for and get through disasters.  At the time a lot of people were freaking out about the Mayan prophecies and 2012.  So… I decided to use that to help get more attention.  Once I did that I quickly added Zombies simply for the entertainment value.  I knew a big issue I had from the start is that people don’t like to plan for disasters.  They like to say “oh it’ll never happen to me”.  Or worse yet, they just plead ignorance because they would rather not think about it.  I figured I could use something entertaining like zombies to get people interested while still giving them the tools to make a real plan and actually be prepared.  Kind of like tricking people into helping themselves.  That’s been the main thought process behind everything we’ve done.  Let me take your through the steps.

Step 1:  The ASG App

So here’s where the whole process starts, the Apocalypse Survival Guide app.  Currently we only have it out for iOS (hopefully you can help with that), and after almost 2 years of work it finally has full functionality.  We’ve divided all disasters you can plan for by using eight different apocalypses.  We know that the word apocalypse can come off as very fictional and silly, but this app is filled with nothing but facts.  I spent over a month on each apocalypse creating the most factual, concise, what you should know description for each one.  Each apocalypse also has tips of what you should do before, during and after disaster strikes.  Along with all this useful information is a GPS that helps you find resources based on different categories specific for the apocalypse you’re looking at.  You can save these locations and they get stored into the app.  If you lose internet for some strange reason, not to worry!  All of these addresses can be seen offline so you can still use them.  Remember, the idea for the app started the night of Hurricane Sandy, so it’s meant to be as applicable as possible.  Along with the GPS there are different kits you can fill out, the ability to add friends, see their plans, and of course make your own plans.  The purpose of the app is so that you can make a plan for yourself in case of any disaster.  Even if you plan with other people, family, friends, whoever, you never know what’s actually going to happen, and heaven forbid you’re all alone, this plan is for you.  Don’t worry though, if you choose to leave your plans public, or visible to your friends, you can all see each other’s plans.  Even if you all lose internet and can’t communicate with each other, you can still see everyone’s plan and find out what they are planning to do.

Step 2:  The Facebook App

I forgot to mention one thing about the app.  Each Apocalypse has a unique analyzer that gives you your chance of surviving alone.  It asks questions about where you’re from, what you know, what you can do, and what you’re willing to do.  It’s actually really fun to do.  After the analyzer tells you your chances, your score is uploaded to the Facebook app.  This took a lot of time and work also, but this part of the process is meant to be a bridge between the ASG app and the ASG website.  With the Facebook App you can see your scores, as well as the scores of all your friends.  You can all compare, brag, make fun, and overall just see where everyone stands.  You can also see everyone’s plans, group plans, and how prepared they are.  The app will suggest people from your friends list that you should make a plan with, based on their scores and how prepared they are.  The Facebook app is all about getting people into the mind set of planning together. 

Step 3:  The ASG Website

Finally, we come to the heart of the project.  The website is filled with all kinds of really cool, helpful, fun and applicable things.  You should definitely check it out when you get the chance!  By far the most important thing in the website is the group plans.  Like I mentioned before, one of the biggest obstacles for this project is the fact that people don’t like to plan for disasters.  We designed and created a way for people to sit down, and without any forethought can just make an entire plan from start to end.  Without any prior planning any person can create a plan for as many people as they want (friends, class, family, etc) that has rendezvous points, policies, supplies, and can assign everyone a role.  Roles are a revolutionary idea we had that we feel is really going to help people get into this.  What would you be?  A hunter?  A scavenger?  A scout, cook, ambassador, farmer, zoo keeper, etc.  The roles help people define where you fit, and it makes sure that everyone can contribute to the group with the best of their abilities. 

What’s Going On Now

We’ve spent the better of two years working on these different steps to make the whole process as easy to use as possible.  It’s been a lot of work but it’s definitely worth it.  I already had someone message me because after a small disaster, she was able to use the app to get gas and help her out.  That in itself already makes this entire project worth it.  We have a huge marketing plan but before we could move forward with that we wanted to make sure the pieces were all done and the functionality part of the project was complete.  The marketing plan was hard to come up with.  When you have a product or service you’re supposed to choose a main demographic and target them.  Our biggest issue was that this project can and is meant to help everyone.  Therefore after a lot of thought we had to stick with everyone as our demographic.  Because of that we decided to create a web series with every demographic, designed to help us reach as many demographics as possible.  We’ve been to a few conventions but that was mostly to collect data and find out how to make things more user friendly.  Right now we’re planning to go to NYCC 2014 with the main focus of showing off the completed project and to get help with the web series.  We need help to get to that point.

What’s Next and How You Can Help

Hopefully you have a full grasp of how we got here, why we got here, and what we’re trying to do.  We have a lot of social medias, (that you should all check out!) as well as contests, blogs, newspapers, etc.  I’ve been funding this all myself up to this point, the app, facebook, website, conventions, marketing.. all of it.  I’ve been working three jobs just to make this happen.  I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally be at this stage and be able to tell you all this.  Unfortunately this is where I could use some serious help.  First of all, I need to make sure all of the functionality of the project is complete: the app, website, fb app, and everything else connected to this project.  That is first and foremost.  If you guys help enough I’ll be able to start the Android version of this app and hopefully get it done before NYCC 2014.  Secondly is NYCC itself.  I was there last year with a few people and we got very positive reviews.  I was not there to make a buck however and it ended up hurting my wallet quite a bit.  Took me like two months to recover from that.  This year we have double the space, more equipment and we plan on doing a lot more.  Last year we had amazing makeup artists paint people up into really gruesome zombies.  Some of those people were chained up and helped us terrorize passersby.  This year the makeup artists are coming back and we not only plan on stepping up the makeup, but we will also be locking our newly made zombies into cages for everyone to see.  It’s going to be a lot of fun.  We will also have a couple of the web series actors in full apocalyptic costume as well as a couple other surprises.  The more funding we can get for this the better.  The booth is expensive enough, as well as the supplies needed. Any additional funding will go into all of the marketing material that we need to bring.  Finally, we have the web series.  This indiegogo campaign is more about the project and how important it is.  We will be creating another crowdfunding campaign during October to show people during the convention.  The web series has a professional composer helping us with the soundtrack, amazing make up, very talented costume designers and a crazy good script.  We’re really pulling out all the stops for this since we need it to get as much attention as possible (to get as much attention as possible to the project).  That said, we are filming some background stuff to show during NYCC before we get the funding needed to shoot the rest of the web series.  Any extra funds we get from you guys will go to helping the success of this campaign and helping us film, create, and shoot whatever we need for it (including the very expensive trailer we need to make). 

Directly where the funding will go:

1.  Finishing the functionality of the project ($15,000):  Finishing the iOS app, the ASG website, the FB app, Group Plans, and anything else needed for the whole process to work.  

2.  NYCC 2014 ($15,000):  Paying for the booth, make up, cage, props, renting a huge monitor, flyers, booklets, t-shirts, etc.

3. Trailer ($10,000):  Even though this is 3rd, this is a big one.  We are making a trailer for the ASG Web Series (main marketing tool) that has to be done by NYCC.  We have original costumes, a lot of actors, a lot of props, an original music score, and a bunch of other stuff going into this series.  The more funding we get for the trailer, the better we'll look at NYCC, and the more support we can get for the web series.  

Extra funding will be dedicated to:

1.  Android ($10,000):  Making the Android version of the app and integrating it with the rest of the project.

2.  Marketing ($5,000):  Getting enough marketing material for NYCC 2014 (We always run out of supplies with the amount of volume we consistently get).

3.  Filming ($$$$):  A film budget can be endless, the more money you have, the better props, make up, clothing, cameras, etc.  If everything else has been dealt with and we get extra revenue.  Meaning that functionality and NYCC have been paid and decked out to their full extreme (which would be crazy awesome), then that extra revenue will go into making the trailer and webseries as amazing as possible.

The End?

That was a lot.  But, we wanted to make sure you guys knew where we were and where we were coming from.  Any help we can get would be greatly appreciated.  One last thing I forgot to mention.  It’s about the website and the group plans.  We are making something called the Apocalypse Survival Notebooks.  Basically, we take your group plans and make a book out of them.  The book will have whatever cover you want, an index, group plans, individual plans, everyone’s emergency contact info, pictures and addresses you’ve saved, and critical information about the roles you have selected to be in your plans.  Overall, it’s the ultimate disaster plan, catered specifically for you. They’ve been really hard to manufacture since they are made individually, but they are the end of a long, productive process.  We’re hoping they catch on and people get them, not just for the entertainment value, but also because of how cool and helpful they can really be.  We are including them in the rewards and will be using you guys to help us make sure they work and can be made like we want them too.  If at any point any of you guys have any questions, comments, thoughts, or whatever else about the project, feel free to hit us up.  All of our social medias are below.  We really appreciate it.  Have a good day!

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Choose your Perk

Be a part of the project!

$1 USD
Just knowing we have your support means a lot! Anyone who donates a dollar or more gets a special title on the ASG website (IndieGoGo Ranger) that is unique to this campaign, and shows that you heard of and helped the project right from the start.
0 claimed

Join us at NYCC!

$5 USD
The first 50 people to help at least this much will have their names added to the NYCC exclusive T-shirts. Anyone who donates afterwards will have their name added to the NYCC banner that will be up during the entire convention.
0 claimed

Spread the word!

$20 USD
Anyone who donates at least this much will be getting a few flyers with original art as well as stickers with the ASG logo on it. You'll get plenty of stuff to keep for yourself and give away. Tell a friend, give someone a cool looking flyer, or find a creative place to put one of the stickers. We're very active so anyone who uploads a picture with our sticker in it using our hashtag (#theASGproject) will definitely get a huge shout out!
0 claimed

Thank you! Have a T-shirt :)

$50 USD
(As well as the above perks) Anyone who donates at least this much also gets a NYCC 2014 exclusive t-shirt before anyone else, and a Thank You card from us. As well as our gratitude and thanks, it will also include some concept art, background info and previews for some of the stuff we're working on now and for the future.
0 claimed

ASG Pack: "Death and Decay"

$100 USD
(As well as the above perks) this perk comes with two 24" x 34" posters. "Death and Decay" contains original art for the Zombie Apocalypse and Global Warming
0 claimed

ASG Pack: "Affects Everyone"

$100 USD
In addition to everything given in the lower perks, this perk comes with two 24" x 34" posters. "Affects Everyone" contains original art for a Nuclear War, and Worldwide Pandemic
0 claimed

ASG Pack: "Fire & Ash"

$100 USD
In addition to everything given in the lower perks, this perk comes with two 24" x 34" posters. "Fire & Ash" contains original art for Super Volcano and the Meteor Apocalypse
0 claimed

ASG Pack: "Sci Fi?"

$100 USD
In addition to everything given in the lower perks, this perk comes with two 24" x 34" posters. "Sci Fi?" contains original art for the Alien apocalypse and the Robot Apocalypse
1 claimed

ASG Survivor

$150 USD
(As well as the above perks) choose which pack you want from the top four and after completion of a group plan, we will send you one of the beta versions of the Apocalypse Survival Notebooks. Get them before we share them with the public and help us finalize this long and worth while process.
0 claimed

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