When we started this film in August 2013 over a year ago, we were driven by our love of filmmaking and horror films in general – being a great fan of George Romero, we spent long days in a disused office being attacked by flies.
The Apostate takes place in other locations too – but with a limited budget to work with, we had to use what was available to us! There's a massive post-production phase that requires a lot of time and effort by talented artists – and that’s where Indiegogo comes in! Fingers crossed!
Here is a trailer we cut together to show the potential and the effort we have put in!
This movie has been made on a very
limited budget. We used our own money and when the script was ready – we
started shooting with what we had. We believe that filmmakers should at least put some of their
money where their mouth is!
When I started this project, I knew we had the skill-set required to make a movie like this, with Andy a veteran of short films and an award winning director - We just need the manpower and funds to finish it!
With the Indiegogo funding we'll hire a team of visual effects artists, compositors, colourists, colour correctors and other professionals who will work closely with Andy on post-production for a period of around 2 months to complete the film.
To hire these artists we need to be able to pay them - Money will also go to
hire artists to create the official movie poster, DVD box set and more. Costs
will also go to the rewards, such as printing costs for posters, t-shirts,
DVD’s etc.
We're open to all the help we can get
- if you feel like contributing to this movie in any way not mentioned here,
please contact us at: info@mangotree-media.co.uk
Nobody should be left empty handed,
so we've put together packages of exclusive rewards for each donator - from
t-shirts and posters to the chance to have your short film produced by us or be
in the movie.
Some of our perks are very original so have a look at the rewards
on the panel to the right.
If this Indiegogo campaign is
successful, we will release 15 minutes of the movie online – for FREE to give
people a taste of what we have created And if we were to exceed our Indiegogo
goal – we would try and bring a film to a town near you!
Our goal £5000 – finishes the movie
to a high standard
Exceed £5000 we will try and bring
the movie to a town near you (UK)
This film was shot entirely on a
‘hacked’ GH2 - which gives some of the ‘big gun’ camera’s a run for their
We Need Your Help!
We're aiming for a premiere in July 2014 and we literally cannot do this without your support and financial backing. We've done so much already to get everything in place to make this film a reality!
Please consider getting involved and contributing to this exciting and unique project and become a part of it.
If you can't donate...
It is free to share our campaign! Tell some friends, post it on Facebook, or tweet about it on Twitter! Every little helps in reaching our target to make this film the best it can possibly be.
Thank you so much!
Writer & Director
Andy Dodd (http://www.andydodd.info)has been making films since he
was 15 and believes he must have worked on at least 100 short films since as a
Director, 1st AD or writer. He has attended both the Raindance and Guerilla film-makers'
master-class and have been featured in Total Film magazine, ain't it cool news,
press and radio to name but a few.
He recently won 'best director -
short film' at The Indie gathering film festival.
‘it’s a love thing’ (http://www.facebook.com/itsalovethingfilm)
which he made in 2012, has won multiple awards - best family film at Canada
International Film Festival, Indie Merit, Indie Gathering + more. This is
available on Amazon.
'Lullaby' and 'The Cleaner', two of
his shorts, have been featured on ain't it cool news twice by Mark Millar.
‘something I never had’ a
gut-wrenching 12 minute movie.
Phoenix Laine has been writing and producing songs all his life. He is a recording artist and has his own unique sound. He has been involved in film production for the past two years.
James J Bryhan
James has appeared in numerous
films, TV. and theatre productions playing an array of characters that have been challenging and rewarding.
Nominated for best actor for a BEFFTA award in the film, TO THE END OF THE ROAD.
http://www.spotlight.com/0536-7832-4629Terri Dwyer (http://www.officialterridwyer.com)
Since leaving Hollyoaks, Terri has
pretty much concentrated on her presenting career. However, during a recent
conversation she has admitted to me just how much she misses acting and has
began taking acting classes.
"Discovering the difference
between Strasberg and Stanislavski has been incredibly interesting", said
Terri. "We are now onto Shakespeare and I must confess, it is so much
better the second time around, I am really enjoying it".
Hire a team for post production
PR team
Quality website
Poster design
Premiere to reward all the people who helped us