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The Art and Craft of Writing

Don't lose heart! Learn the secrets of the best authors!

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The Art and Craft of Writing

The Art and Craft of Writing

The Art and Craft of Writing

The Art and Craft of Writing

The Art and Craft of Writing

Don't lose heart! Learn the secrets of the best authors!

Don't lose heart! Learn the secrets of the best authors!

Don't lose heart! Learn the secrets of the best authors!

Don't lose heart! Learn the secrets of the best authors!

LJ Wright
LJ Wright
LJ Wright
LJ Wright
3 Campaigns |
Centreville, United States
$5,579 USD by 65 backers
$5,018 USD by 56 backers on Oct 5, 2019
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Click on Perk to see description - or look below

So many authors are in despair. Stories live in their hearts and minds, but they do not know what to do to make their dream become reality.

As an editor, I noticed that 90% of what I was telling my better writers was the same three things. 

This course is based on those things. It has been designed to help you learn the secrets the best authors already know about how to captivate your readers and bring your stories to life.

To this end, Superversive Press wants to provide courses on how to write—providing all the tools you need to bring your writing up to the next level!  Our first course is: 

The Art and Craft of Writing

Books are enchanting. They are like a draught of strong wine. A good story sweeps us off our feet and carries us to true love, to far off places, to Narnia or Barsoom. With stories, we can reach others, lift them out of sorrow, sometimes even sway the course of lives, or nations.

All authors yearn to bring to vivid life the stories that burn deep within their hearts. They wish not only to see them given life but also to share them and, perhaps, touch the heart of another.

 This course will teach you to bring those stories to life!


What Our Students Are Saying:

Here are some responses from students who have taken the in-person version of The Art and Craft of Writing :

“The course is a treasure trove of practical, positive advice you can use immediately to improve your WIP or solidify your ideas for a new project.” author Marina Fontaine

“I  took L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright's "Guinea Pig" writing class last November and it definitely upped my game. Since "graduating" her course, I've sold six short stories and am now working on my first novel. Thanks, Jagi.” James Pyles

"I especially liked how you simply laid out ideas about story and characters, which instantly made me go "Oh, yeah! I've seen that before!". ... I felt that these were techniques that would have taken me ages to work out on my own, and seeing them simply stated has seriously helped me as a writer."  Billy Charlton


What We Need:

In order to make this course available for everyone, we need to produce the videos first:

  • We have an excellent narrator for our project. You can hear him in the promo film, but Guild Actors need to be paid!
  • Our hard-working video team needs funds for images and graphics, not to mention food.
  • Plus there may be some cost involved in delivering the videos to consumers in an easy and streamlined fashion.
  • Right now, we are just producing videos for downloading. If the campaign does unexpectedly well, we might possibly be able to also offer DVDs.
  • If anything is left over, once all the videos are made, we would love to do some advertising, to help struggling authors everywhere learn about these helpful tools.

Stretch Goals:

  • $2000 -- Fully Funded. Our first four videos will be a go!
  • $3000 -- Two more videos! 
    Rewards: bonus video for Scribbler and above by successful author and comic book publisher Jon Del Arroz about surviving today's market--ads, marketing, and the like.
  • $4000 -- Two more videos!
    Reward bonus will include a copy of the excellent Geek Gab episode with Nick Cole (excellent information on the current marketing landscape) and, we are excited to announce, a bonus video of author DJ Butler discussing worldbuilding. (If you have not heard Mr. Butler speak, you are in for a treat.)
  • $5000 -- Should we reach this point, there will be more to come!


What The Course Entails:

The Art and Craft of Writing consists of nearly two dozen short classes, but our initial goals are humble. We hope to turn the first four classes into videos that you can replay as many times as you like.

The First Four Classes:

The Story -- Engaging Openings

The Character – Breathing Life into Your Characters

The Trick -- The Secret to all Storytelling

The Story – To Anticipate or Not to Anticipate!

What is it all actually about?

A bit of a glimpse:

Open Active:    One opening technique is to start scene changes underway and then explain how you got there…unless the change is significant.

Character Dynamics:  To make a character come to life, give him two conflicting goals. Also, add a scene where he shows a trait at odds with his main traits—this has the same effect in print that shading does in an illustration. It adds a sense of three-dimensionality.

The Trick   Raising expectations in one direction but having the story go in the opposite direction. It sounds simple, but it may be the most useful writing technique of all…the book Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is just the trick over and over again. 

The Power of Anticipation:  Think we'll stop here. We have to save something for the actual video. 


Why can't I see the Perks?

For some reason, Indiegogo collapses the Perks. You have to click on them to see them. So, here they are!

01 Brave Soul -- support the campaign. No reward

02 Dabbler -- One Video of Choice

02.5 Writer -- Just the ebook: Manual and Exercise Book

03 Scribbler -- Four Videos (of choice if we reach our stretch goals)

04 Apprentice Inkslinger -- Two Week Intensive Online Writing Course (and four videos)

05 Scribe -- Up to ten videos (whatever is funded, up to ten. )

06 Wordsmith -- All videos this campaign funds.

07 Poet -- Wordsmith, plus:  Our resident Poet will write a poem for your special occasion.

08 Wordslinger -- Wordsmith, plus:  A six-week online writing course of your choice.

09 Wordmaster -- Wordsmith, plus:  Videos (including any Rewards videos) on a thumb drive.

10 Master Inkslinger -- Wordsmith, plus:  Personal instruction for the entire class--24 Lessons.

11 Author -- Wordsmith, plus:  A short book video (2 minutes)

12 Audiosmith -- Wordsmith, plus: T urn your short story into an audiobook!

13 Scriptwriter -- Wordsmith, plus:  Longer video (5 to 15 minutes )

14 Man or Lady of Letters -- Wordsmith, plus:  Have your book edited!

15 Master Audiosmith -- Wordsmith, plus:  Turn your Novel into an Audiobook! 


What Comes Next?

If we successfully reach our first goal, we will offer stretch goals for additional classes. Here are some of our other classes:

The Story – Two Strings -- a basic technique valuable to every author

The Story – Plot We’ve Got… 

The Ultimate Secret – Motivation Is Everything

The Story – Making the Imaginary Real

The Story –  Rapid Fire! Why White Space Is Your Friend (dialogue)

The Story – Infodump Begone!

The Story – The Care and Planting of Clues (Infodump Begone! Part Two)

The Story – Heart and Soul—Portraying Emotions

The Story – Internal Dialog—The Ultimate Second String

The Story – Eyes Ahead—Making Time Your Ally

The Story – Payload Moments – the Secret of Great Scenes

The Story – Wow, That Was Satisfying!

And more! 

There is also a Craft Pack:

The Phrase – Understanding Grammar for Punctuation

The Sentence – Saying It with Elegance

The Paragraph – The Shape of Your Writing (formatting and dialogue )

Submitting Your Work – publishing and formatting


Ways You Can Help

Not everyone writes. If you are not a writer but would like to help, your support is still invaluable to us. Here are some things you can do:

  • Ask folks to get the word out about our campaign!
  • Share the campaign on social media -- Indiegogo offers various share tools to make it easy!
  • Support your favorite authors by telling people about their books!


Superversive Press -- A Light in the Void

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Choose your Perk

01 Brave Soul

$1 USD
Show your support! For those who just want to do their part to support better quality writing everywhere.
Included Items
  • No Reward
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
1 claimed

02 Dabbler

$5 USD
One Video of Choice Contributor may choose one of the finished videos to download--you will be able to choose from the list of Classes we successfully fund.
Included Items
  • One video of choice
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
0 claimed

02.5 Reader

$10 USD
Get the Ebook version of The Art and Craft of Writing For those who don't care for video, this perk includes both the Ebook itself and the Exercise Manual with the exercises that accompany each Lesson.
Included Items
  • Ebook version
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
17 claimed

03 Scribbler

$15 USD $20 USD (25% off)
Four Videos of Choice This Perk gives you access to all four of the initial Classes in video form. If we meet our stretch goals, you can pick any four from among all videos funded.
Included Items
  • Four Videos of Choice
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
3 claimed

04 Apprentice Inkslinger

$25 USD
Two Week Intensive Writing Course In addition to four videos, you get free membership in a two-week intensive Writing Class--a hands-on, interactive version of three of the videos, with personal guidance.* *--Classes are given online. While there is a delivery date listed, this can be redeemed either now or in the future.
Included Items
  • Four Videos of Choice
  • Two week intensive class
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 claimed

05 Scribe

$35 USD $50 USD (30% off)
Up to Ten Videos This perk gives you all the videos we make--or a choice of ten--whichever is smaller. (In other words, your pick of ten--unless we ultimately make less than ten, then you get them that we have made.) This Perk is good even if the remaining videos (up to ten) are made at a later time or during a different campaign.
Included Items
  • Up to ten vidoes of choice
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
3 claimed

06 Wordsmith

$45 USD
All Videos from this Campaign This perk is a bit of a gamble--at least at first. It grants you all the videos produced by this campaign. Should more than ten be funded, this will turn out to be an excellent deal!
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
18 claimed

07 Poet

$50 USD
Commission Your Own Poem In addition to everything offered by the previous perk, the Wordsmith, poet Ben Zwycky (who is also our videographer) will compose a special poem just for you--great for weddings and other commemorative occasions.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Poem by Ben Zwycky
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
0 claimed

08 Inkslinger

$75 USD
Six-Week Writing Course In addition to the Wordsmith, gain access to a six-week Writing Class--a hands-on, interactive class with personal guidance.* This can also be redeemed as three two-week intensives. *--classes are given online. While there is a delivery date listed, this can be redeemed either now or in the future.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Six-Week Writing Course
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
6 claimed

09 Wordmaster

$100 USD
In addition to the Wordsmith, receive all videos--both Writing Class videos and any Rewards videos--by mail on a thumb drive.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Thumbdrive with all videos
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.

10 Master Inkslinger

$180 USD
In addition to Wordsmith, receive personal instruction from L. Jagi Lamplighter for you and two other writers of your choice--for The Art and Craft of Writing Course. This would include both created videos and any additional class material not funded. *Classes held online and can be scheduled at your convenience.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Personal instruction
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
3 claimed

11 Author

$250 USD
Short Book Video In addition to Wordsmith, our videographer, Ben Zwychy, will make you a short book video--2 minutes or less.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Short Book Video
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
1 claimed

12 Audiosmith

$500 USD
Turn Your Short Story into an Audiobook! Professional actor, Ken Dickason--our narrator--will narrate your short story or other short work.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Ken will record short story
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
0 claimed

12 Scriptwriter

$750 USD
Longer video--5 to 15 minutes Our videographer, Ben Zwychy, will make you a longer video for your book or other subject of your choice.
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Longer video
Estimated Shipping
January 2021
0 claimed

13 Man (or Lady) of Letters

$1,000 USD
Have Your Book Edited! In additional to Wordsmith, L. Jagi Lamplighter will edit a book of your choice, using the principles taught in The Art and Craft of Letters, helping you bring out the best in your story!
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • One book edited
Estimated Shipping
September 2020
2 claimed

14 Master Audiosmith

$2,500 USD
Turn Your Novel into an Audiobook! Professional actor, Ken Dickason--our narrator--will narrate your novel (up to approx. 120K. For longer works, please inquire.)
Included Items
  • All videos from this campaign
  • Audio Book Recorded
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
0 claimed

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