Our Story
Hey Everybody, I'm Knox, a fire/circus performer from Detroit who's become frustrated with the state of led performance tools. I used to work in the theatrical/concert industry as a lighting engineer. Going from a performance where I have complete control of what my lights do to whatever flowtoys or another company programmed into the chip frustrates me. So i want to make a universal design for creating LED toys that can be programmed with a laptop and sent wirelessly to you're toy so that every LED on your toy does want you want it to, at the speed you want it to, when you want it to, and without you having to worry about anything other than moving your toy the way you want to.
The Impact
If I can accomplish this, these tools would help bring the level of quality, creativity, and fun of performing to whole new levels! Just imagine if you could make your toys change color at just the right time in the song, or flash a rainbow then go to one color without you pressing anything. You and your toy become a synchronous light show! The quality of LED toys today is, in my opinion, pathetic when compared to what we can do, we've just needed someone to want to make this possible, and i want to be that person.
What We Need & What You Get
What we need to do this is simply capital for supplies. I don't want to be paid for the time or energy put into this, I just need help buying all the parts to put together and then making designs to make everything more affordable to everyone. I want these tools to be available to all performers who can afford them (unlike other LED tools that do POV company logos).