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The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

Help fund the publication of this non fiction documentary.One court case revisited through new technology.One true grass roots story, one true experience.

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The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

The Buca Di Beppo corporate cookbook: Secrets from Joes' basement

Help fund the publication of this non fiction documentary.One court case revisited through new technology.One true grass roots story, one true experience.

Help fund the publication of this non fiction documentary.One court case revisited through new technology.One true grass roots story, one true experience.

Help fund the publication of this non fiction documentary.One court case revisited through new technology.One true grass roots story, one true experience.

Help fund the publication of this non fiction documentary.One court case revisited through new technology.One true grass roots story, one true experience.

Edwin G Hose (Pro Se)
Edwin G Hose (Pro Se)
Edwin G Hose (Pro Se)
Edwin G Hose (Pro Se)
1 Campaign |
Clinton, United States
$35 USD 2 backers
0% of $29,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Above is the actual 2008 Securities Exchange Commission filing at the core of this story which deserves close examination. Buca Inc has exhibited criminal contempt of court, conspiracy, insider trading and fraud.. these offences hidden from the public sector and a federal court judge in Pittsburgh by disbarred and disgraced lawyer Lois E Glanby. While I am myself Pro Se by nature, I am now Pro Se from a legal standpoint having been personally involved with the court system. I speak now on behalf of those intentionally misled Buca investors who owned shares of this stock between the years of 2007& 2010. In retrospect I should have made this public in 2007, but refused out of consideration for the employer. That has all changed, the respect I once had has long ago evaporated. The public should consider me a good old-fashioned  whistle blower. This story actually begins in 2003, with blatant violations of Federal Labor and Immigration Laws having occurred and witnessed in the (re)-hiring of a previously deported illegal immigrant. A letter of complaint (c) 2010 is drafted August 4 2003 and distributed to management and co-workers at the Robinson Township Pennsylvania location. Constructive termination / retaliation is the end result  for this author and his co worker teenage son. Beginning as an employment issue in the Pa UC with perjured testimony having been given under oath, I then proceed to the PHRC in 2004. Armed with collected documentation of the past and conflicting statements having been made by Buca, I eventually enter the Western District of Pennsylvania Federal Court in 2007. Civil Action # 2:07-cv-00242TFM is filed late February and not by coincidence, multi million dollar restaurant chain Buca Inc (BUCA) NASDAQ stock values begin to fall. They continue to do so unchecked until an August 5 2008 press release to the public announced an entry into "a direct financial obligation and plan of merger, and believe it or not, one month later in September 08 this "Plan" is finalized with "Planet Hollywood International Inc, a Delaware corporation" (PHWDQ.PK) This is birthplace of Buca Financing LLC, which allows for the continued operation of the restaurant chain Buca Di Beppo. How was this possible, and why was it done while the corporation was Defendant in an ongoing private federal civil matter? Answer: Buca expecting to be found guilty at trial, the fallibility/transparency of internet, incriminating documents and last but not least disbarred lawyer Lois E Glanby, who did in fact effectively place a gag upon me (us) and conceal the true Buca story from the public sector with an electronically filed and never agreed to "settlement". Pro Se case 2:12-cv-1748 was filed and has served to make that agreement worthless. Gross Misconduct and Negligence has proven to serve as inspiration for the 2012-2013 actions of Edwin G Hose Pro Se in the Western District of Pennsylvania federal court. Potential readers of this story will be inspired to be self representative in all matters of life. We all strive to possess a clear conscience. This author wishes to teach others how to be Pro Se in today's internet age. An experienced based self help Pro Se website is hoped for in the next year. Consider this scenario, it is mine: If a lawyer enters an agreement in Federal Court contrary to two (2) Plaintiffs' expressed positions of demanding trial, having issued a demand to the the defendant, what would you do when you soon found out? Your employment based case has just been ended electronically within the court, behind your back, as you prepared to pose some very difficult questions to the "defendant" who already had plenty to answer. Who would you complain to, what would you do? The defendant has intentionally buried the stock portion of the company because of this action and while actively present in court with a fired worker who was personally involved and an informed investor, witness to the scheme. Under these circumstances how would I manage to find closure? Sue the lawyer? She effectively served as roadblock in between myself and the defendant. Would you or could you, accept it gracefully having been tricked legally by someone you trusted and psychologically violated on this many levels and be able to "forget it"? No, and neither could I. Since this miscarriage of justice took place, I have refused to carry this living nightmare to my grave, and chose instead to go Pro Se. I chose to do it myself. The illegal immigrant aspect of this story is for you to decide, but its illegality was the original catalyst. It was back then and still is, illegal for employers to hire illegal immigrants. This story reflects my distaste for unscrupulous lawyers and my many sleepless nights. You are cordially invited to click on the web link that is included on this page to view a sampling of my supporting documentation, herein publicly posted to reinforce the above stated allegations.  A corporation that is even remotely guilty of misconduct should no longer be able to expect to find "safe harbor" nor refuge through the insidious and deceptive transfer of ownership. The internet and this case serves to make that old school business tactic obsolete. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                       About the author 

  His eyes opened and beheld a sapphire blue sky. Thoughts which came to him in the initial moments of consciousness inspired him to consider the possibility that he was perhaps about to meet God. He turned his head to see the motorcycle he had been riding lying as motionless on the ground as he now was. Gathering awareness and balance, he rose to his feet to assess the situation. Replace the jumped chain and make a quick trip back to the trailer. Upon further inspection it was soon discovered that a vital part had been damaged. It was the main shaft, and is exactly what the title describes. Part number one… the entire motorcycle begins here. As with everything else he owns, the motorcycle was used, aged and parts were no longer readily available. The usual response to inquiries concerning parts was, more often than not, “it has been discontinued” or “is no longer available”. In this instance part number one needed to be found, but where do you find such an obsolete item? 

  His two young sons were eight years apart in age. As part of their school curriculum they had each had the opportunity to attend classes to learn of the newly introduced computer and internet that had in recent years been made available to the public. One day, a computer ended up in the kitchen. His initial opinion was that there was no real use for it, and to remove it. As he watched his eight year old cruise in cyberspace he became a little bit jealous. There seemed to be an awful lot to learn to be able to use this device. It was at that moment that the personal computer became important for the writer. He remembered hearing on many occasions that “you can find anything on the internet”. The time had come for him to test that stated theory for himself, and be required to learn a thing or two about the computer along the way. One day a search began with the author typing the words and clicking the mouse. And so it went for six months, searching for the critical part and learning, until success was realized. After his first electronic transaction with a small salvage yard in the state of Georgia, the main shaft was shipped and the motorcycle was once again transporting one of the three male family members into the solitude and serenity of the wooded trails. 

  He now sat at the computer with nothing to do, nothing interesting to search for. He had been impressed by the power and scope of the computer and internet. He had indeed found something previously thought to be impossible to find. The question he asked himself at this point in time was, “what can I research now?”  The unemployment compensation matter soon came to mind. After several years it had transformed into a federal civil action in the Western District of Pennsylvania. The defendant in the case was his former employer, a major restaurant chain. What had begun as a simple job issue in 2003 had, quite deliberately, found its way here. With conflicting statements having been made on record by the employer, and incriminating documentation including corporate illegal immigrant tax forms having been gathered in the past years, two thoughts came to his mind. The first being the excitement of having such evidence to present in court that would shine a spotlight on the immigration problem, and the second was, how the corporation would conduct themselves on Wall Street and before the public during the lawsuit. There had been several past occasions at which time the right thing could have been done by Buca, but never was. At age 55 the future in stock he had planned for himself ten years ago has been taken from him and his sleep remains disturbed. He will no longer be able to trust very well, especially when it comes to lawyers and employers. But more importantly remains the fact that had it not been for the blessing of sobriety, he would never have blossomed into the recognized plaintiff pro se that he has become today. He remains proud yet humble, grateful to God and giving in nature. In all reality he is self described as being “krill in the sea of life”, but his heart is pure. In daily life he works 25 hours per week in the personal employ of one man and his family. Not one day has passed without his receiving at least verbal appreciation of his service. There is more contentment to be found here than is possible in most workplaces. Employee stock purchase programs offered by certain corporations would now appear to be for suckers, from his experience. America has always been the land of opportunity, and it is upon this distinction that he has written this story. If there is a future outside of poverty left for him to earn, it will be a product of this work and his dedication to standing in defense of his principles, and the laws of this country through his actions. For now he enjoys and is thankful for, Gods providence.        

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2003 Buca issue green card

$5 USD
Copy of original 2003 Buca "green card". issued in the workplace to immigrant employees but referred to as "marketing tool" in a federal court deposition given by the original GM Michael Valent. Attach your own personal message. A perfect gag gift for the illegal immigration activist, in return for a very small contribution.
0 claimed

"Moosetraxx" (C) 2010

$10 USD
. Suitable for framing. Signed copy of "Moosetraxx" copyright 2010 by oneoldwarrior. Commemorates this story through in its simple existence.
0 claimed

Docket # 00242 & Buca graph

$20 USD
Complete unedited court docket from case # 2:07-cv-00242. Also included a copy of the Buca Inc stock performance graph from 2008. Compare the two and see the intentional decline and why it was done. Buca may have stopped leaving electronic footprints, but these hard copies printed back in the day, live on as testimony to the truth. Decide for yourself if this was insider trading. Signed
0 claimed

2003 Pa. UC transcript

$50 USD
The original recorded transcript. First document in the Hose v Buca Inc.saga. Meet Buca GM Michael Valent under oath, and see what he said to deny compensation.Also his Pa Human relations commission statement, also under oath, that directly contradicts what was testified to one month earlier.
0 claimed

Boards of Dorectors 08

$100 USD
Copies of actual 2008 Yahoo Finance/Buca(BUCA) Inc press release..."the Board of Directors" Both groups, incoming and outgoing board members, this done prior to the Hose v Bucaa Inc federal court conclusion.A copy of the actual signature page of the "merger" Also, one signed copy of (C )2010 written in 2003, made part of the record 2004. the corporations motivating factor.(NEVER SEEN BY THE PUBLIC)
0 claimed

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