THE COMPANY MEN: DEAD, WHITE AND BLUE adds the action of SUICIDE SQUAD to the intrigue of HOMELAND and the shades of grey of BODY OF LIES. Think STRIKEBACK with superpowers.
This 60-page full-colour book is loaded with action and conspiracy. It's the first issue in a three-issue story, totalling 180 pages. The language, violence and concepts are aimed at an adult audience, with a story that is layered and complex.
This campaign is funding the printing and delivery of the first issue of the first story arc, titled DEAD, WHITE AND BLUE.
60 pages of traditionally inked, action-packed art has been scanned, colored, lettered and collated, ready for the next step. You can back with confidence! This work is already budgeted for and is NOT relying on this campaign for finance! THE COMPANY MEN WILL BE PUBLISHED NO MATTER WHAT!
In a world where being superhuman is illegal, they are America's dirty little secret. A CIA funded prevention and response unit on paper, but in reality, a superhuman hit squad protecting the nation's interests in the Middle East.
When they receive information that a terrorist attack is imminent, one that will affect even the United States, they follow every lead in a desperate race against the clock to stop it. At every turn, they are betrayed and attacked, by enemy and ally alike, until a final showdown tests their loyalty to their country, their job and each other.
Watch the video to learn more about the characters that make up THE COMPANY MEN!
is a 60 page, full-colour comicbook with art by Celso Mazine and story by The Man Called Kemosabe, Lee Byron Carver! This campaign allows you to purchase additional items to accompany your comic.
The comic, digital and protection free. Don't pirate me, bro!
It's the comic, with an amazing variant cover by superstar artist Clayton Barton (Replicator, KOZOR) and colours by his brother, Korey Barton! It also comes chock full of extras, such as character profiles, script pages, breakdowns, concept sketches, costume design and sneak peeks into future COMPANY MEN projects! Available on its own or as part of the Three-Pack!
For those brave few who signed up to the mailing list, their reward is access to the comic with the Renzo Rodriguez (Splatto Comics, Thomas Valiant, Impossible Stars) cover! The only way to get this cover is to have signed up for the pre-launch campaign, or in the Three-Pack!
A physical, traditionally drawn pen and ink page of art from THE COMPANY MEN: DEAD, WHITE AND BLUE by Brazillian superstar artist Celso Mazine! Shipped worldwide! Limited to 20 pieces!
Example shown, Page 3 of THE COMPANY MEN: DEAD, WHITE AND BLUE Issue #1
The original, traditionally drawn ink and paper art for the cover of THE COMPANY MEN: DEAD, WHITE AND BLUE! One of a kind! Shipped worldwide!
This add-on perk includes an original sketch by Brazillian superstar artist, Celso Mazine! Request your character of choice, be it an established hero or villain, or an original character of your own design, and Celso will draw a one of a kind sketch just for you! This perk is limited to 10 pieces!