Short Summary
The Enemies Within zooms in on the best kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists and extreme progressives are able to influence the politicians, and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans.
What We Need & What You Get
We need a minimum of $100,000 to get us started and we will get some folks to match funds. Our full budget is $400,000. This production will take about 1 year from start to completion. It will take thousands of man hours for research, filming, and distribution.
The Impact
Your contribution will allow us to dedicate a full year into making a high quality film that will change minds and motivate people to get involved and take this country back from the left.
Risks & Challenges
Trevor is a grassroots investigator and activist. The establishment and news outlets do not want to report what Trevor is going to expose. The establishment does not like to fund films that do not fit their narrative. It will be difficult raising the funds to make this film, but it will not be hard to get the film out to the people.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please share this campaign with all your friends. Copy and paste this link on your FaceBook and twitter threads. Ask your local conservative media to interview Trevor about the film.