Short Summary
Hi, my name is Russell Webster and I am a disillusioned
parent. Why?
Because my young children (12, 10 and 7) seem to
prefer apps and console games to communicating with me as families used to do.
I know that SO MANY PARENTS feel the same way!
I fear (I know) that modern day families are simply
disintegrating through lack of communication with one another. Reading
bed time stories and playing board games together seem like a thing of the long
lost past.
The result? A total lack of communication and
interaction skills with which to go out into The Big Wide World.
So, I am dedicating the rest of my life to creating
good old fashioned board games that both bring families together and educate
our children at the same time!
- Modern
children are, by and large, spending excessive amounts of time on their
iPods/Pads, Laptops and games consoles - simply playing games on their own
and not learning how to communicate in the traditional way.
- Families
do not spend enough quality time together. It has become a ‘cop out’
to allow children to entertain themselves on gadgets.
- Old
fashioned family fun, bonding and communication is rapidly disappearing.
- Mental
health of children/teenagers has become a major concern and this is linked
to a lack of socialising.
- Families
are no longer interacting as they used to before the advent of so much
technology. Parents know it and they will pay to change it.
- Parents
will always invest in the extra education of their children.
- Our
product range will translate into every language in the world!
- Our
positioning, as a company that creates a range of products that both
educate and involve families, is perfect.
- Our
timing is excellent in this growing market place.
The game is a little like Trivial Pursuit Family
Edition BUT totally superior in three main ways:
1. There are questions for EVERY SINGLE
AGE GROUP from 5 years old and upwards, through to GCSE. There are also
Boffins’ questions for adults. The whole family can play and everyone has
an equal chance of winning.
2. The questions are not trivia.
They are EDUCATIONAL. The six possible subject questions have been written by
school teachers and follow the UK National Curriculum in the following areas:
History, Maths, English, About Our World, Science and the 7 Cs (creative arts,
construction, commerce, communication, composers and music, computing and technology,
controls and components). Adapting this to the USA Grades system is a
relatively easy job and we are already half way through that process.
3. Every answer has a FACT or
explanation to go with it, which re-enforces the learning and provides a wider
scope of knowledge learned each time.
Every aspect of the game links learning to
having fun together. The entire package of the game is bright and colourful, which engages children more.
What We Need & What You Get
What We Need & What You Get
I have
put my life's savings into this because I believe so strongly that it is a
worthwhile thing to do. This is the mark I would like to leave on this
With the
help of two friends who have put £64,000 in so far, we have produced the first
1000 copies of my game. The reaction from the first 500 we have sold is
nothing short of remarkable and I have so many strong testimonials which I can
share with you.
We now
need to do a slight branding tweak (so that people realise that this is an ALL
YEAR ROUND game and not just a Christmas board game) and manufacture more of
the same game. We have not even attempted PR yet in case we run out of
Also, we
have 17 add-on packs, which can be bought to add into the game OR used on their
11 add-on ACTIVITY PACKS - school year 1 to 11/
2 add-on ACTIVITY PACKS for Adults.
1 add-on ACTIVITY PACK for real clever cloggs.
AND, we
have a fabulous new game that is simply waiting to go. It is called
VOCABRADABRA and it is all about learning and using new words and then using them
in context with a picture card.
I am
going to give you some fabulous perks, and, even if we do not reach the entire
funding goal, it will enable us to at least create another print run of this
The Impact
The impact of your contribution will make a genuine difference to both children and families around the world. There really is no game like this anywhere else and there is a real need for it.
Risks & Challenges
already have strong support from the retail trade –this game has a lot of
support already.
Our challenge is that we simply do not have the funding to
develop the game and necessary add-on packs, as well as have the marketing back
up – PR, social media, sophisticated website – to really make a noise about
this game.
Further, productions costs plummet per unit when we can start to
order 5000+ units. When the big retailers come in as stockists as we know they
will, we need to be able to fund this high-margin business.
Other Ways You Can Help
We are always open to suggestions and even new game ideas.