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The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

Fundraising to finish our original independent film with post-production costs, advertising, etc.

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The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

The Forest Hills - Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong

Fundraising to finish our original independent film with post-production costs, advertising, etc.

Fundraising to finish our original independent film with post-production costs, advertising, etc.

Fundraising to finish our original independent film with post-production costs, advertising, etc.

Fundraising to finish our original independent film with post-production costs, advertising, etc.

Elliott Dreznick
Elliott Dreznick
Elliott Dreznick
Elliott Dreznick
6 Campaigns |
New York, United States
$27,945 USD 98 backers
27% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects


Hollywood legend Shelley Duvall (Wendy Torrance from THE SHINING) returns to horror after retiring from Hollywood 20 years ago for our project, THE FOREST HILLS, her first film in over two decades, and there are many ways you can help contribute to the film.

Also featured in the movie are the following:

Edward Furlong (Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Detroit Rock City, American History X)

Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp)

Marianne Hagan (Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers)

Stacey Nelkin (Halloween III: Season of the Witch)

and Dee Wallace (E.T., The Howling, Critters, Cujo)

This film was made for horror fans, by horror fans, without the same old generic storyline that plagues horror movies.

Your contribution to the project will help the film during post-production with costs that accrue, such as deliverables, music, sound design, theater screenings, etc.

If you cannot help financially, feel free to share our campaign on social media and thank you for your support!

Scott Goldberg, Director/Producer of THE FOREST HILLS

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Choose your Perk

Assistant Producer credit

Assistant Producer credit

$125 USD
Want to support the film but can't afford the $1,000 Associate Producer credit? This credit is featured in the end credits of the film in the campaign section.
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
18 claimed


$15 USD
This is a low-cost donation that helps the funding but without credit. We appreciate your help and support even if you cannot choose other perks due to budget or cost.
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
2 out of 100 of claimed
Signed Digital Screenplay

Signed Digital Screenplay

$25 USD
Full PDF file of The Forest Hills screenplay, signed by director/producer/writer Scott Goldberg.
Included Items
  • Title
2 claimed
High Resolution Digital Poster

High Resolution Digital Poster

$30 USD
Recently made and not yet released to the public, this is the official poster with some really cool horror-based colors and elements.
Included Items
  • Poster
Estimated Shipping
February 2023
6 out of 150 of claimed
Edward Furlong Digital Poster

Edward Furlong Digital Poster

$30 USD
Digital poster with Edward Furlong.
Included Items
  • Poster
Estimated Shipping
February 2023
2 out of 200 of claimed
Shelley Duvall Digital Poster

Shelley Duvall Digital Poster

$30 USD
Digital Poster of The Forest Hills, featuring Shelley Duvall. Image Coming Soon.
Included Items
  • Poster
Estimated Shipping
February 2023
1 out of 100 of claimed
Howler credit

Howler credit

$50 USD
Be a part of the wolf pack! Want to support the film on limited donation funds? The Howler credit is a unique title in the end credits of the film which is a list of supporters who donate for this perk!
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
15 out of 20 of claimed
Special Thanks credit

Special Thanks credit

$300 USD
Special Thanks credit at the end of the movie. Your name in the same movie as Shelley Duvall, Edward Furlong, and Dee Wallace.
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
February 2023
4 out of 50 of claimed

Campaign Associate Producer

$325 USD
Campaign Associate Producer credit is in a section of the end credits where your name is displayed under the section CAMPAIGN ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS. This is a low-cost way to be involved in the producing aspect of post-production. This credit will be seen in the final distributed version of the film.
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
April 2023
0 out of 20 of claimed
Campaign Executive Producer

Campaign Executive Producer

$400 USD
We are offering this option since the main title EP’s are more expensive. A Campaign EP get you on a shared title screen in the end credits.
Included Items
  • Title
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
5 out of 50 of claimed
Associate Producer credit

Associate Producer credit

$1,000 USD
Associate Producer credit
Included Items
  • Title (10)
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
8 claimed
Howler credit
sold out

Howler credit

$50 USD
Estimated Shipping
March 2023
20 out of 20 of claimed
sold out


$7,500 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2023
1 out of 1 of claimed
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