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The Free School 45K for 45Years

Help keep The Free School financially accessible to ALL students for another 45 yrs!

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The Free School 45K for 45Years

The Free School 45K for 45Years

The Free School 45K for 45Years

The Free School 45K for 45Years

The Free School 45K for 45Years

Help keep The Free School financially accessible to ALL students for another 45 yrs!

Help keep The Free School financially accessible to ALL students for another 45 yrs!

Help keep The Free School financially accessible to ALL students for another 45 yrs!

Help keep The Free School financially accessible to ALL students for another 45 yrs!

Free School
Free School
Free School
Free School
1 Campaign |
Albany, United States
$7,091 USD 84 backers
15% of $45,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Support The Free School!

Who We Are

For 45 years The Free School, the oldest democratic school in the United States, has provided students with a unique, self-directed education, removed from the stress and pressure of standardized testing.  At our inner-city school, where diversity is a hallmark, no families are denied admission due to lack of funds.  Students not only study traditional academic subjects but they also learn valuable life lessons about responsibility, critical thinking, social awareness, diversity and most importantly how to build relationships and care about each other.  It is our focus on community building that encourages students to follow their dreams, contribute positively to society, and become voices for change.

Why We Need Your Support

The Free School is an internationally recognized model of child-centered, community based education and has inspired others to start their own democratic schools around the world.   Despite this distinction, we have struggled financially, yet remain committed to never turning away families due to financial reasons. Over the past 4 years our operating costs have risen dramatically and more and more families are in need of tuition assistance. 

In order to stay true to our mission of helping families in need, we have decided to launch our first ever Indiegogo campaign to jump start our scholarship fund and make necessary capital improvements.   70% of all funds raised through this campaign will go directly to our scholarship fund which will help support families of all socioeconomic backgrounds in sending their kids to The Free School.  30% of the funds will go towards our capital fund which will support upgrades to our facilities and school capacity.

With your support, The Free School will be able to continue its mission, for another 45 years.  Please be a part of our bright future, as we honor our vibrant past!

Our History

Throughout the 45 years that The Free School has been open it has attracted educators, college students, artists, activists, and so many others from all over the world to visit and learn all that the school has to offer. Some find it such an amazing community to be a part of that they stay for several years, and some stay to learn what they need so they can build their own school community in other parts of the country and world. The students who graduate from The Free School continue to be driven to explore the world around them and shape their education based on what they love. Because they spend their fundamental years in the Free School environment, they are aware of their own inner strength and have the tools to create the education they want with the resources around them.

The Impact

By contributing to The Free School's campaign you will be supporting:

  • A unique and important model of true community based education.
  • A school that believes that kids should be kids.  We do not give standardized tests and homework.  At The Free School kids to learn through play, exploration and our approach fosters creative-minded thinkers
  • An incubator for innovative schools and child-centered educational practices.  Over the past decade The Free School has directly inspired and helped to start more than a dozen schools and alternative learning spaces across the country and around the world.
  • A new model of education that is responsive to a world that is full of learning experiences and styles.
  • A legacy of democratic free schools like ours including: Brooklyn Free School, Espacio A, Chicago Free School, Three Rivers Free School, Shikshantar, Village Free School, Patchwork School, Agile Learning Center and many others!

Risks & Challenges

For 45 years The Free School has been offering a truly unique education to children who live in Albany and surrounding areas.  Maintaining an independent, non-profit school that ensures racial, economic, and cultural diversity amongst its student body and staff is becoming increasingly difficult in these challenging economic times.  Keeping The Free School as an option for all families who want to see their child educated in a caring, empowering, respectful school community is a priority, and we need your help.

    Other Ways You Can Help

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    Choose your Perk

    Thank You!

    $1 USD
    Thank you!
    0 claimed

    Social Media Shout Out!

    $5 USD
    A shout out on our Facebook and Twitter page. Thank you!
    4 claimed

    Free School Calendar

    $20 USD
    A Handmade 2016 Free School Calendar featuring kids artwork!
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2015
    5 out of 25 of claimed

    Free School Shirt

    $35 USD
    A custom handmade Free School Shirt. Designed and silk screened by Free School students.
    13 out of 50 of claimed

    Free To Learn DVD

    $50 USD
    A special edition copy of Free To Learn, the award-winning documentary film about The Free School
    Estimated Shipping
    October 2015
    1 out of 50 of claimed

    One Tamacoke Wilderness Class

    $50 USD
    One voucher for any Tamakoce Wilderness Program single day program. Subjects range from primitive fire making, shelters, invisible movement, family fun days and animal tracking.
    1 out of 3 of claimed

    Framed Student Art work

    $60 USD
    One framed piece of beautiful art work done by a student!
    3 out of 15 of claimed

    Signed Copy of Making It Up...

    $75 USD
    Special edition copy of Making It As We Go Along, the definitive story of The Free School, signed by author and longtime director of the school, Chris Mercogliano.
    Estimated Shipping
    August 2015
    0 out of 10 of claimed

    Exclusive Handmade Photo Book

    $100 USD
    A beautiful hand made Free School photo book made by Victoria Van Der Laan of The Binderie Etsy Shop.
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2015
    4 out of 10 of claimed

    Photo Cards

    $150 USD
    An exclusive set of photo cards by internationally acclaimed photographer, Connie Frisbee Houde.
    0 out of 10 of claimed

    Private Catered Party

    $500 USD
    Party of 10-15 people in your home, or destination of your choice. Food prepared and provided by FreeStyle catering (estimated value of $1,000).
    0 out of 1 of claimed

    2 weeks at Camp Cody

    $1,500 USD
    Camp Cody is a premier traditional New England summer camp founded in 1926, and Cody's campers travel from across the US to attend the camp. There is an additional fee of 200.00USD that will need to be sent directly to the camp for registration. Ages 7-15.
    0 out of 2 of claimed
    sold out

    Handmade greeting cards

    $25 USD
    Only -2 left
    sold out

    Wine and Cheese Tasting

    $125 USD
    1 out of 1 of claimed
    sold out

    Free Tamacoke Wilderness Class

    $250 USD
    1 out of 1 of claimed

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