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The Frogdonut Alliance

Because creative minds are better together!

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The Frogdonut Alliance

Because creative minds are better together!

Because creative minds are better together!

Because creative minds are better together!

Because creative minds are better together!

Kristina Silva
Kristina Silva
Kristina Silva
Kristina Silva
1 Campaign |
Tucson, United States
$1,117 USD 14 backers
39% of $2,800 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Better, stranger, able to create new art! Kris is an author and professional fiction editor; Scott is a musician and pro audio engineer. Let us assist in your creative projects, to help us fund our own union of creative bliss!

We need your help in order to finally become one creative team. To what will your contributions go? This handy animated donut graph explains:

We appreciate contributions at any level. Although you may simply chip in whatever you wish, we are offering various perks utilizing our creative skills. Choices! Choices! Lotsa neato stuff! Check out pics of Scott's kitbash mechs and Kris' jewelry creations in our Gallery. You KNOW you want stuff like that. Hey, even if you can't help financially, please send this around to anyone you know who might be interested in what we're offering. Fling the Frogdonut far and wide!

Note: anyone contributing to our campaign at a higher level who wishes one or more of the perks available at lower contribution levels instead of the perk listed at the higher level should discuss it with us; we’re certainly willing to give out a couple of smaller perks in lieu of one larger one, if you wish! For example: a $100 contributor may wish to have two short stories edited; a $150 contributor might want 2 kitbashes, etc. (Due to time constraints, to keep things fair for all, we do ask that if you're claiming MORE than 2 perks, any after the first two will be moved to the back of the queue.) UK/overseas contributions welcomed; if you want to claim a material perk, we ask that you please contribute at the next higher level in order to cover shipping costs. We’re flexible. Help us bend toward each other, so we can create even better art in a life lived together!

You can view Scott's audio engineering credits here:

and Kris' editing credits here:

Every contributor will receive our thanks; anyone providing a snail mail address will receive a handwritten note with a doodle from one or the other of us. We will fulfill all perks in the order that they were requested, starting within a week of the first contributions received. All efforts will be made to fulfill each perk in a timely fashion, first donated/first served. 

Help us create a better situation, working side-by-side as a creative team, and we’ll create stuff for you!

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Choose your Perk

our gratitude

$1 USD
A personal thank-you message from us. Every bit counts!
0 claimed

thank you doodle!

$5 USD
A personalized thank you note with hand-drawn doodles from one of us (for anyone who wishes, via snail mail, at any level).
1 claimed


$10 USD
pick a specially-created weird or musical ringtone (or alert sound), made by Scott! (Several to choose from: listen to them on Soundcloud.)
1 claimed

copyedit (short work)

$25 USD
Copyediting (grammar + typos only) for a short story or nonfiction work (under 7500 words), by Kris.
0 claimed

kitbash and more!

$50 USD
Scott will custom-build a small kitbash mech for you (his choice of creature/vehicle, no larger than a 1’ x 1’ x5"; we'll need your address) OR Kris will edit (for grammar + content) your short story or nonfiction work (up to 7500 words) or copyedit (grammar & typos only) a novelette (up to 17,500 words) OR Scott will record a 30-second voiceover for your project, in contemporary radio/Youtube announcing style or in a character voice of your choice. Audio files provided in any format you cho
1 claimed

song critique

$60 USD
Scott will listen to and professionally critique your demo song, offering suggestions for arrangement and impact, and some tonal suggestions.
0 claimed

beads, mechs, music!

$75 USD
Kris will make a pair of earrings for you with semiprecious stones (you choose sterling silver or gold-plated earwires, and overall colors/theme; address needed). OR Scott will custom-build a small kitbash mech for you (your choice of creature/vehicle, up to 1’ x 1’x 5”; we'll need your address to ship it). OR Scott will listen to your demo song, offering EQ, dynamic, level and effect suggestions, based on his experience as a professional mix engineer.
1 claimed

music master

$80 USD
Scott will master your independently-produced song. This involves bringing up the level of your tune, editing the tonal balance, and matching the sound with other songs on your album. Files provided in any format you choose.
0 claimed

edits, audio, or the jewels

$100 USD
Kris will fully edit (for grammar + content) your novelette (up to 17,500 words), or copyedit (grammar & typos only) your novella (up to 40,000 words). OR Scott will provide voice acting for your video trailer or game, up to 5 minutes of raw audio, which will be professionally recorded, mixed and mastered to your specifications. OR Kris will make you a pendant-style necklace (chain or ribbon, sterling silver or gold-plated fittings; you choose colors/theme; address needed).
1 claimed

beads or words

$150 USD
Copyediting (grammar & typos only) of a novel or long nonfiction work (over 40,000 words), OR a custom beaded necklace (choice of sterling silver or gold-plated fittings; you choose colors/theme; address needed), by Kris.
0 claimed

music or words

$200 USD
Scott will take your audio stems (or ProTools, Ableton Live, or Reaper session) and provide a professional mix, including instrumental, hooks-only, and full mix. If you require something different for your show, he’s willing to work with you on that. OR Kris will fully edit (for grammar + content) your novella or nonfiction work (up to 40k words).
0 claimed


$250 USD
Scott will remix your song, in his signature style. This may end up strange and subversive unless you provide direction! Please provide audio stems or a ProTools or Ableton Live session, and he’ll give you creative weirdness!
0 claimed

written or spoken

$300 USD
Kris will fully edit (for grammar + content) your novel or nonfiction work (40k-60k words). OR Scott will record himself voice-acting your short fiction or nonfiction (up to 7500 words total). This will be professionally recorded, mixed and mastered to your specs.
0 claimed

the full monty (words)

$400 USD
A full edit (grammar + content) for a novel or nonfiction work (over 60k words), by Kris.
1 claimed

read to me

$600 USD
Scott will record himself voice-acting your fiction or nonfiction (up to 15k words). This will be professionally recorded, mixed and mastered to your specifications.
0 claimed

the full monty (music)

$1,000 USD
Scott will mix your album, given audio stems or ProTools/Ableton Live sessions. Please give feedback on what you want! Examples of artists you want to sound similar to are appreciated. Files will be provided as .WAV, .AIFF, .MP3 or any format you choose.
0 claimed
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