Vision Statement
You've seen documentaries that focus on the unsustainability of our food system within the meat industry, dairy industry, and big farming practices, but without solutions these topics are paralyzing. This docuseries dives into the current solutions available that are rapidly expanding across the country, bringing awareness to what we can do NOW to support healthier lives for us and for our children.
Short Summary
Join our journey as we paint a vivid picture of the future of food production and sustainability, showcasing a global movement that is revolutionizing the way we grow and distribute healthy and affordable produce on an individual and institutional level.
By highlighting the incredible stories and progress being made towards food security and health, this docuseries will bring constructive optimism to one of the largest issues we face: the future of our food.
The docuseries spotlights the Green Blue Marketplace, a minority owned and operated company that has created a solar powered hydroponic greenhouse that utilizes vertical farming. Through distribution of this technology and an extensively developed business plan, they're making nutrient rich produce accessible in an affordable way with the capability of erasing food deserts, inner city food & water insecurities, and malnutrition in systems like prisons, school campuses, hospitals, and more.
- Spotlights the Green Blue Marketplace, led by the prolific father and son duo of the decorated Horton family, owners of over 130 patents, featured on ABC's Shark Tank, and a major force in the community and political advancement of health and wellness in the United States
- Brought to the world in partnership with S7 Studios, a black owned production company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA
- Film will be featured on a major distribution network, bringing this story to the forefront of our societal focus on clean food
What We Need & What You Get:
Indiegogo campaign goals:
- We are raising a minimum of $25,000 for a week long production, where the interviews of key team members and documentation of the facilities in Raleigh, North Carolina will create the foundation for trailers & fund raising videos for our full docuseries.
- Donors will receive:
- Early viewing access and updates for docuseries sneak peaks, behind the scenes content, and trailers
- Early access to investment rounds and financial opportunities
- Exclusive Merch & Gifts from our team
- Meet & greet opportunities with founding members of featured companies & organizations
- If goal is surpassed/not reached, the size of our crew will be adjusted to appropriately perform the shoot.
Other Ways You Can Help
Financial donations will bring this docuseries to life, and there are multiple ways to help us achieve our goal! Are there people in your life passionate about health & wellness? Minority owned businesses? Food & water sustainability? Share our docuseries with the tools below!
- Utilize the Indiegogo share tools
- Share on your social media page or on your story
- Share our info via conversation
Schedule a Meeting!
Want to learn more before donating or sharing our campaign? Use this Calendly link and schedule a one on one project introduction with Executive Producer, Asante Monadjemi, at a time that's convenient for you!
Booking link:
Thank you for checking out our Campaign!
Please consider donating to support our crowdfunding efforts, we appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more information soon!