Story of My Book
Thank you for everyone who made me reach my first goal of $5000. The final goal is $8000 ... can we do it?
The Future of Palestine: True leaders accept diversity is a non-fiction book that provides non-Palestinians with a background about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It also addresses Palestinians through focusing on learning about diversity in the Holy Land and on how to appreciate it based on theoretical readings of the Palestinian society. The end goal is to have a positive impact in one's community.
My name is Tamar Haddad, and I am the author of
The Future of Palestine: True Leaders Accept Diversity. I hope that in reading this book you will discover that the conflict Palestinians encounter is not merely related to Israel. Despite Palestinians’ lack of mobility, water, electricity and control over their own land and air by the Israeli law, conflicts within arise everyday. Such issues occur towards Palestinians who are different from what is widely agreed to be the norm, and those who are considered the Other or minorities.
In this book, I hope to instill the same sort of passion and excitement that I have for social justice in you. And then ultimately I want you to see this book as a tool to help you accept people of different religion, race, gender, sexual orientation and class. Unfortunately, we live in a world submerged in a dark, gooey and filthy liquid that consists of prejudice towards people of other or even no religion, racism, misogyny, homophobia and capitalism.
The Future of Palestine is your chance to accept and appreciate diversity through:
- engaging in theoretical readings like nationalism, the race theory, feminism, queer theory, marxism, post colonialism, psychoanalysis and Orientalism,
- sharing stories of Palestinians who do not fit into the norm,
- paying it forward and making a change in one’s own community.
You will love this book if you are fed up with people dying everyday because they are not accepted, and you wish to make a difference about it.
The Future of Palestine speaks to Palestinians and non-Palestinians who want to grapple with accepting diversity within Palestine and gaining knowledge about the Palestinian-Israel conflict in a new way.
I really look forward to exploring these questions and beyond with my readers. Coming together and discussing Palestinian identity and trauma, the notion of religion, women, race, LGBT, and class will change us all for the better.
The Book - The Future of Palestine: True Leaders Accept Diversity
A road map of the book
The Future of Palestine is written in 3 main Parts:
Part 1 introduces the history of Palestine and how Israel was formed, from an objective point of view. Moreover, it explains the shared collective trauma of Palestinians and the predicted loss of their identity. This part is mainly directed towards non-Palestinians and those who are interested in knowing more about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Part 2 dives into the stories of those Palestinians who are discriminated against within the Palestinian society for their religious beliefs, race, gender, sexual orientation or class. Theoretical criticism is applied to these stories. This section of the book targets Palestinians, especially those who want to eliminate all prejudices.
Part 3 sheds light on possible advantages within the Palestinian community, and directs readers on how to make a change. This part is for all readers.
What I Need & What you'll Get
This book will be published with New Degree Press. I set up the pre-order tiers to help cover the costs for publishing my book. Money raised will go towards the following:
- The Editor I will work with to revise and publish my manuscript in December 2020.
- The Cover Design of my Book - the mockups you see currently are a placeholder!
- The Layout Design for the interior of my book (Physical Copy, Ebook Formats)
- The Copyediting for My Book - to make help polish the grammar and spelling prior to publication
- The Launch & Promotion Efforts for my book - when I ultimately publish this December.
When I pre-sell 120 copies of my book, I will publish. When I pre-sell 150 copies of my book, I will also publish a hardcover edition. When I pre-sell 200 copies of my book, I will publish a hardcover edition and an audiobook.
I am also offering some exclusive rewards for people who pre-order my book now.
You will receive a personally signed copy of my book when I publish, plus:
- A Personal, handwritten thank you note for pre-ordering my book
- Your Name will appear in a Special, Acknowledgements Section of my book (“with Special Thanks to”)
- Early access to the Introduction of my Book and my entire manuscript, with the opportunity to review it and give me early feedback
- The opportunity to help give me feedback and be involved in selecting my cover
- I will do a book topic/workshop seminar where I will share experience the experiences of writing my book
- And more...
About the Author
Tamar Haddad is a non-profit program developer and implementer, content writer at Hub101, and an event coordinator at the School of Management at Californian Lutheran University. Leadership has a huge impact on Tamar. She has been part of many leadership programs throughout her life like the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), International Women Leaders, the Middle East Partnership Initiative - Student Leaders program (MEPI) at Georgetown University where she designs and implements projects that have a positive impact in her own community. Thus, leadership and making a change were the first ideas to cross her mind when her editors and publishers asked about a potential topic of her book.
When Tamar is not running around her campus between classes, work, and Model United Nations club meetings, one often finds her traveling. Yes ... most of her trips require her to attend annual conferences like the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, yet she finds the time to explore and experience new places. When traveling internationally, she enjoys experiencing new cultures.
I wrote this book because my classmate and friend, Israa Ghrayeb, was brutally murdered by her male family members. Her homicide was justified as Honor Killing, like many others before her. Israa’s “dishonor” was the simple act of going outside, in broad daylight, with her fiancé and his sister, an act her cousin insisted was unacceptable in a conservative society. The uncle, along with her father and her brother-in-law, beat her and broke her spine. Later, as she was hospitalized, the men argued they had to punish the Djin (or evil spirit) that they alleged possessed her, claiming that it was her alleged bewitchment that led to her eventual death. Surprisingly, this argument was a valid one at local court. Doctors determined Israa’s death to have resulted from the repeated beating’s affect on her respiratory system. Her killers are still free today and still using “magic” as their defense.
For more information you can connect with Tamar at:
Instagram: @Tamar_TheFutureOfPalestine
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is delivering the finished book to the backer, specifically my mailing of the book to you. I have eliminated this risk by building into the campaign the mailing and shipping costs of your signed copies to you within each pre-order tier.
The risk of delivering the pre-sale copies of my book is contingent on the publisher we use. I will be working closely with New Degree Press to make sure we get the earliest possible ship date of the signed book copy to you. We will keep all pre-sale backers up-to-date as my book hits each key milestone and publishes. You will know when the copies of my book you pre-ordered are expected to ship.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
Please Share my Pre-sale Campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with your friends, family and network. Please use #TheFutureOfPalestine and tag me as well as my publisher, New Degree Press so we can help amplify your efforts.
You can easily share my Pre-Sale Campaign Page via Indiegogo at the top of the page
Please share my book to 5 friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it. Please do this as a text message or Direct Message on social media.
Thank you so much for of all of your love and support!
Thanks again,
Other Ways You Can Help
Some can't contribute, and others want to help more. Here is how: