The GameNite
The GameNite
The GameNite
The GameNite
The GameNite
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
This campaign is closed
The GameNite
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
Video game console for tabletop games
The GameNite is a controller-less gaming console designed for tabletop games like board games, social games, and more using just your phone. Not only does this console make it easy to get game night started, but it also expands the possibilities for how games can be played.
We're making a lightweight and portable console that is easy to keep in your backpack or take home for the holidays with your family. Just plug in the included power cable and connect it to your TV with the provided HDMI and you’re ready to go.
The first mission and priority of the GameNite is to introduce a new way for people to play in-person with their friends and family. We were inspired to make the GameNite because we ourselves wanted to play more often with our loved ones. We learned that many people are just like us so we got to work.
Our priority in developing the GameNite is to let you play more often, play the games you love in ways you’ve never before, and try new games with little effort. Below are all the things that will make the GameNite ready to give you that experience.
Game night can start as simply as turning on the GameNite. Just pick a game to play and everyone with a phone connected to your Wi-Fi network is ready to join the game. Because the GameNite is a console, you'll be able to:
The GameNite will let you spend less time setting up for game night, and more time playing.
There's two screens for playing: a shared screen, like your living room TV, and the mobile device of each player. The shared screen acts like the game board while phones operate as your controller. In addition, connecting to a console improves controller responsiveness and leads to more dynamic gameplay possibilities.
Game developers create their own controllers customized to their game, so the interface on your phone will be different for each game.
The GameNite comes with several free games and a store to browse and buy others. Anything from classic digital board games & social games to casual indie video games.
The console is lightweight and small enough to take with you wherever you go - home for the holidays, a friend’s house, anywhere with a TV!
We’ve already built a fully playable prototype, called the GameNite Alpha, with all core features. An early group of alpha players have had the opportunity to play the GameNite this past year. We also did a demo at the Games of Berkeley board game shop back in May. Check it out below to see a little bit of them playing and their reactions after.
Here at RecBox Games we’re a small team of passionate people with a lot of programming skill, drive to create, and a ‘round the clock work ethic. We have three founders who believe in this project and quit our jobs to work on this full time. We’re proud to say we already have a prototype with all of the core functionality working and it is improving every day.
Our team loves to play games and make games. While traditional video games are highly convenient and engaging, casual gamers still turn to tabletop titles to connect with their friends and family and for good reason. Interacting with your friends and family in person is not only fun but countless studies have demonstrated that face to face interaction is linked to long term emotional and physical health. So with that in mind, we set out to build a tech device that makes you interact with the people around you more instead of less. And what better way to do that than with games!
We were so happy to share the experience of playing the GameNite after all the time we spent developing.
The console hardware is comprised of a N4020 processor with integrated graphics, 4GB DDR4 RAM, a 64GB eMMC solid state drive and peripherals including HDMI, ethernet, a dual-band wifi chip, bluetooth, and an SSD slot for expanded storage. The casing we use for the prototype is manufactured by a third party however we plan to produce our own casing for the board once the Indiegogo is funded. (Specific hardware details are subject to change (aka improve) before the final console ships).
The GameNite software is built on top of the Debian 11 operating system. Having a linux-based operating system driving our console on an x86 architecture means that game developers can build for a target that is already available in most development tools, as opposed to putting additional cross compatibility requirements on developers building for multiple platforms.
Our console software is primarily developed in Rust to maximize performance and ensure memory safety. We provide software libraries that allow game developers to interface with GameNite phone-based control systems in Python, C, C++, and C# (for Unity), Godot, with more language support to come. To develop their control interface on the phone, game devs can choose between Javascript or compiled WASM (supported in most game engines).
We are completely focused on delivering the GameNite just in time for the holidays. Our first version is completely functional and scalable but we want to improve on design, the software, and game library. Our plan is to launch with games we've developed ourselves and games from Indie Developers. We want to knock the indie experience out of the park before going for household name games. We're also working on partnerships with big publishers to release classic household names as well as super hot & niche games.
Below are the games we’ve been developing ourselves!
The first title made for the GameNite and one that is close to our hearts. Inspired by a best selling tabletop game in America, Key Words splits your group into two team: Orange and Purple. Each Team is assigned a captain and only the captains know which chests contain swords (those are the good ones!) and which chests contain poison (avoid those!). On your team’s turn, your captain will say a single word as a clue to which chests you should pick and determine how many chests your team must open. Guess right and you’ll do damage to the enemy team, but guess wrong and you could hurt your own team. Why does Purple Team start with more health? Because Orange Team attacks first. Key Words supports any number of players.
Another title inspired by a popular tabletop game and the second to appear on the GameNite. Potion Masters is a 2-4 player game where players compete to be the first to 15 victory points. Each turn you will buy elements or use your elements to craft a potion. Some potions provide a permanent supply of an element, some grant victory points, and some have unique powers to help you turn the tables. A perfect example of simple game play and complex strategy.
The quintessential poker game without the need for a metal case and velvet table. Early in development!
We're looking forward to working with talented game developers to port their games to our platform and provide a continually expanding library of games. If you know any talented indie game developers, send them our way! We’ll provide personal development support for early game devs.
We are now working to develop the casing for the final design of the GameNite, acquiring game titles through partnerships, and building various other technical infrastructure such as improving upon the libraries that game developers will use to interact with mobile controller components.
We’re launching this campaign to offer gamers the opportunity to get the functionally complete prototype GameNite Alpha, within 2 weeks after the campaign ends, or to get the GameNite after the casing injection molding, console development, and games acquisition in April 2024.
The GameNite Alpha will not feature final hardware designs, but it will have all the technical functionality of the final model, with frequent updates released as the software is improved. Early players will have the privilege of playing first, gaining a lifetime pass to all games in our marketplace, and will be included in our alpha players discord with founders and join us along the ride in completing this project later this year.
Get the 1st Edition GameNite console when it's been fully developed April 2024.
Limited to 30 backers
Get the 1st Edition GameNite console when it's been fully developed April 2024 PLUS $100 credit loaded to your account for the GameNite Marketplace.
Limited to 60 backers
Get the 1st Edition GameNite console when it's been fully developed April 2024.
Get the current prototype version of the GameNite console two (2) weeks of the campaign after the end of the campaign and be among the earliest players.
In addition:
Limited to 100 backers
Get the current prototype version, the GameNite Alpha two (2) weeks after the end of the campaign and be among the earliest players. And also receive the 1st edition GameNite console when it’s finished in April 2024. This tier gives you both the GameNite Alpha and 1st edition GameNite at a $40 discount!
In addition:
Limited to 40 backers
A short sleeve T-shirt with GameNite branding. Available in ALL sizes.
A short sleeve T-shirt with GameNite branding. Available in ALL sizes.
The first part of the funds we raise will go to bulk purchase the motherboard consisting of a N4020 processor with integrated graphics from a manufacturer. At the same time, the funds will be used to develop an injection molding of the case that we've designed. The injection mold that is produced can be used to create casings en masse that will encapsulate the motherboard turning it into a GameNite. In addition, the funds will help us pay for server costs to support the system that the console runs on.
Summer 2022 - Idea
Fall 2022 - Working Prototype
January - August 2023 - Commercial Concept, Alpha Testing, Demo Testing, Console Development, Game Library Development
Late August 2023 - Campaign Launch
Late September 2023 - Campaign Close
Mid October 2023 - GameNite Alpha consoles delivered to GameNite Alpha and GameNite Plus backers ✅
October 2023 --> April 2024
Injection mold casing development
April 2024 - The GameNite delivered to all remaining backers ✅
We are really excited to bring the GameNite to your home but we want to be transparent about the risks and challenges that we will face in the process of executing on our campaign promises.
Manufacturing Delays: Manufacturing the GameNite involves 2 parts, acquiring the system hardware and developing the casing that packages the hardware into a console. So that gives us two risks with respect to manufacturing. A risk of an issue with the manufacturer of the system hardware and an issue arising in the injection mold process for the casing. Issues with either of these could result in delays in the production process that can impact the delivery timeline of the product. The system hardware that we’ve selected is from a reliable supplier but we’ve made sure to prepare plans to either partner with a different supplier of the same hardware or switch to a hardware with specs at least as good as the one we’ve selected.
Development Delays: We have an incredible team of engineers working to build the infrastructure necessary to provide a seamless gaming experience for players and support developers in porting their games to our platform. But this is a massive undertaking that we don’t want to make light of and want acknowledge that any serious technical challenges that crop up will require due diligence that can create a delay.
Shipping and Logistics: Shipping is a standard challenge for any Indiegogo campaign that must be highlighted. We have a team of operators with great attention to detail and organizational ability that will work hard to meet this challenge.
We’re confident that we have the ability to overcome the challenges that we do and do not expect to face as we work to deliver the GameNite to backers. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at!