Globe Times needs a home
The Globe Times started as a blog 14 years ago. In time it grow into an opinion medium with reknown contributors from around the world.
We contribute to defending human rights in Turkey and the region by raising awareness to the daily issues that affect the lives of people, activists and journalists.
With your contribution we will be able to maintain our web site to serve increasing demand and we would be able to offer opportunities to young writers to express their opinion.
Better Hosting & Better Editing
We need $1,500 basically for two goals.
$1200 will take care of our yearly bill for hosting, security and maintenance costs.
With the remaining $300 we will purchase professional translation and editing services when deemed necessary.
We only hire students who major in literature and letters for our editing and translation jobs so your funds in fact contribute to their education.
The Impact
In Turkey mainstream media is not free. They basically write within the limits of government supervision. Only few outlets survive in the independent scene and those rely heavily on advertising income.
But human rights issues don't attract advertisers. Organizations like The Globe Times survive thanks to the contributions from its readers like you.
Help The Globe Times to be the voice of the voiceless.