our campaign was incredibly successful! Thank you to everyone.
To purchase single issues or subscriptions, please go here.
Help Us Launch the Gods&Radicals Journal!
On November 1st, 2015, we'll be manifesting a new, beautiful resistance into the world. And we'd like your help!
A Journal of Beautiful Resistance
The Gods&Radicals Journal is a twice-yearly print collection of smart, dream-soaked words collected against the horror of Capitalism and towards the beauty of the world thereafter.
Featuring the works of poets, essayists, photographers, and illustrators from North America, Europe, and the South Pacific, our first issue will be released 1 November, 2015, printed and bound in full-color.
Here's your chance to help support the launch by
purchasing pre-sale copies and subscriptions, as well as getting some cool stuff for your early support!
About Gods&Radicals
Gods&Radicals is a non-profit Pagan publisher, and we've committed to operating everything as close to a workers'/writers' collective as possible. In fact, the writers decided how they would be paid for their work, not the board or the managing editor.
Your support of the Journal will fund the writers&artists and the non-profit in equal measure, and the greater support we receive before the launch, the more resources we'll have to expand the initial publication.
Purchasing a pre-sale copy or a subscription will allow us to print more copies at a lower cost, as well as upgrade our printing decisions, lengthen the journal (currently slated at 100 pages), and fund the cost of distributing outside the United States.
And, we'll give you extra stuff for your help!
Single-Issue and Subscriptions
- Pre-sale copies of the journal will be $9 + shipping.
- One-year (2 issue) subscriptions will cost $15 ($7.50 issue+ shipping)
Also, we're offering combined packages along with single-issue and subscriptions, including
- special-edition, expanded print-copies of A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer, by Alley Valkyrie and Rhyd Wildermuth.
'Many Gods, No Masters' patches
- And an exclusive Gods&Radicals T-Shirt
And really, really want to help support us? Consider becoming a Supporter!
Why Your Help Really Matters
Gods&Radicals is the only non-profit Pagan Anti-Capitalist publisher we know of, and we've decided not to rely on the usual methods the Capitalist Market foists on us, we're doing something really radical.
We won't be taking advertising or be relying on large corporate distributors for our publications.
By supporting us early, you'll be helping to ensure our success and funding our beautiful resistance.
Help us get the word out!
Whether or not you can support us with money now, we'd be honored to have your support in other ways! Telling others about what we're doing is an immense help, both on the internet and in person.
Also! Know a bookstore or shop that might be interested in carrying the Gods&Radicals Journal? Please let them know about us, and have them contact us.
Thanks, be well, and Resist Beautifully!