You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
This campaign is closed
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
You will hear your heartbeat.
The film is based on real events. Modern Russia enters its troops on the territory of Ukraine, seizes the peninsula of Crimea and continues diversionary activities in the Donbass.
But our story is not about the war, it’s about the fate of the 8 year old Ukrainian boy Ostap. It is tragic: parents are killed for refusing to obey Russian aggressors and separatists, and the boy himself is illegally sent to Russia for "re-education" in an orphanage. Ostap tries to flee to Ukraine. Unsuccessful. Russian children badger him, call him a Ukrainian fascist and one night attempt to burn him. The nurse saves the boy. Ostap again decides to flee to his homeland. He is helped in this by his former teacher of music: under the cover of night they secretly cross the border.
The city was captured by Russian troops. Ostap's apartment is robbed by looters, and the teacher's house is destroyed from bombing. Now our hero is doomed to live in a world of bloody cruelty, lawlessness and banditry.
Ostap looks into the face of Darkness for the first time.
The truth is always subjective.
Only an individual emotion is objective, because the life of any person is objectively unique and its feelings do form a unique image of good and evil. Especially the feelings of the child. Nothing is compared with the cinema in the strength of emotional impact on a person. The language of the artistic cinema, as an artistic emotion, is unique. And with the magic of cinema I want to show our world the pain of a small Ukrainian boy, that is being mentally destroyed by the war. The fear and confusion are the only emotions left in his heart. His truth screams, appealing to the whole world: you are destroying me! That’s why Ostap runs across the sky – to be heard.
Let’s tell adult world the story of this little Ukrainian boy.
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
Big movie with great actors, decorations, modern techniques and professionals is not cheap, and I need your financial support.
More information about the director: