Bleeding disorders suck, especially when they prevent an activity or life choice from playing out as we would have preferred. Yes, they have numerous challenges; but at the same time, it is important to maintain perspective. There are countless conditions worse than bleeding disorders and in the grand scheme of things, being born a bleeder is preferable than being born with MS or cancer or sickle cell anemia (you get the picture).
While it may seem, to a clotter, we bleeders are afflicted with this terrible curse and will never experience the life which others would have wished for us; the reality is there is absolutely no reason to believe a bleeder’s life, especially today, will be any less full or rich or adventurous or rewarding than the life of our fully clotting peers. This isn’t romanticizing either. Bleeding disorders have in many ways become an affliction of the soul and mind just as much, if not more than, of the body; and it’s important we treat it in those regions as diligently and bravely as we do the body.
Even today, growing up with a bleeding disorder can be a challenge mentally for little bleeders. Most grownups, unsure of their potential ARE afraid to fully engage in life. Afraid to hear the constant, "No, don't do that, you might get a bleed!" They have feelings of being a defective kid who isn't "normal."
A common message older bleeders are beginning to spread to the younger generation is "You have a bleeding disorder, it doesn't have you, own it!" And that is our vision for the Hemo Hero.
Who is the Hemo Hero?
Hemo Hero is the secret identity of Sebastian Weiss, a six-year-old hemophiliac. An engineering genius, he's able to develop sophisticated gadgets from household appliances and computer hardware, which he uses to come to the aid of hemophiliacs everywhere. Tired of bullies and ignorance, Sebastian is taking his fight to the streets.
That's where his big sister Sera comes in. At twelve, she has troubles of her own. She has to take care of Sebastian, protect his secret, and make sure they're both home in time for dinner. Her secret identity, Serum, has the ability to deliver clotting factor without a needle, which comes in handy when they get into serious scrapes.
Together, they are the Hemo Heroes; dispensing justice, educating the public, and just trying to get along.
Hemo Hero is not only a comic book we have created; it is more than a comic, it is a project. It is a project we are so incredibly proud to be a part of. The theme of the Hemo Hero series is to help young bleeders feel empowered. We want our bleeding disorder brothers and sisters to know and understand a bleeding disorder is not a curse; instead, it should be viewed as a badge of courage. Additionally, Hemo Hero will tackle other problems bleeders face, such as bullying and their fear of needles.
We want all of you to be part of this vision so we can make sure our children also make the difference for the upcoming generations. If we begin now, our efforts can only help these kids realize their dreams. All it takes is ALL of you!
We are offering up 10 opportunities for people who support us in this vital early stage to appear in our comic!
The appearances you earn for backing this project won't get you some lame cameo as a random face in a crowd. If you're a character in our books, you will be a character Hemo Hero & Serum interact with throughout the comic. We'll even send you a signed print of your appearance page. That is how we roll.
Three substantial characters are also up for grabs. Would you like to be The Whispering Shadow? The Emerald Mimic? How about The Ultra Hawk, a hero from Sebastian's favorite comic book – until a disruption in reality catapulted you into Sebastian's world where you fight alongside Hemo Hero & Serum? We have some great roles available, but they are first-come, first-serve. So grab yours now!
We are already working on the beginning issues and have everything in place to succeed. Now, we could release as a digital comic on our own, but with the amazing story by Jason, stunning artwork of Jessica and the rich color by Jeremy, it would be a crime to restrict this story to computer screens.
Hemo Hero is being written by author Jason Christie, illustrated by Jessica Gaskill and colored by Jeremy Roark.
This project is so important to us - we have poured our hearts and souls into it. We are part of this movement and we really want all of you to be part of it too. We are convinced that with the help of all of you, we can accomplish great things.
The response from the bleeding community has been humbling.
Dawn M. "I asked my 10yr old why a hemophiliac superhero is a good idea and he said, 'people will see that people with hemophilia aren't weak'."
Erika W. "My very own Hemo Hero loves Wreck It Ralph. I love the idea of a more relatable hero! I absolutely love the character Sera as well! There's nothing quite like that bond between siblings."Brenna S. "Great idea! It is important for young bleeders to see themselves as strong able bodies individuals that posess inner strength as well. Nice to be a hero instead of needing to be saved all the time."
Vaughn R. "I've always loved comics, and superheroes. And, as a hemophiliac, I've dreamed of being a superpowered villain chaser most of my life. Plus, it's a great way to teach my kids about hemophilia. Mostly, I just dig comics and this is cool as Hell."Krystal M. "I think its a great idea it gives hemo kids something special of their own and super hero they can relate to thats something no one else has i mean really who honestly can relate in real life to Superman or Batman and other famous super heroes but our kids can compare their real life experiences with Hemo Hero."
The Budget
The $3,000 goal is precisely what's required to put Issue 1 to your hands. Our team has been, and will continue, working for free until Hemo Hero is a self-sufficient and profitable project. We all believe in the long-term potential of this project and have funded everything out of pocket up until now. To be able to take full advantage of illustrator Jessica and Jeremy’s gorgeous digitally painted artwork, we need to print in full color, which isn't cheap. That is why we’re asking for your help.
The printing cost of 1,000 copies of a 16-page, full-color comic is $2,200. The balance goes toward marketing the comic, creating and sending out the rewards you'll receive for supporting us and helping cover the cost of taxes (Indigogo funds are considered taxable income).
None of this money goes to us. Every penny is channeled directly into printing costs, your rewards and paying Uncle Sam.
If you want to add extra items to your package go ahead and do so! This chart here shows the cost of any items added to one of the base pledge levels.
So, how does this Indiegogo thing work?
If you're not familiar with Indiegogo, here's the idea. During the next 30 days, you'll be able to pledge support for the production cost of Hemo Hero #1, with pledge amounts as low as $1. For your pledge, you get to select one of the rewards—listed on the right sidebar—of equal or lesser value to your pledge.
Will I be charged any additional fees?
Nope. The amount you pledge is the amount you pay. Shipping costs to anywhere in the U.S. are included in your pledge amount.
If you haven't pledged yet click on the pledge level you want, and on the first tab there's a field called "additional gift". Here you can simply write in the value of the extra item(s) that you wanted.
If you've already pledged and want to still add things: click on "contribute now" at the top (pink button), select "no perk" and enter in the value of the extra items you want. Make sure you use the same account/email for each contribution you make so that I'll be able to merge them afterwards.