The information that is presented in the video above and in the following text will likely be met with one of three responses:
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
What follows is a very brief summary of the vision and mission of this Indiegogo crowd funding campaign.
Welcome to the "New" Revolution
Over the past two decades studying the world’s greatest revolutions throughout history, I have identified 3 universal truths:
- they were preceded by a paradigm shift in communication platforms,
- each paradigm shift in communication platforms resulted in an exponential leap in the number of people who could be exposed to revolutionary ideas, ideologies, and technologies, and
- each produced cultural, scientific, economic, and technological revolutions that were in direct proportion to the number of people that could be exposed to revolutionary information.
Considering these truths, the latest shift of our technology platform (the internet) must result in a fundamental revolution of all aspects of our lives; and the law of exponents proves that this change will reach Biblical proportions.
Therefore, it goes without saying that we are in for a crowd funding campaign that will be orders of magnitude (102) larger than anyone has completed before.
In short, what if I could prove to you that there was a connection between the French revolution, American Revolution, and scientific revolution in the 1700s, and the cultural, scientific, economic, and technological revolutions that have emerged around the world in the 21st century?
Would you pledge your support?
What Is The Internet Revolution Manifesto?
The cornerstone of this Indiegogo campaign is the Executive Summary. This 25-page document introduces the concept of history repeating itself in what are known as war and peace cycles. While the idea of war and peace cycles goes all the way back to Ancient Greece, this document will clearly show that I have developed both a mathematical (IQ) and sociological or emotional model (EQ) model that we can use as a means of dramatically increasing their predictive capacity.
And, just in case you doubt the validity of these cycles … a quick trip to will prove to that we are currently fighting cultural wars all over the world and scientific wars in virtually every discipline.
And just in case you think “hey we can win this thing,” let me remind you that the history books are filled with stories of the fall of the empires with the largest, most powerful … and more importantly expensive standing armies.
While the names of the 1% have changed from the Aristocracy and Big religion in the 17th century, to Big Government, Big Business, and Big Media in the 21st century … the motivations for revolution have remained the same.
There are only two solutions to the scarcity of resources: jobs and fiscal crisis. Historically, the 1% has chosen to reduce the demands of the 99% through genocide and war. This is known as the “final solution,” but, as history will clearly show, a reduction of demand has never solved anything.
Starting with the agricultural revolution, where mankind learned to mass produce food, and the scientific revolution where mankind learned to mass produce knowledge, and ending most recently with the industrial revolution, where mankind learned to mass produce virtually everything … the solution to scarcity has and always will be cultural, scientific, economic, and technological revolution.
I ask you to consider the weapons of mass destruction that were available in World Wars I and II, consider the weapons of mass destruction that are now available, and forecast the potential loss of life that might result from WWW III.
What will we be posting to Wikipedia after World War III?
The solution to the scarcity of resources and fiscal crises that have emerged around the world is to Make Revolution NOT War!
Your Contribution: What We Need
A new brand of media built of, by, and for the 99% and wholly integrated into the 21st century, the APP, working papers, and docu-mentor-e that are built out of this crowd funding campaign will change the face of mankind forever.
We need your contributions to help take these ideas from the prototype to the floor. But, more importantly, we need your support to spread the word of this movement and get other 99%ers from around the world on board with the dynamics of this movement.
Every Revolution Needs...
Throughout history cultural revolutions have always been preceded by a manifesto and scientific revolutions by a treatise.
With your help, two decades of research, and two working papers, one a manifesto, the other a treatise, can be transformed into ready for prime time eBooks that will forever change the trajectory of mankind.
Redefining Media
In addition to these two eBooks, the goal of this campaign is to fund two other, groundbreaking types of media. The Killer APP and docu-mentor-e.
The goal of the docu-mentor-e is to document the historical references, such as war and peace cycles, that play a major role in the predictive capacity of the models that will be presented in the manifesto and treatise.
And since these cycles have been repeated throughout history, a careful review of history will provide a platform from which to mentor today’s cultural, scientific, economic, and technological revolutionaries.
Then, for the first time in history, books will not be written by the 1%. A history of the people, by the people, and for the people will be created in real time through the eLearning aspect of the docu-mentor-e and its related app.
Taking Crowdfunding to the Next Level
It all starts with the Executive Summary, but you can pledge additional support through the purchase of swag, pre-ordering the eBooks, app, and docu-mentor-e, and reserving your tickets to the docu-mentor-e premeire. Yet the purpose of this campaign is to really tap into the essence of crowdfunding and the importance of the internet.
To accomplish this, we have partnered with Ziggeo, a revolutionary platform unto itself, to put together "screening rooms" where you, the 99%, can submit feedback on the Executive Summary and help to shape the future of this movement and this Indiegogo campaign.
Whenever you see a Ziggeo logo throughout the Executive Summary if you click on the logo you will be taken to a screening room where you can leave us a video containing your questions, feedback, testimonials … and yes even your rants.
With your permission, wherever possible we will include your videos in our social media outreach, state-of-the-revolution broadcasts, and docu-mentor-e.
It's as Margaret Mead famously said...