The Killer Confession
The Killer Confession is a serialised novel, releasing early 2023. Each part is then scheduled to be released every two weeks. This campaign is for the physical book; both paperback and hardback. All parts of the book will be put together in this special edition and, better yet, released this year to people who back the project!
Kindle release: Commences early 2023 and runs through to April 2023.
Physical release: Due September 2022; four months ahead of the digital release.
The Kindle release is coming, starting January 2023. Parts 1 - 7 are available to pre-order now, for those who prefer to read digital books.
Physical details
Combines all eight parts of the story.
Exclusive release via crowdfunding.
Over 400 pages and 60,000 words.
The Story
The opening book follows a child murderer. It explains his background and goes into the whole nature vs. nurture argument. Within a few books, the story twists to follow one of the serial killer's victims who has managed to escape. From there we look at the damage done to the character and - due to his experience - how that impacts his family too.
With this being a serialised novel, it opened the opportunity to easily follow multiple story and character arcs in large segments, without getting the reader impatient to get back to a particular arc. And, because it was written as a serialised novel, each segment packs a hefty punch of its own, with many twists and turns exposed along the way.
Risks & Challenges
The beauty of this collection is that it is already written (mostly). It was written in the beginning of 2022, with a few tweaks done after feedback from selected beta readers. The final part is still needing to be done but, that will be done by the end of May.
Some of you may have already scoured through the perks lists and spotted the book Survivor's Guilt, which was co-written with Aron Beauregard. The Kindle release of this is coming in just a couple of weeks and, I wasn't planning on doing a physical release due to it being major hassle working out royalty splits and such. However... Aron got wind of the fact I am traveling to New York in September of this year, to do a meet and greet with my readers. He informed me that he is just a drive away from there so - we came to the decision to release a select number of physical copies of Survivor's Guilt. (20 hardback books and 100 paperbacks). Furthermore, because we will be signing them together at The Michaelangelo hotel on Times Square, it made even more sense to invite readers to come down and collect the books in person. Don't worry, if you cannot get to New York, we are happy to post books out, should you wish to own a limited edition physical book.
So, on the evening of September 8th, Aron and I will be signing these books in the hotel. If you purchase one of these books from this campaign, you're more than welcome to come down and hang out with us for a while.
I am there as part of a pre-arranged Meet and Greet with my readers so, unfortunately, I cannot meet people without that person purchasing a book as it wouldn't be fair on those who have. Also, if you have purchased one of the "Meet" books from a previous campaign, you will - of course - be more than welcome to hang around on the 8th with us too.
Please note: all proceeds from Survivor's Guilt are split 50/50 between myself and Aron.
Also Available:
From an older campaign, there is still time to pre-order the choose your own adventure book, "Make Your Fucking Mind Up", my Matt Shaw. An extreme horror in which you have to choose what happens in the book as the main character (you) battle his split personality. Can you make it through to the happy ending?
From those who like their horror even darker:
OLD is also available.
Currently with no release date set for Kindle (possibly 2023), this is your chance to own the paperback, or hardback, well ahead of its release. This particular title will be sent out late July, early August of this year!
Hardback is limited to 20 copies.
Synopsis: Mavis is 103 years old. She looks younger than her son who is in his sixties. Why? It's all down to the magic of her cream. A cream her son helps her get... The cream itself being milked from delivery drivers the old couple abducted... Despite helping his mother, their relationship isn't the strongest. She is a cruel, bitter woman who no longer wants to be alive. He is her carer and constantly being belittled to the point of wishing her dead; not that he could ever bring himself to kill her. She is his mother, after all.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a way to get back at her....
Warning: this book contains graphic content.
Interested in everything?
The beautiful thing about this site, above others, is that they allow you to make multiple pledges, if there is more than one book that you would like!