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The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

Spreading the Gospel to the entire world through online broadcasting (starting in Twitch).

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The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

The King's Entmt Broadcasting Company Fundraising

Spreading the Gospel to the entire world through online broadcasting (starting in Twitch).

Spreading the Gospel to the entire world through online broadcasting (starting in Twitch).

Spreading the Gospel to the entire world through online broadcasting (starting in Twitch).

Spreading the Gospel to the entire world through online broadcasting (starting in Twitch).

John Tuttle
John Tuttle
John Tuttle
John Tuttle
1 Campaign |
Fort Worth, United States
$150 USD 2 backers
3% of $4,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
2,000,000,000+ people throughout the entire world play video games ( 15,000,000+ people watch Twitch, an online broadcasting platform, EVERY MONTH ( I know that all of those people need Jesus. That's why we are starting The King's Entertainment to reach these people. I've already created a channel (TurtleBytesShow) to launch it for success. The only thing we are missing is your support!

I, John Tuttle, the potential founder and executive producer of The Kings Entertainment, started streaming in late August/September of 2018. Prior to that, I was unemployed and lost my job in an unexpected and rather spectacular manner. This made it difficult for me to find a job back then. So my wife and I prayed about it to get direction from God. We both felt like God was telling me to go into full time streaming/content creation.

During my time as a full time streamer/content creator, I've networked with multiple people (many whom have different expertise that have helped me out) throughout the industry. I've learned the tricks of the trade and what must be done to be successful. I've gained many technical skills in lighting, audio, broadcasting software, image editing, video editing, etc. I am still learning and I'm getting better every day!

I'm now at a critical point in my journey where I have important decisions to make. We prayed to God again about our situation and now I feel lead to start The King's Entertainment (a Christian broadcasting company). We will have a 24/7 stream going on Twitch in the Always On category. This decision represents a big step in my life and I need your help!

Campaign Goal:

Our goal with the campaign is to raise enough money to provide initial funding to start The King's Entertainment, a Christian broadcasting company. This new company will initially stream on Twitch only in the Always On category. Here are a list of reasons why I'm trying to do this:

  1. Reach as many people with the Good News of Jesus Christ (6+ bil gamers/15+ Mil per month on Twitch)
  2. Bring together multiple Christian streamers of different denominations to demonstrate unity in faith
  3. Create a centralized location where 24/7 Christian variety content is being played
  4. Provide a family friendly space where you and your children can watch safe and entertaining content

What Results Look Like:

  1. Saving many lives and winning them for God!
  2. Streamers and churches of multiple points of views (Calvinism, Arminianism, Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, etc) providing content for the channel
  3. Eliminate the need to hunt down and find Christian streamers due to the creation of this channel
  4. Ability to watch the channel worry free, knowing the content is wholesome

What We Are Offering:

Through this Indiegogo campaign, we are offering opportunities to advertise on our channel, future website, and social media. In exchange for your generous donation, we are offering the following:

  • $100 - Gets your name on a public thank you page
  • $200 - Gets you a verbal shout out on air which will later be uploaded to our Youtube page
  • $500 - Gets your qualifying business's logo on the screen for 14 hours a week for the first month
  • $500 - Gets your church's sermon on twice a week for the first month
  • $750 - Gets your 1:30 or less video on air live to sponsor 2 hours every day (played at a 15 minute interval) for the first month

Where the money will go:

This campaign is set up to cover the following costs: 

  1. My salary
  2. Minimum start up costs
    1. LLC creation
    2. Trademark The King's Entertainment and/or Turtle Bytes Show
  3. Optional Business Enhancing Costs (if we exceed funding goal):
    1. My salary for a 2nd month or more
    2. 2nd computer for redundancy and video editing purposes
    3. Social media paid marketing ads

The risks:

If this campaign is successful, then the minimum costs will be covered. To keep the company operational, I would attempt to raise revenues (money) through the following means:

  1. Reach out to local churches for sponsorship
  2. Subscriptions to the channel
  3. Tips/Donations to the channel
  4. Cheers (Twitch currency) to the channel
  5. Merch purchases through the channel

The main foreseeable risk is revenue generation. The monthly costs to operate this business is going to be a minimum of $4000. If I'm unable to generate another $4000 by the end of February, then I will be faced with the following options:

  1. Attempt to do another round of fundraising to raise $4000 again (first week of March).
  2. If the money raised is between $2000-$4000, then I may be able to continue operations by getting a part time job. If this happens, then the quality of channel may go down. 
  3. If the money raised is less than $2000, then I will have to temporarily or permanently cease business operation and get full time employment

You and I have an opportunity to do something really great. As far as I know, there is no other company like this one we're trying to create. Many lives could be won over for God by this channel. I have a road map on how to make this successful (including budgetary wise). Please pray before you consider giving. I want this to 100% spirit lead and it has to be if it's going to be successful. Your contributions will not go through unless we reach 100%+ funding. Thank you all and God bless you!

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Choose your Perk

Donate $5 towards the goal.

$5 USD $6 USD (16% off)
Donate $5 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $5 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $5 towards the goal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Donate $10 towards the goal

$10 USD $11 USD (9% off)
Donate $10 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $10 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $10 towards the goal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Donate $20 towards the goal.

$20 USD $21 USD (4% off)
Donate $20 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $20 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $20 towards the goal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Donate $25 towards the goal

$25 USD $26 USD (3% off)
Donate $25 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $25 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $25 towards the goal
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Donate $50 towards the goal

$50 USD $51 USD (1% off)
Donate $50 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $50 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $50 towards the goal.
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Name On Thank You Page

$100 USD $101 USD (0% off)
As a thank you for your contributions, I will add your name to a public thank you list. This will initially be on social media but it will also be added to the new company's website as well!
Included Items
  • Name On Thank You Page
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Donate $100 towards the goal.

$100 USD $101 USD (0% off)
Donate $100 towards the goal. I, and likely many people in the future, thank you for your contributions. If campaign is fullfilled, your voluntary $100 contribution is non-refundable and will go towards the rebrand/launch of The King's Entertainment.
Included Items
  • Donate $100 towards the goal
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed

Shout Out On Air/Youtube Video

$200 USD $201 USD (0% off)
As a thank you for giving $200, I will give you a shout out on a live broadcast and then upload that broadcast to Youtube. If you don't want me to give you a shout out either, that's ok too. Just let me know!
Included Items
  • Shout Out On Air/Youtube Video
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 claimed
Logo On Screen For 14 HRs /Wk

Logo On Screen For 14 HRs /Wk

$500 USD $1,500 USD (66% off)
If you are a qualifying business and you donate $500, then I will put your logo LIVE on stream for 14 hours per week for the first month! It's simple too! All you have to do is send me your logo and I can add it! Qualifying Business: Ethical and upright business. No products of sexual nature. No discrimination against protected classes.
Included Items
  • Logo On Screen For 14 HRs /Wk
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 12 of claimed
Play Church Sermon 2x /Week

Play Church Sermon 2x /Week

$500 USD $1,000 USD (50% off)
Have your church sermon played twice a week for the whole first month (we will be playing 2 sermons a day from different churches)! We'll play one in the morning and one in the afternoon/later afternoon. You can pick the days but it will be first come first serve. No prosperity/poverty gospel. Basic Christian tenets required. Inq for more details.
Included Items
  • Play Church Sermon 2x /Week
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 7 of claimed
Sponsor 14 Hrs ( 1:30 ad) /Day

Sponsor 14 Hrs ( 1:30 ad) /Day

$750 USD $2,000 USD (62% off)
Sponsor 2 hours a day for the first month w/qualified business! In exchange for doing so, I'll play a 1:30 minute video every 15 minutes during those hours (8 times). You must provide the video for this package. Qualifying Business: Ethical and upright business. No products of sexual nature. No discrimination against protected classes.
Included Items
  • Sponsor 2 Hrs ( 1:30 Ad) /Day
Estimated Shipping
February 2019
0 out of 12 of claimed

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