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The Legends Eureka

The Super-Fun Card Game About History's Greatest People!

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The Legends Eureka

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The Legends Eureka

The Legends Eureka

The Legends Eureka

The Super-Fun Card Game About History's Greatest People!

The Super-Fun Card Game About History's Greatest People!

The Super-Fun Card Game About History's Greatest People!

The Super-Fun Card Game About History's Greatest People!

pepal works
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1 Campaign |
hyderabad, India
$150 USD 7 backers
0% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
A Quick-playing Card Game where Kids Learn while Having Fun!

The Legends Card Game: A Fun Way For Kids To Learn

Dear Friend,

Let's face it, teaching children can be difficult. In this age of Social Media, YouTube and Online Gaming, it can be almost impossible to separate kids from their screens. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way that children could have fun AND learn at the same time?

Sounds like a dream? It’s actually a reality.

Our team of eight created the Legends Card Game, which teaches children (or teenagers) about history as they play. They’ll learn about history's greatest scientists, artists, and other historical figures, all while focused and engaged in friendly competition. It is our hope that by exposing kids to the greatest people from humanity's past, they may find inspiration. After all, children are the future.

Here’s the good news.

For only $19, you can have your own set.

The Legends Card Game is seeking your support so we can spread our game onto the global market. With your help, we can make our dream a reality. Thank you for your support!

Children Learn Best When Having Fun

The Legends Card game is the world’s only game which gives your children an in-depth history lesson as they play along. You can play with family, friends or even at school.

Here Are The Benefits Of Playing The Legends Card Game:

  • Develop memory and information retention skills.
  • Playing games helps develop focusing skills.
  • Have fun while developing social skills (something that is sometimes lost in our online world).

And much, much more!

Parents and Educators: when you invest in a copy of our game, you are not just providing you children years of entertainment - you're also investing in their future.

It’s our mission to change education forever. Let's do it together!






  • Open the game and select 5 of the 10 categories of cards. Take all of each category and shuffle them together. (This means to grab all character and info cards in a category and shuffle them together.)
  • There are four different types of card decks used in the game. Character cards are cards that hold the image of a certain famous person. Info cards are a matching type of card for each famous person that gives in-depth info. These are used to make a pair. When a character and info card are paired together, it’s considered a match! You may then place them on the play pile and collect a matching coin token as a reward. Scissor cards are special cards that allow you to steal a player’s match reward--provided you use them properly. Finally, Legend cards are a special type of card with unique use.
  • As mentioned shuffle these five categories of Character/Info cards together, then deal each player 6 cards from the shuffled deck.

Place the remaining cards in the center of the table. These cards can be pulled from at your leisure -- or switched out in order to make proper matches as you play.

  • The dealer goes first in a clockwise direction. Each player’s goal is to eliminate all of the cards in your hand. This is done by matching an info card with a Character card.
  • To do this, you can draw from the deck. In addition to this, you may also grab from the last 2 cards placed on the table by any other player.
  • You can hold any number of cards, however since your goal is to get rid of cards you want to focus on matches, using legend cards or steals to get rid of the cars in your hand.
  •  When you’ve emptied your hands of cards, place your final match on the table and say “Eureka”! This will signal the end of the game.

How To Win:)

  • Once a player at the table has shouted “Eureka” and placed their cards down, that player may draw 2 additional coin cards
  • If no other players have scissor cards to play, then the sum each player’s coin cards are tallied. The player with the highest coin card count wins the game.
  • On the chance that another player uses a Scissor card then -- a played Scissor Card at the game’s end allows you to postpone the ending of the game by forcing up to 2 cards of your choice from your own hand on the player who initiated the game’s end. If a scissor card is played against another player after they say “Eureka” a couple of things happen:
  1. a)They may NOT collect 2 coin cards.
  2. b)Doing this will cause the game to begin again with the next person in the turn order.


    The player with the highest coin count wins the game.

Using Special Cards:)

Scissor Cards:

Scissor cards cannot be traded between players and there exists 3 cards of this type in the whole game. Using one will allow you to steal coin rewards from another player’s match. In addition, you also can place up to 2 of your cards down (any two of your choosing).

If you manage to collect more than one scissor card at a time (very hard to do!) you can perform special actions!

You may play multiple scissor cards at one time. This means, for instance, if you play 2 cards against one player you can collect card rewards twice, and get rid of 4 cards at once 

Likewise, if you have at least 2 cards you can sacrifice both cards at the same time in order to collect coin rewards. This can be done at any time with no requirements to fulfill.  For each card you sacrifice in this manner you can draw 2 coin tokens.

There is a restriction to using Scissor Cards, there are symbols on each card that match the categories of cards. You must match the symbols in order to play a card against another player.

To play a scissor card, shout “Cut!” and place the card down before they can collect their coin token!

Legends Cards:)


  • Legend Cards are special cards that can match up with ANY Character or Info card. So for example, if you have 1 card remaining in your hand, and you draw a Legend card, you can immediately pair it in order to form a match and initiate the end of the game as an example.
  • Another benefit of a Legend card is that matches made with them cannot have Scissors played against them.



  • Challenging a player involves betting 1 or more of your coins. When you challenge someone you place up to 5 (and no less than 1) coin face down in front of you and point to the player you’re challenging.
  • The challenged player HAS to respond. If they refuse your challenge, you get to choose 1 of their coins (your choice).
  • If they accept your challenge then that player also has to decide on up to 3 coins to wager, then both of you draw a card from the center and place it face down in front of you. At the same time, both of you flip the card. If either of you can match the other person’s card--that person wins the challenge, at which point they take all their coins, all of the coins of the player you challenged and you get to get rid of one extra card in your hand without fulfilling the match condition.
  • If you find yourself with 0 cards in your hand after completing a challenge, yell Eureka to initiate the game’s end.


55 Portrait Cards

55 Clue Cards

3 Legends Clue Cards

3 Scissor Cards

55  Score Coins

One Instruction Manual


Risks and challenges

This is our second Campaign, and there are some vagaries in terms of timing when it comes to making a physical product, such as production delays, shipping delays, customs delays.

The estimated delivery date is April 2019, but keep in mind this is only an estimate. Also, due to the logistics of international shipping, backers in different regions of the world may receive their rewards sooner than others.

Our Website:

Pr Release ;


Thank You For Supporting The Legends Card Game!

Every donation helps us bring Legends to the worldwide marketplace. We want to enhance the way children learn, starting at an early age.

Children learn best while they are having fun. Your contributions directly contribute to our vision of helping children around the world.

Thank you for your generosity.

Until Next Time,

The Legends Card Game Team

P.S. If your child is old enough to read, they’re old enough to learn history while playing the Legends Card Game! 

Thank you!

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Choose your Perk

Moral Support!

Moral Support!

$1 USD
Every single donation counts (in a big way), the number of backers helps us go viral. We thank you for your generosity.
Included Items
  • Moral Support!
2 claimed
Super Supporter!

Super Supporter!

$19 USD
You’ll receive your very own Legends Card Game set delivered right to your door! Every single donation counts (in a big way). We thank you for your generosity!
Included Items
  • Legends Card Game set
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
1 claimed
Booster Pack

Booster Pack

$25 USD
You’ll receive your very own Legends Card Game set+ 4 Stretch Goals delivered right to your door! Every single donation counts (in a big way). We thank you for your generosity!
Included Items
  • Legends Card Game set
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
0 claimed


$49 USD
You’ll receive your very own Legends Card Game set+ New Legends Card Set+ ALL Stretch Goals delivered right to your door! Every single donation counts (in a big way). We thank you for your generosity!
Included Items
  • Legends Card Game set
  • New Legends Card Game Set
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Legend Pack

Legend Pack

$99 USD
You’ll receive your very own Legends Card Game set+ All Stretch Goals + New Legends Card Set +55 Legends Art Prints delivered right to your door! Every single donation counts (in a big way). We thank you for your generosity!
Included Items
  • Legends Card Game set
  • 55 Legends art prints
  • All Stretch Goals
  • New Legends Card Game Set
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Retailer Pack

Retailer Pack

$369 USD
You’ll receive your very own Legends Card Game set(10 Sets)+ All Stretch Goals + New Legends Card set (10 Sets)+55 Legends Art Prints delivered right(10 Sets) to your door! Every single donation counts (in a big way). We thank you for your generosity!
Included Items
  • Legends Card Game set
  • 55 Legends art prints
  • All Stretch Goals
  • New Legends Card Game Set
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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