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The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter is a horror visual novel game with seven playable characters and quick-time events.

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The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter - a Horror Visual Novel

The Letter is a horror visual novel game with seven playable characters and quick-time events.

The Letter is a horror visual novel game with seven playable characters and quick-time events.

The Letter is a horror visual novel game with seven playable characters and quick-time events.

The Letter is a horror visual novel game with seven playable characters and quick-time events.

Yangyang Mobile
Yangyang Mobile
Yangyang Mobile
Yangyang Mobile
1 Campaign |
Manila, Philippines
$38,050 USD by 596 backers
$33,946 USD by 518 backers on Nov 22, 2015 with another platform

Hello, and welcome to our Indiegogo campaign! Please take a look around to know more about The Letter and how you can help! Thank you so much for your time!

We're Steam Greenlit! Thank you to everyone who voted for the game! ^__^


OUR DEMO IS UP! To experience what we have to offer, please check it out! :)


Play The Diary on your mobile device! Available on iOS and Android!

The Diary is a spin-off of the upcoming horror visual novel game, The Letter. Join Rebecca Gales in her childhood adventures as she makes friends and discover love.

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The Letter is an interactive horror, visual novel game that is currently under development by our team, Yangyang Mobile. It is inspired by the famous Japanese horror films, Ju-On: The Grudge & The Ring, by the Korean web-comic, Bongcheon-Dong Ghost, and by horror jRPG games such as Mad Father and Corpse Party

Development for The Letter will take one year to finish. Our approximate release date for the whole game is on October 2016. Once the game is complete, it will be released first for Windows, Mac and Linux. After a few months, it will then be ported to iOS and Android devices. We also plan to put the game on Steam.

Just last October, we've launched a Kickstarter campaign for the game. It was a success! We raised a little more than our initial goal, and now we're in Indiegogo InDemand Program through one of their staff's invitation! If you missed our Kickstarter campaign, now's your chance to support us! The money we'll raise here will go towards our stretch goals!

  • $70,000 – Additional Chapters: We’ll add two playable characters in the game, making it a total of 9 chapters.
  • $90,000 – Full Motion Video: We will add fully animated clips of the key events in the game!

Amanda Lee (LeeandLie) as Isabella Santos
A Youtube vocalist and voice actress, LeeandLie has over 600k subscribers for her works with anime and video game adaptations and covers. In 2011, she won the AX IDOL award in Voice Acting and made her debut in the industry as Noh Mask Rider from Squid Girl. Fall in love and listen to AmaLee and her fantastic vocals on her Youtube page: LeeandLie. The team absolutely loves her covers for Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown and Mirai Nikki! Now, don't go falling down the stairs like our silly Isabella Santos!



Melissa Sternenberg (Mippa) as Rebecca Gales

An active member of the Austin voice acting and anime community, Mippa specializes in the study of Mahou Shoujo with a senior thesis on the subject! She has done work as the voices of Serena, Amy and Luna in the Sailor Stars Fandub and is currently cast as the Head Healer in A More Beautiful World. This powerhouse is our pick for the history teacher we'll all know and love, Rebecca Gales. Marvel at her versatility and talent over at her BTVA and CCC pages. Really, check it out!


Howard Wang (TehExorcist) as Ashton Frey

Who you gonna call? TehExorcist, probably. With a name like that, he must not be afraid of no ghosts just like our Detective Inspector, Ashton Frey. Creator of a few of his own Abridged series, he has also lends his voice for other parody productions including TeamFourStar'sAttack on Titan: Abridged along with being a writer and editor for the series. You might also know him as Rico from Dead: Island Epidemic, Toshio Taro from Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirthand Touma Maizono from Burn Your Fat with Me! Check out some of his shenanigans over on his Twitter: TehExorcist.


Anthony Sardinha (Antfish) as Zachary Steele

Joining his buddy, fellow creator known for the JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Abridged series, Antfish takes the stage as our precious cinnamon roll, Zachary Steele. Another TeamFourStar member, he not only does voices but he also has credit in co-creating, co-writing and co-directing for the group. That's a lot of co's! You might have heard his voice as Dale & 8-Bit Kane from Heroes of Newerth, Scoops from Awesomenauts, Cephalon Abnar from Warframe as well as Bryce & Berg from Dead Island: Epidemic. Why not take a peek at his works over on his Youtube channel: AnthonySardinhaVO?


Amber Lee Connors (Shudo Ranmaru) as Hannah Wright

Casting director, voice talent and all around lovely person, Shudo Ranmaru is ready to dazzle and step into the high heeled shoes of Hannah Wright. She has lent her voice to characters such as Tomomi from Ladies versus Butlers and Beli from HuniePop. She'll be joining The Reject Demon: Toko as well, as Ezekiel and Devon. She also voiced (and cosplayed!) Android 18 for the Dragon Ball Z: Abridged series. Tune in to the lady behind the mic over on her Twitter:AmberLeeConnors.


Curtis Arnott (Takahata101) as Luke Wright

Guess who it is? Ghost Na- I mean, it's Takahata101, of course! One of the co-founders of TeamFourStar, which has over 2M subscribers, he is a well known individual in the voice acting and the abridging community especially with his roles as Nappa and Cell in DBZ Abridged. The man also gives life to Ryuji Shiba from Burn Your Fat with Me! and Eiji Tadashi fromExogenesis: Perils of Rebirth. He does an excellent cosplay of Loki too and stars on Megasteakman's Psy-Pop, which we recommend you go watch! For his every day shenanigans, follow this Twitter: Takahata101! With a Villain 101 resume like that, he might as well just put on a suit and be Luke Wright.


Elsie Lovelock (Sweet Poffin) as Marianne McCollough

Oh, Sweet Poffin, how do we describe thee? With a hauntingly beautiful voice, this vocalist and voice actress features wonderful covers of songs, mostly of the Disney variety on her Youtube channel. She's known as the voice of Daphne from Apotheon and was a contender in Britain's Got Talent though she wasn't able to go through to the semi-finals. Don't worry, you've got talent and our love, sweetie! Why else would she be starring as our Marianne McCollough? Her cover videos are a must watch and you can check them out on her Youtube channel: SweetPoffin. Her gender-bend covers are exceptional.


Amanda Julina (Amanda Gonzalez) as Amy Lorraine

One wonders if Amy Lorraine sang for a barbershop quartet, because Amanda does! Part ofLow Key in New Mexico, she’s an excellent performer with a lot of talent and heart. Maybe, with this, Marianne can make some beautiful music with her old friend Lorraine. Or maybe not. Who knows? When it comes to video games, she’s featured in DreadOut as the Sundel Bolong and in Dust: An Elysian Tail as Colleen. Go and have a look at her quartet’s Facebook page: lowkeyquartet.


Jeff Werden as Andrew Clark

Although most of his professional work has been in the realm of audiobooks and the audio novel: Atlantis: Bearer of Fruit, Jeff is not unfamiliar with videogame voice acting. He's in Fallout 4 game mods such as the Atomic Radio, don't you know? But, with his love of books and with the sound of his voice, it seems only right that he be cast as Andrew Clark, our resident professor. Judging by his Twitter over at: vojeffwerden, it looks like we can look forward to hisReader's Guide for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child too! We just love Harry Potter.


Steven Kelly (Sarifus) as Johannes Schrocken

Voice actor and music composer, Sarifus won Bioware's Take Your Place in the Inquisition and voiced Lord Pel Harmond in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Now, that's something you can't say everyday! He's also featured as Saren from Loren the Amazon Princess and Mayor Bram inDust: An Elysian Tale. And, when he once voiced a Luke from Castle Dracula, he will now be serving the Luke Wright as his right hand man, Johannes Schröcken. Keep track of this one over on his Twitter: Sarifus. And go listen to his reading of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven. Like, right now.


Natalie van Sistine (NvanSistine) as Rose Cooper

Creator, producer, writer, sound designer and the voice of Kate in the indie audio drama, The Elysium Project, NvanSistine is a real jack of all trades. Outside of her own projects, she's done work as Anna Kelso from Deus Ex: The Fall and Poison Circe from Heroes of Newerth. She'll also be in A More Beautiful World as Elena. Now, she's the never before seen Rose Cooper, Isabella's former mentor and fellow estate agent. If you'd like to hear more of her, why not check out The Elysium Project on her Youtube channel: dragonknighttara?


Brittany Lauda (BrittanyLaudaVO) as Kylie Suarez

A triple threat, Brittany directs, casts and acts in the voice acting industry! She debuted as Mirim in Queen's Blade Rebellion and also stars as Audrey from Huniepop, Osana Najimi in Yandere Simulator and as Katherine along with several other roles in Pokemon XY. She is an absolute cutie and, with her experience and talent, will be playing our small and precocious Kylie Suarez. A great addition to our cast, you can follow her for voice acting tips over at Twitter: BrittanyLaudaVO.


Jason Marnocha (Lord Jazor) as Norman, G and Lee

Last but hardly the least, this Lord Jazor is an impressive one! First off, we really suggest that you check out his Youtube channel: LordJazor because his impressions are just gold. He does impressions of Batman's Rogues and has read the infamous Harry Potter fanfiction, My Immortal. You really must go and watch those! He's also done voicework in several fanfilms of... you guessed it, DC shorts! From the Joker to Deathstroke, he can do it all, but our lead writer favours his Riddler and Scarecrow recording the most. The Letter will now be having him as the enigmatic Norman, G and Lee. Triplets? Clones? Time Traveller? Lord Jazor has them all covered.



  • Told in 7 point of views (a.k.a. 7 playable characters). Each chapter will be narrated in a non-linear order by a different character.
  • Full English Voice Acting. The final version of the game will be fully voiced in English!

  • Original Opening and Ending Theme Songs. Sung by our wonderful Amanda Lee (Isabella's VA) and lovely Elsie Lovelock (Marianne's VA), respectively. Listen here for a 30-second sample of the opening theme song!
  • Beautifully rendered characters & backgrounds. The characters and backgrounds are painted by our artists.
  • Quick-time Events. Several and engaging quick-time events to avoid life and death situations. QTEs are optional to do. Below is a sample quick time event (WIP):
  • Animated characters, backgrounds and cut-scenes. The backgrounds & characters will be animated to bring more life into the game! Sample animation sprites:
  • Psychological thriller & jump scares. There will be points in the story wherein the characters will question their own sanity. These instances will make them doubt themselves, which creates an entire new conflict (man vs. self), apart from the ghost itself. 
  • Distinct characters with varying personality and attitude. Since each chapter is told in a different perspective, we’re very meticulous in our characters’ attitude, the way they talk and the way they approach things. We made sure all of them are diverse from one other. 
  • Mend or break relationships. Friends won’t stay friends and enemies won’t stay enemies forever in the game. It is entirely up to the player how the characters will interact with one another.

  • At least 180,000 words. The game will have 7 chapters, and each chapter has at least 30,000 words. The words for the long term endings are not yet included in the 180,000 count.

  • Over 80 Backgrounds, 100 CGs & 12 quick-time events. The game will feature several locations and key events.
  • 12 short-endings and around 5 long-term endings. That’s 17 endings in total. The short-endings either result in life or death, while the long-term endings can be unlocked based on the remaining survivors. 
  • Memorable music composition that will send chills down your spine. We’re very eager to bring original music scores that will give our players goosebumps just by hearing it. Listen to the game's main theme:


At the heart of Anslem village stands a 17th century English mansion that is rumored to be cursed by a vengeful spirit. Various disappearances had been linked to the mansion, while people living near the vicinity spoke of seeing and hearing unearthly things. Dismissed as a hoax, the mansion was listed for sale by Briar Realty Corporation.

Before its grand opening to the public, Isabella Santos, an agent under BRC, was double-checking the place when she accidentally uncovered a letter that said “HELP ME” over and over again. At the bottom of the letter was the phrase “Send this to 5 people or else...”

Backstory: A Filipino, her parents and her six siblings are back in her home country. Her father is in the hospital and she is the only one with work, despite the fact that she is not the eldest child. Her eldest brother is a layabout drunk, which makes her despise drunkards. Her older sister is also deep in debt and it makes her wary of borrowing money from other people. She did not want to be a real estate agent, at first, only taking the career because of its high pay to support her family. In truth, she wanted to take Fine Arts but was put out by the fact that many warned her that she would become a starving artist.

Backstory: American, Ashton grew up to be a privileged child. And, although he was a model student, he found little joy in the things he did and found no real passion. Without any clear goal in life, he took on the job as a private investigator for the hell of it. Rebecca was his only friend as a child, despite his popularity. And his work later on led him meeting Isabella and Zachary as well. People might think he’s cold but he really does treasure the few friends he has, considering them his family.

Backstory: Of Scottish descent, her parents were professors and taught at a university which led to her being a teacher later on in life. As a child, she was the shy sort and admired Ashton because of his cool nature which soon developed into a crush. She came out of her shell in her high school years and became the spitfire that she is today. But, because of this, her former insecurities have turned into bouts of terrible jealousy, especially towards Isabella when she thinks Ashton may find interest in her. Her once bookish nature shines, every now and then, and is most evident with her being a History teacher.

Backstory: African-American, Zachary was orphaned at a young age. Raised by his older sister, he found a passion for films due to the fact that his only memories of his parents are from home videos taken of their family before their death. He later favoured documentaries and movies inspired by real stories. The man became friends with Ashton during one of his projects, wherein the private investigator helped him with filming and he helped Ashton with investigating.

Backstory: A former Irish architect who lost her studio during the economic crisis, Marianne moved to England searching for new career opportunities. She was lucky, and soon started working for many upper-class British families as an interior designer. She originally came from a very poor Catholic family, and studied under a scholarship at a prestigious & exclusive all-girls school. Because she was poor, she had to endure mockery and insecurity from her wealthy classmates, and had to struggle on her way up the social ladder. Even as a grown woman, her fear of being ridiculed by the highborn ladies never faded. After all, even though she walks among the elite, she knows she'll never be one of them.

Backstory: Of British noble descent, Hannah is used to living a life of luxury. However, her parents were mostly absent during her childhood which made her crave attention from anyone who would give it to her. She was smitten with Luke when they first met and she says it was love at first sight. However, she was only able to marry the man through social and political maneuvering. Their relationship is strained due to his womanizing and drunkard ways. Albeit, Hannah tries her best to make amends with him, in the hopes that he would actually love her.

Backstory:Nouveau riche and British, Luke worked and fought hard to be where he is today. As a child, he was the illegitimate son to an entrepreneur and a prostitute. His mother’s clients often beat him up until she died and his biological father took him in to make him his heir. He learned to be cruel and efficient, caring only about money due to this. Sure, he didn’t always play fair nor did he play by the rules and laws but he was sure he deserved everything he got, no matter what other people said. He married Hannah, only because she had more money than he did and her family name held power in their community.



While The Letter is mostly horror, the story will also focus on basic human relationships, such as romance, friendship and betrayals. In the story, the player has control over how the characters will respond to each other. Basing from this, it’s entirely possible for all of them to be against each other, or for all of them to be in friendly terms.
Unlike most visual novels that are narrated in only one character’s point of view, the story of The Letter will be divided into seven chapters in a non-linear order. The player takes on the role of a different character in different chapters. This way, the player gets to understand and experience all of the major characters on a deeper level. Their thoughts, feelings and their struggled throughout the story will build them and, hopefully, help players sympathize with them.
The player has the power to choose who will die or who will live. Major choices and whether a character lives or dies will influence the next chapter. From there, a domino effect occurs that will affect the ending in the long run. Can you get the best ending and save them all? Or can you pick the correct decisions, save the right people to discover the real ending?















ADD-ONS? No problem! We've got 'ya covered! Check out our add-on items below! We've written the price and shipping fee for each item, so if anything fancies you, just add the total amount to your existing pledge! Easy-peasy! :D







Credits: BGM used in the ending part of our Kickstarter trailer was made by Tobu - Candyland.





Do copies of the game come with Steam keys?

Yes! :)


Why do you need that much money for a visual novel?

The visual novel we're trying to create is pretty ambitious with moving backgrounds, characters, painted graphics and overall 6 characters you can play. $30,000 isn't a lot if you think about the writers, artists and programmers working full-time for a whole, solid year just to finish the game.


Is this a 'hentai' game?



A beach scene on a horror game? Really?

The beach scene is actually a concept for one of our long-term endings (if all the characters live, happy ending, yay!), since we want to show that our game has a lighter side to it and not just pure horror/tragedy/sobs.


Will the game be available for consoles?

Right now we're prioritizing desktop, followed by mobile release. We currently don't have plans to port it on consoles, but it's something that we will seriously consider in the future if there's enough demand. Please stay tuned for further announcements!


Will the game have DRM?

It seems that DRM are actually more punishing to our respected customers than it punishes the pirates, so in this regard, we decided to let The Letter be DRM-Free.

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Choose your Perk



$20 USD
- Digital copy of the game - Digital thank you sketch - 2x HD Wallpapers - Your name in credits
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
38 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
- Individual thank you sketch of all the major characters with their own, special messages. So that's seven colored sketches, sent to you in high resolution. - Those who pledged at least $40 and above will get this tier for free! - Or you can also add $5 to your pledge to get this reward!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
3 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$5 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's stickers. One whole sticker sheet featuring all the major and minor characters in the game!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$15 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's physical CD soundtrack. A soundtrack CD set containing all the original music composition used in the game, including the game's opening and ending theme songs!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$15 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's postcard set. A colorful postcard set featuring all the playable heroes and heroines of the game!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$18 USD
- Digital copy of the game - Digital thank you sketch
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
8 claimed


$25 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's keychain set. 2-inch clear acrylic keychain charms of all the main/playable characters in the game!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$25 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's T-shirt. A beautiful, painted shirt featuring one of the iconic characters in the game.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
2 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$30 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's chibi figure. See the cute side of horror with our ghost's chibi figure! Approximate height of the toy is around 10 cm.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$40 USD
- Digital Soundtrack - Digital Artbook - Exclusive HD Wallpaper - Also includes ✪ BACKER ✪ and ✪ DIGITAL BASIC ✪ rewards
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
- The Letter Game DVD Box Set - Includes ✪ DIGITAL DELUXE ✪ Rewards
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's physical artbook. An A4-size, hardbound, and fully colored artbook of at least 100 pages with art tips and comments from our artists, as well as selected fanworks from our players!
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$80 USD
- An exclusive, backer-only digital copy of the game with special added content/path - Digital copy of the game in mobile (iOS & Android). - Beta-Access - Includes ✪ DIGITAL DELUXE ✪ Rewards
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
6 claimed


$80 USD
This is an add-on perk for The Letter's Physical DVD Box Set with Exclusive Content/Path. Also contains a mini-booklet inside.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


$120 USD
- T-Shirt - Post Card Set - Keychain Set - Stickers - A3-size poster with all the characters - All previous, non-limited Rewards
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$200 USD
- Soundtrack CD Box Set - Hardbound, full-colored Art Book (A4-size) - Chibi Figure - Signed Thank You card with messages from each member of the team - An exclusive, backer-only The Letter Game DVD Box Set with special added content/path - All previous, non-limited rewards
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
8 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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