Our Story
We are a group of Student Filmmakers, on the cusp of becoming industry professionals, currently studying at Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy in Chicago, IL. Our group is composed of future Producers, Directors,
Writers, Cinematographers, Editors, and Sound Engineers who have all come together for our
final project at Tribeca Flashpoint; A 10-Minute short film entitled “THE LINEâ€.
This project is the pinnacle of our career as student filmmakers and is
designed in a way that we can transition into the world of professional
filmmaking. We are working directly with an Executive Producer, who is
faculty at the school. The rest of the current thirty crew members are
composed fully of second year students, with production assistants in
their first year. Many of these students entered into an accelerated
program, and have shown incredible growth and initiative since starting
school just last January, June, or in some cases September. Our crew has been vetted and gone through an interview process and we are currently working hard in pre-production to bring you a film we hope you all will enjoy.
The Line's Story
The Line is a story that speaks to all walks of humanity. Everyone has
said something out of anger that they’ve regretted later. This film
reminds us to always think before we speak and to always be conscious of how our words can effect others.
What We Need & What You Get
Tribeca Flashpoint Academy is allotting us a part of our budget, but the bulk of it relies on us.... poor college students with a vision. To make this project work we figured production will cost us about $1,500. Our producer has created an extensive budget and is constantly revising it to make sure we aren't spending too much, but also to make sure we know exactly what we need. As most of us are graduating this year we want to make this a professional set without professional pay, so the majority of our budget is going to feed our 31 crew members along with actors and extras. A typical shooting day is 4 pages of script, but to cut costs we are shooting for 5 pages a day. This means even longer hours with shorter breaks. Also, since we are recreating an "indie" coffee shop on a sound stage we need to virtually build it from the ground up which would include everything a coffee shop will have. That means we would need coffee machines, posters, tables and artwork along with specialty wardrobe items for the coffee shop employees, all of which we must create.
Other Ways You Can Help
As college students we understand if you cannot afford to donate at this time, but there are more ways to help:
1. If you have anything you would like to donate such as props, aprons or even 9 volt batteries we would love to here from you. Send Adam (Producer) an email at thelinemovie@live.com
2. Spread the word about The Line. Whether it be online, on your phone or even at your local coffee shop as long as you pass it on you're helping us out!