Hello dear friends. What do you do when they lived happily ever after turns into what is to become of me now? This is the story of Liri's fairy tale romance.
The scene opens with the innocent maiden living in her home country of Albania. There, she works as a cardiac surgical nurse at Mother Theresa Hospital. It is here the story begins to take shape.
During her routine duties, Liri is called upon to care for a woman, who is engaged to a very famous family member in America. Everyone falls in love with Liri, and she is smitten by this lovely family. After a few weeks, Liri travels to Switzerland to the Geneva Convention with this family.
And now, dear friends—enter the fairy tale.
This family wines and dines the two ladies, first in Albania--including places even Liri has never set eyes upon--and then, at the Geneva Convention. Often, she is escorted to France for lunch, just for a change of venue. Since the fiancé works at the Geneva Convention, the fact Liri has no visa for France makes no matter.
After four weeks, the fiancé escorts Liri to the airport to come to America and meet his parents. Some time later, Liri chooses to travel to Maryland.
It is here that the next phase of this lovely fairy tale unfolds…
While Liri’s place of abode is in the historic section known as "Little Italy," she meets the prince's mother, whose mother-in-law and her husband first introduced pizza to the community in 1927. The prince's mother emotionally adopts Princess Liri of Albania as her “daughter.” It is through his mother that Liri comes to meet Prince Joseph of America.
And now, dear friends—enter the romance…
A year of charming dating and romance grow as a flower embraces the kiss of the early-morn sun. Thus, on the first night alone together, Prince Joseph and Princess Liri embark on a daring and passionately physical love affair. She feels the splendid wonder surging through her essence. Liri is indeed possessed by the passionate flavors of June’s fragrant flowers.
Liri of Albania is in love, in a deep and abiding love with Joseph of America. What more can she want? What more can she desire, save for this tale to live on eternally.
But alas…such a tale to be told, to be lived and relived, is not to be for Liri. Something is awry. Some penetrating, deep darkness is lurking about the prince. And, this shroud is descending upon the princess’ fairy tale. It overcomes her--welling up emotions of shock, ambiguity, and disquietude within her very being.
On their fateful first night, Liri discovers Joseph's secrets that expose his dark desires. Even with his darkness, Liri chooses to help him strengthen his emotional broken wings. From the beginning, Princess Liri patiently watches the prince’s wounded wings begin to heal. They spread in the light of her abiding love for him.
As Joseph grows stronger, so does his confidence. He tells her that she hit the “jackpot” by meeting him. He often refers to himself as a jackpot due to his wealth, his social standing, and his past marriage to the daughter of the Super Bowl Championship quarterback—"The Golden Arm."
However, on a day difficult to be erased from the folds of her wounded heart, Prince Joseph of America speaks these painful words to Princess Liri of Albania:
“You must go!”
“But why, Joe? I love you.”
“I know, but you must go!”
Do my ears deceive me? thinks Liri. She asks her beloved:
“What’s wrong? We were just kissing and hugging. Why do you say such things?”
Liri feels as if her love—her prince—has stuck a grenade down her throat and--BOOM!…
And now, dear friends, now you know how they lived happily ever after turns into what is to become of me now? What you don’t know is what darkness Liri discovers in Joseph of America and why, in a moment of confidence with newly healed wings, he flies away from broken-hearted Princess Liri of Albania.
This is my story, bound to be published with the help and support from you, my dear friends, without whom I, Liri Fusha, cannot build this castle in words.
Thank you so much.
What We Need
$15,000 will pay for the expenses to prepare the Liri & Joseph Fairy Tale Romance story into a complete manuscript format to be SELF-PUBLISHED with
Here is the AuthorHouse link to view the budget for the selected Premier Package:
$2,000 for marketing, advertising with and other companies.
$600.00 for Rev. Stephen B. Ambush to write my story, since he is donating much of his writing time toward the campaign. He also contributed $100.00 to my campaign.
Stephen published the children's story BOOK #1 THE BUTTER MONSTER: The Most Endearing Cad Ever to Warm the Cockles of Your Heart through AuthorHouse. Here is a synopsis:
In this Aesopic-inspired, modern allegory, seven-year-old Puddin’ Tane puts a stick of butter on the heated stove during a cake-baking session. The melting butter transforms into the Butter Monster. Angry that he can’t make his escape, he challenges the “Fraidy Family” (his phrase) to a fight. UH-OH! Let the adventures begin…
You may buy Stephen's book at these fine establishments...
You may peruse Stephen's book at his website link:
The following are Stephen’s credits:
- The 2010 completion of the intensive, online writing program, “Breaking into Print” at the Long Ridge Writers Group.
- In 2008, a profile piece on “The Immigrant Learning Center” was published in the Malden Observer.
- In 2007, a profile piece on Malden, Massachusetts’ incoming school superintendent was published in the Malden Observer.
Straight Up: A Learning Curve from a Wise “Sakom” was published in Northeast Security’s employee newsletter.
In 2006, A Modern Old-Style Diner profile piece was published in the Everett Independent.
He has also written the following manuscripts slated for publication:
- 8 different children's book series.
- 6 adult stories.
- 31 articles/essays.
Stephen is a graduate of Berklee College of Music as an arranging, composition, and percussion major. He holds a B.S. in Elementary Education, a M.Div in ministry (ordained 1/1985), a M.S. in Counseling Psychology, and completed 1 year of a D.Min degree in Psychology and Clinical Counseling. He has over 30 years' experience in ministry and counseling, including 2 years as a family counselor in a women's prison in Hawai'i.
$800.00 for the purchase and printing fees for the T-shirts showing the book cover picture.
$500.00 for the cost of photos and processing fees for the book cover.
$100.00 for the post cards and stamps.
$1,000 for a few miscellaneous unexpected expenses such as more T-Shirts, post cards, etc. if necessary to fulfill all perks.
The Impact
I believe that this—my first project—will positively impact people's emotional love life by offering suggested advice from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE on how to avoid "they lived happily ever after" turning into "what is to become of me now?" I feel it is important for people, especially young people, of the world to be careful with their love life experiences. Decisions have consequences.
My experience has taught me that every person has to be respected, whether you are a doctor's wife, a lawyer's wife, or a housekeeper's wife. This means that a woman deserves to be treated as a princess. Does not a young maiden desire to be encompassed by the inner warmth of appreciation when approached and treated as a princess? Is this not a universal experience? For, how else does one explain the universal appeal of stories such as Cinderella?
My fairy tale romance has left an indelible mark upon my heart. I pray my experience will help you make healthy choices in your own fairy tale romances.
Risks & Challenges
God-forbid, if I don't reach my goal, whatever funds received shall go directly toward the completion of the manuscript. Not reaching my goal will only DELAY my final project's time frame for publication. However, I shall work very hard to complete this goal as soon as possible.
I am from Albania. I moved to America in 2004 and could not speak English. Not only did I learn English—a very, very difficult process for me—but, I went on to pass all the proficiency requirements and learned all the names and methods of American cardiac surgery that allowed me to continue my Albanian career as a cardiac surgical nurse here in America.
My friends, imagine how a baby, just beginning to walk, still requires mother's supporting hand while her baby grows stronger and more independent. I, too, need support in writing DOWN my story. This is my story. These are my ideas. Yet, I need to hire a professional writer who knows how to gather my ideas together and present my hard-earned lessons of love in passionate and creative ways that you will enjoy.
Other Ways You Can Help
Dear angel contributors, not only can you help me by building a castle brick-by-brick and by completing my project dollar-by-dollar but by kindly spreading the news of my project to your dear friends and relatives who can help.
Please send them to my campaign website by clicking the shortcut link: