Short Summary
We would like to start by thanking everyone who is a part of this, either by being in the crew or by helping us make our goal.
Now I would like to talk to you about our crew, we are all Minneapolis Community & Technical college (MCTC) students working on our second year final. Though we are students we have a lot of experience in a lot of things.
The director of the film Brian Arnold is a great student and has worked on many of our school productions and has also directed some of his own, like "Cheers"
We also have a class of amazing cinematographers, and one of them is Eric Meon, one of the best DP's in the program.
This Short film is being produced by me, Jesus Martinez, I, like the others have worked on a few films, and have produced my own, like "Christmas Bonus" and have also done an internship at Univision, a T.V station in Minnesota.
What We Need & What You Get
Break it down for folks in more detail:
We are asking for $3000. This will help us get the following things.
With your contribution we will be able to get craft services, props, location fees, and fight coordinator.
With your funding, we will be able to get money for food for both our actors and our crew. We will also be able to get a fight coordinator, we are very professional and are working with amazing actors and a fight coordinator to make sure they are all safe at all times.
And with your funding we will also be able to get all the props we need for our actors and everything we need on set.
Other Ways You Can Help
We ask for your help, either by contribution or by letting the word out. If you can help us let people know that is of great help as well.
Thank you for all your time.