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The Man With the Missing Thumb

We need cash to produce the Pilot episode of The Man with the Missing Thumb.

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The Man With the Missing Thumb

The Man With the Missing Thumb

The Man With the Missing Thumb

The Man With the Missing Thumb

The Man With the Missing Thumb

We need cash to produce the Pilot episode of The Man with the Missing Thumb.

We need cash to produce the Pilot episode of The Man with the Missing Thumb.

We need cash to produce the Pilot episode of The Man with the Missing Thumb.

We need cash to produce the Pilot episode of The Man with the Missing Thumb.

Jason Lupish
Jason Lupish
Jason Lupish
Jason Lupish
3 Campaigns |
St. Catharines, Canada
$2,659 USD $2,659 USD 48 backers
76% of $3,463 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Short Summary

We decided to shoot a pilot for a series that we're going to shop around.

We've raised a bit of funding already through sponsorship, product placement, and from our own pockets.  But we're a bit short, about 5,000 short. This 5,000 will go to pay the cast and crew, pay for things like food on set, some extra gear that we need, and general miscellaneous expenses that come with producing a film.

What Will You Get?

Besides the warm fuzzy feeling you get by helping your friends?  Well, there are some pretty cool perks at the side, so check them out.

What happens if the pilot doesn't get picket up?

We make it anyways. Our original intention was to not take it to networks, but recent developments in relationships has put us in a position to be able to pitch it to some pretty big people, so we're doing that first.  If that fails, we'll do whatever we can to raise more money to make the first season and broadcast it for free on the web.

The Story

The Man with the Missing Thumb is about Reggie, a young girl whose obsession with comics, and pulp noir stories transcends into real-life when she finds a severed thumb on the sidewalk infront of the comic book store she works at. 

Together with her best friend Alice, they set out to find the origins of the thumb, and uncover a series of mysterious murders going back 15 years.  It’s a dark comedy about a young woman’s determination to do good, and the people that are trying to stop her.


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Choose your Perk

Signed Poster

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew + DVD Copy of the Pilot
13 claimed


Currency Conversion $24 USD
$35 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew + BluRay Copy of the Pilot
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew DVD Copy of the pilot + Gen. Admission ticket to the premiere
6 claimed


Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Gen. Admission ticket to the premiere + Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot
5 claimed

Bruce Banned Wall

Currency Conversion $42 USD
$60 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray(or digital download) copy of the Pilot + Get your photo on the "Bruce Banned Wall" in the comic book store. There is a scene where Reggie recognizes one of the kids in the store from being on the "Bruce Banned Wall" a wall of photos signifying the people who have been banned from the store. You have to be willing to come down to the office (1 St. Paul Street St. Catharines) and have your photo taken.
0 out of 15 of claimed


Currency Conversion $52 USD
$75 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew + Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot + 1 x VIP Ticket
0 claimed

VIP for 2

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew + Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot + 2 x VIP Ticket
12 claimed

Be An Extra

Currency Conversion $104 USD
$150 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot 2 x VIP Ticket + Be an extra in the Comic Book store scene. Hang around the craft services table for some free donuts, and see how we work.
2 out of 5 of claimed

Car Wash

Currency Conversion $139 USD
$200 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot 2 x VIP Ticket Be an extra in the Comic Book store scene. + Ralph will wash your car ... in short shorts.
0 out of 4 of claimed

Dinner for Two

Currency Conversion $242 USD
$350 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray(or digital download) copy of the Pilot + Director Jason Lupish will come to your house and make you dinner. Self proclaimed gourmet chef, he's no Erik Peacock but he'll make an unforgettable fun meal. * Will travel up to an hour from Niagara Sample Menu Here:
0 out of 2 of claimed

Associate Producer

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray (or digital download) copy of the Pilot 2 x VIP Ticket + Get a Private Screening of the Pilot before anyone else + Associate Producer Credit +Visit the set and skim from the craft services table
0 claimed

Dinner for Four

Currency Conversion $381 USD
$550 CAD
Same as Dinner for Two but host a dinner party for you and 3 guests. Followed by a screening of your choice. The Man With the Missing Thumb (if completed by then), or A Kind of Wonderful Thing. * Will travel up to an hour from Niagara Sample Menu Here:
0 out of 1 of claimed

Executive Producer

Currency Conversion $693 USD
$1,000 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray(or digital download) copy of the Pilot 2 x VIP Ticket Get a Private Screening of the Pilot before anyone else + Come to dinner with the Main Cast and Crew Saturday night before Production begins + Executive Producer Credit +Visit the set and skim from the craft services table
0 claimed

wow ... thanks

Currency Conversion $3,463 USD
$5,000 CAD
11x17 Poster Signed by Cast/Crew Blu Ray(or digital download) copy of the Pilot 2 x VIP Ticket Get a Private Screening of the Pilot before anyone else Executive Producer Credit + Advertise your company or product in the pilot … or we'll give one of our characters your name. +Visit the set and skim from the craft services table
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $139 USD
$200 CAD
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

The Steve B. Special

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

The Edie Special

Currency Conversion $519 USD
$750 CAD
1 out of 1 of claimed
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