From the Director and Producers of the Award Winning Documentary, Scramble the Seawolves, Arballo Entertainment is both honored and humbled to have the opportunity to produce the captivating story of the The Mobile Riverine Force, a story that began more than 50 years ago on the waters and in the rice paddies of the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War. This is where we need your help!
Our motivation in telling this story is to honor the Soldiers and Sailors of the Mobile Riverine Force for their service and tremendous personal sacrifice during the Vietnam War and the best way we can do that is to ensure that their story, told by those who were there, is not lost to time, but shared with the Nation.
From 1967 to 1970, in the III and IV Corp Tactical Zone, South Vietnam, approximately 5,000 Soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd Brigade of the U.S. Army's 9th Infantry Division, and Sailors of the U.S. Navy's Riverine Assault Force, worked together as Brothers in defense of the Delta. A truly unique fighting force, the cooperation, dedication and resolve of the Joint Army-Navy Operation would earn the Mobile Riverine Force their proud place in the annals of our Military and U.S. History.
With 11 Medal of Honor Recipients, the United States highest military award for valor and gallantry, numerous Navy Crosses, Distinguished Service Crosses, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars and Unit awards including, but not limited to, Presidential Unit Citations, Navy Unit Commedations, Meritorious Unit Commendations, Vietnam Gallantry Crosses, Vietnam Civil Actions, First Class Ribbons, thousands of Purple Hearts and many Soldiers and Sailors who made the supreme sacrifice in service to our Nation, deserve to have their story known by ALL Americans and we're honored to be a part of this.
We'd like to thank you for standing beside us as we embark on this exciting Mission. As you may know, producing a Feature length Documentary is not inexpensive, so we are launching our first fundraising campaign. We are excited to offer some very special "Perks" as a thank you for your valued contribution to this campaign. Every dollar is appreciated and will go a long way towards making this film possible. We humbly ask that you share this page with everyone you know!!
LIMITED AVAILABILITY 22"x28" Mobile Riverine Print, numbered and signed by Artist and Mobile Riverine Force Veteran, Tom Nielson, River Assault Division 132 onboard T-132-6. Jan Nielson, Tom's wife, has generously donated her remaining supply of this beautiful artwork in honor of her late Husband, Tom, and in support of this endeavor.
We thank Jan for her kindness and support.
Other Ways You Can Help
We realize that some of you have already made a Tax Deductible Contribution towards production directly to the Mobile Riverine Force Association. Thank you!
If you own a Company or Organization and have an interest in becoming a Corporate Sponsor, please send us an email at and we will be sure to connect directly.
We realize that not everyone can contribute financially. That's ok, we completely understand. The great news is that you can still help us reach our goal!
In order for us to reach our goal, the more people that see this campaign the higher the likelihood of reaching our goal.
Please help up get the word out about this campaign and share on Facebook, Twitter, Email, through your local VFW or Military Groups, within your family or any other place you can think of. You can use the Indiegogo share tools!
Thank you in advance for your support! Stories like this really do matter!