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The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

Join at The One Last Party to celebrate all six of Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films

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The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

The One Last Party - There and Back Again!

Join at The One Last Party to celebrate all six of Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films

Join at The One Last Party to celebrate all six of Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films

Join at The One Last Party to celebrate all six of Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films

Join at The One Last Party to celebrate all six of Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films

Kirsten Cairns
Kirsten Cairns
Kirsten Cairns
Kirsten Cairns
2 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$219,187 USD 1,473 backers
121% of $180,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects was founded in 1999 by a group of like-minded Tolkien fans so anxious for the coming Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films, they were gathering up every scrap of production information to be found. Today, continues to be dedicated to bringing fans the latest news on the beloved people involved in the making of the wildly popular Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies, as well as hosting very popular Tolkien-centered events and fan gatherings. Who can forget the famous Oscar parties that hosted the cast and crew after each Oscar-night victory, culminating in an incredible eleven-Oscar sweep for The Return of the King?

As we get ready for the release for the final film in the Hobbit Trilogy, we couldn’t let Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth movies sail into the West without one final, big celebration!  So we’re planning to hold a Party of Special Magnificence next February — a final toast to all SIX movies, both The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy.

This will be on Saturday 21st Feb 2015 – the day BEFORE the Oscars – at a venue in Los Angeles, TBA. There will be music, food, drink, entertainment and all kinds of fun! William Kircher’s (Bifur) band The California Dreamers are all set to come and perform, and TORn’s good friends Celtic musicians Emerald Rose will be there too, so we’ll all be able to get up on our Proud Foots (Proud FEET!) and dance the night away.

Actors Richard Armitage (Thorin), John Bell (Bain), Manu Bennett (Azog), Billy Boyd (Pippin), Jed Brophy (Nori), Adam Brown (Ori) and Graham McTavish (Dwalin) have all already said they’ll be there (schedules permitting). Billy is keen to sing for us - maybe our own live version of The Last Goodbye! And of course all cast and crew are invited.

All that is needed is YOU!

But here’s the thing…

We cannot hold this event unless we raise much of the cost in advance. Hence the Indiegogo campaign! If you, the fans, would like there to be a special celebration of Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth movies, then now’s the chance to make it happen!

We wanted to be sure that EVERYONE can be involved with this celebration. Through this campaign, even those who aren’t able to join us in person for the party can be part of the 'thank you' we will send to the filmmakers, and can have special souvenirs of the occasion.

We also know how much the fans love exclusive, signed items – so we have some amazing perks signed by different cast members (and even by Christopher Tolkien himself!) in return for your pledges.

This will be the last big chance to celebrate Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth with TORn and fellow fans (and, we hope, some very special guests). Don’t miss the last boat to leave the Grey Havens — this will be a night to remember, and you can help make it happen!

The Return of the One Party, 2004 - PJ et al on stage at TORn's special event.

To hold a party of this kind costs BIG money. Hiring a private venue, laying on a buffet, putting on a show, etc., just isn’t possible for less than about $180,000.  We’ve tried!  To give you an idea, for 2013’s ‘The One Expected Party’, JUST the hire of lights, amps, microphones, etc needed for the live show cost $55,000!

Alas, volunteer-run just doesn’t have access to that kind of money; hence the Indiegogo campaign!

It’s also a convenient way to sell tickets in advance. Using Indiegogo’s ‘fixed funding’ goal, we don't receive your money unless the goal is met. So, you can happily support the campaign safe in the knowledge that if our goal isn’t met and we can’t hold this party of Special Magnificence, your money comes back to you! Your money only comes to us IF the goal is met and the party will happen.

You can pledge at a variety of levels:

  • Can’t be there but want a cool memento of the occasion? You might want to be one of the ‘Men of Lake-town’, and get a great ‘Supporter’s’ t-shirt and button for $35. 

  • Just want to buy your ticket? Pledge as an ‘Expected Party Goer’, for $200. That gets you your ticket to the event – simple as that!

  • Want something special in addition to the party ticket? Maybe the ‘Thror’, ‘Thrain’ or ‘Thorin’ levels are for you, with exciting autographed items to be had.

  • Really want to show just how much you want to celebrate with and fellow fans? You might just be a ‘TORn star’…

‘Expected Party Goer’ is the level for a basic ticket – full details in the ‘Perks’ section show what that ticket includes.  If you’d also like a souvenir t-shirt and button with your ticket, you’re a ‘Rivendell Reveller’.

Each pledge made is recorded as a separate contribution, good for ONE admission to the party. (Per Indiegogo's own guidelines: 'Each contribution made is recorded as a separate contribution with a separate perk. If you would like to receive a new perk, you can do this in a separate contribution.') If you’d like more than one admission, simply pledge at that level more than once! Want three tickets? Pledge three times!

Please let us know the name of the attendee for each pledge you make. And if you'd like to upgrade your existing perk or select a different perk, please just contact us.

The party is open to anyone aged 14 and over; those under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.

NB: Tickets are transferable, as long as we know the name of the attendee using the ticket 48 hours in advance of the event. So, if you buy a ticket and then can't use it,  you can transfer the ticket to a friend.

DON'T WAIT to get your ticket - we will NOT be selling tickets outside of this campaign! So don't think you'll buy 'after' we raise the funding - it's now or never, folks!

If we don’t raise enough money to hold the party, we don't get a penny of your pledge. Everything comes back to you unless we reach our goal! So the only risk is that we aren’t able to throw the celebration we’d like – but we’ll all just go to the pub together instead!

For those pledging for the special signed items: if the goal is not met, we’ll contact you to arrange a way to get those items to you in return for a donation direct to TORn.

A party by fans, for fans, just like itself – that’s what we’re hoping to hold, so we can all celebrate in a memorable way the epic journey of these films, and the friendships we’ve made through our fandom. We hope you want to do that too, and will give this campaign your support.

If you aren’t able to pledge at this time, you can still show your support by helping us get the word out:

  • Tell your friends! Share the campaign on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Remember you can use the Indiegogo share tools!

Hanon le, mellon nin!

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Choose your Perk

Fellowship of Fans

$10 USD
We'll inscribe your name on our One Last Party roll of honour on the TORn website, with grateful thanks for your support! PLUS Your name will go on an EPIC 'thank you' card we will present or send to Peter Jackson, from fans everywhere, to express our appreciation for the immense effort he, his cast and crew have put into the epic journey of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films.
219 claimed

Company of Dwarves - US only

$30 USD
You'll receive a One Last Party Supporter t-shirt that our graphic-design gurus will specially design for those who pledge to this event PLUS you enjoy all the 'Fellowship of Fans' benefits too! This perk is for US shipping ONLY; see 'The Eagles' perk for INTERNATIONAL shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
116 out of 150 of claimed

Men of Lake-town - US only

$35 USD
You'll receive a One Last Party Supporter t-shirt that our graphic-design gurus will specially design for those who pledge to this event, plus an exclusive event-only TORn button! PLUS you enjoy all the 'Fellowship of Fans' benefits too! This perk is for US shipping ONLY; see 'Ents' March' perk for INTERNATIONAL shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
127 out of 300 of claimed

The Eagles - outside US only

$40 USD
You'll receive a One Last Party Supporter t-shirt that our graphic-design gurus will specially design for those who pledge to this event PLUS you enjoy all the 'Fellowship of Fans' benefits too! This perk is for International (ie outside US) shipping ONLY; see 'Company of Dwarves' perk for US shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
45 out of 150 of claimed

Ents' March - outside US only

$45 USD
You'll receive a One Last Party Supporter t-shirt that our graphic-design gurus will specially design for those who pledge to this event, plus an exclusive event-only TORn button! PLUS you enjoy all the 'Fellowship of Fans' benefits too! This perk is for INTERNATIONAL (ie outside US) shipping ONLY; see 'Men of Lake-town' perk for US shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
52 out of 300 of claimed

Entish Entertainment

$100 USD
For those on a budget: join us later in the evening! This perk does NOT include dinner, free drinks or goody bag. It DOES get you into the event, to party with your fellow fans and enjoy the performance. Dress code is formal or costumes. Drinks and raffle tickets will be available to buy; NO food will be available. Entish Entertainment party goers will be admitted to the party approx 2 hrs into the evening; we'll confirm details nearer the time. Includes 'Fellowship of the Fans' perks.
54 out of 100 of claimed

Amazing Artwork

$1,000 USD
Courtesy of the amazing Jerry VanderStelt: a set of 3 stunning Lord of the Rings prints with hand drawn character sketches! This is The LotR Trilogy lithograph bundle. They come with a certificate of authenticity, and are signed and numbered by VanderStelt. This set is particularly special, as they also feature unique pencil sketches of Sauron, Gandalf and Aragorn. Extraordinary collectibles! Prints measure 24x30. See pics in Gallery. US shipping only. Includes 'Fellowship of the Fans' perks.
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

TORn Star

$10,000 USD
Star supporter! Your name (as you wish) will appear on a party banner, program and in a homepage post. You'll also receive a thank you note from a TORn senior staffer, and a DVD of highlights from the party. Your party stuff still includes: VIP Party Admission FOR 2 ME-themed dinner, show, 2 drinks Expanded Goody Bag(gins) w/One Last Party t-shirt & button! 2 tix in our ME raffle 'Fellowship of Fans' benefits TORn upholds strict 'no autograph' rules. See 'Groovy Galadriel' for detai
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Thranduil Special! - WINTER

$100 USD
Estimated Shipping
March 2015
9 out of 9 of claimed
sold out

Mirkwood Elves

$2,500 USD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Gimli, Son of Gloin

$5,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2015
1 out of 1 of claimed
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