"The Perfect Color" started as a dream. In August 2012, a small crew in Albany, NY helped turn that dream into a reality. Now you can help us get this short film cut and ready for the final push!
WHAT'S "THE PERFECT COLOR" ABOUT?After a childhood tragedy, Bill struggles with perfection and purpose. His emotional turmoil is manisfested through the painting of his sterile apartment and his superficial relationships. Love, it seems, is as elusive as "The Perfect Color". After an encounter with Jane, mysterious as she is beautiful, Bill is forced to confront his madness.
We've hired Adam Jacques as our editor and he's worth every penny! He was 1st Assistant Camera during production so he's a jack of all trades. As an editor, Adam has a close attention to detail, a thorough knowledge of media management and a natural sense of pacing and editorial storytelling. If this wasn't enough, he's also super cool, agreeing to get started on the edit before being paid in full. Now that's dedication. Adam wants to see this film completed and we want to see him paid for his awesome work!
You can watch Adam's
demo reel here, which includes many collaborations with The Perfect Color's director Justin Halstead. You can also see more of Justin's work on his website for
Motor Vision Media.
Once we have the cut and a trailer is completed, the final phase of post-production begins! That means sound mixing, music and special effects. We'll have one last funding campaign to complete the film and get it ready for distribution. Next stop: the summer 2013 festival circuit. Because of "The Perfect Color's" unique visual concept and powerful performances, we're hopeful that the film will grab some serious attention, maybe even at Tribeca or Sundance!
WHAT DO YOU GET?This film is only possible because of a wonderful group of people (mostly unpaid) who came together and dedicated their time and energy to this project. They made sacrifices to help this film. They want to see it completed. Your contribution means more to us than just finishing a movie. You're giving meaning to all of these people's sacrifices. But that's not all. Check out the perk's below. We want you to feel like you're a part of the project. We hope the perks do just that.