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The Poe Project

Three one-acts inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

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The Poe Project

The Poe Project

The Poe Project

The Poe Project

The Poe Project

Three one-acts inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

Three one-acts inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

Three one-acts inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

Three one-acts inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

Nathan Zebedeo
Nathan Zebedeo
Nathan Zebedeo
Nathan Zebedeo
3 Campaigns |
New York, United States
$340 USD 5 backers
34% of $1,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.

- Edgar Allan Poe

This summer, BROKEN GLASS presents workshop performances of three original one-act plays inspired by the tales of Gothic genius Edgar Allan Poe.

When:   August 8th-12

Where:  The Bridge Theatre

             244 W 54th St, 12th Fl

             New York, NY 10019

What:   ISO by Kate Moran, based on Some Words with a Mummy

             TELL-TALE by Antoinette Nwandu, based on The Tell-Tale Heart

             CHEERS by Nathan Zebedeo, based on The Cask of Amontillado

Why Poe?

Edgar Allan Poe's work spans the range of human emotions - from love, joy, and passion to jealousy, paranoia, rage and, of course, fear. With uncanny perception and unflinching honesty, Poe's writing is able to get at our most primal instincts. When Poe holds up the mirror to society, we at first suspect that we are staring back at a carnival funhouse reflection. With dawning comprehension, we realize with horror that his mirror is perhaps far more realistic than we dare believe. That which we truly fear is not being lost in the dark, but the darkness inside of our own hearts and minds.

We Need Your Help!

These exciting new plays cannot be brought to the stage without your support. There are a few ways to help:

  • Please consider making a donation. Thanks to our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas, your financial contribution will be tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Check out the different perks you can take advantage of!
  • Come see our show! Tickets will be on sale soon and we will keep you posted.
  • Share this campaign with your family and friends. It doesn't take much to post us to Twitter or Facebook.

Poe Fun Facts

For The Raven, one of the most famous or Poe’s works, if not the most famous, he was paid $9.

He was born the same year as Abraham Lincoln (with whom he may, or may not, have been a vampire hunter).

For most of his life, the iconic mustache was absent. Only in the much darker, desperate, final years did he grow that romantic, brooding facial hair and begin to go mad.

Poe’s bizarre life didn’t stop just because he died in 1849. He was buried in an unmarked grave, and when gossip finally led to a stone being ordered, it was destroyed in a train accident.

Ever since 1949, someone has left a bottle of cognac and some roses on Poe’s grave. Who is leaving these things? And why?

Who We Are

BROKEN GLASS is a company of collaborative theatre artists. Using classic texts as our inspiration, we seek to create new and original works that address and illuminate today's pressing sociopolitical issues. Our goal is to provide audiences with an extremely relevant theatre experience. We believe that our work is only as good as the conversation it provokes.

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Choose your Perk

The Raven

$10 USD
You'll receive our undying gratitude and a mention in our program. If 100 friends donate at this level, we'll have reached our goal!
0 claimed

The Black Cat

$25 USD
In addition to a mention in our program, you'll receive a coupon code for a $5 discount on a ticket to the show.
1 claimed

The Pit

$50 USD
Enjoy all of the above perks, PLUS a drink on the house, courtesy of your devoted fans at Broken Glass.
0 claimed

The Pendulum

$100 USD
All of the above, PLUS a signed 11x14 poster signed by the cast and creative team.
3 claimed

The Fall of the House of Usher

$200 USD
All of the above, PLUS two (2) tickets to a performance of your choice.
0 claimed


$500 USD
We'll put you on a pedestal. Enjoy the perks above, two additional tickets to the show, and be listed as a Producer on the show.
0 claimed

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